‘By the Way’ Noticeboard

The Cat SAT on the Mat
Alphor: Out of our society’s Socio-Econo-Enviro- (SEE) targets we must prioritise the Economy, right? You know: ‘Economy, Economy, Economy’; ‘Jobs, Jobs, Jobs’.
Betor: ‘Trickle-down will solve our economic and social problems?’
Alphor: ‘Reckon.’
Betor: ‘What about our environmental calamities? After all, aren’t they caused by our economy?’
Alphor: ‘Mmm, … maybe, for now, we put the environment aside … actually, on second thoughts, we can solve our environmental problems with Science & Technology – more and better solar panels, windmills – I mean wind-turbines – and electric cars.’
Betor: ‘What about plastic – isn’t it the case that all the plastic ever made still exists? And, how about land-and-water-pollution, over-population, habitat-destruction, over-consumption such as McMansionism etc. Even if, somehow, we immediately stopped accelerating the destruction – for example, kept global population constant and the yearly amount of extra plastic and extra habitat-destruction constant, wouldn’t we still face catastrophe?’
Alphor: ‘Well, it’s all the same – we must prioritise STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics).’
Betor: ‘But, isn’t Science & Technology (SAT) the source of all our environmental problems – i.e. hasn’t the environmental destruction been accelerating since the Industrial Revolution? And, isn’t the Industrial Revolution a SAT revolution?’
Alphor: ‘It’s a cataclysmic load of codswallop – after all, ‘it takes one to know one’, we must ‘fight fire with fire’ and if ‘SAT’ caused the problem then it can also vanquish the problem.’
Betor: ‘Righto then – I guess we just keep going the way we are and wait for the tattooed and tattered cat to catch the fat rat then SAT on the mat so we can give it a pat.’
Alphor: ‘What?’
February 28, 2021
Ever get the feeling there’s a massive hole in our collective thinking?
After all, who will say, ‘yes, we’ve certainly got our heads around the perfect storm of culminating exponentiating Socio-Econo-Enviro- (SEE) catastrophes confronting us’?
In terms of our Socio-, we are presented with such solutions as:
- ‘Trickle-down’ economics
- ‘Raise the Rate’
- Social-housing
- Stronger law-enforcement
- Drug injection rooms and alcohol & other drug rehabilitation centres
- Gun-phrases such as ‘Have a go to get a go’ and ‘The best form of welfare is a job’
- Science & Technology in the form of better medicine and online job-applying
In terms of our Econo-, there are:
- Business subsidies
- Lower taxes
- Greater obstacles and more stigma to receiving Jobseeker
[Note: Obstacles and Stigma increase the more ‘Raise the Rate 4 Eternity’ is successful.]
- ‘Free’ Trade deals
- The ‘economy, economy, economy’ ‘jobs, jobs, jobs’ prioritisation promise
- Science & Technology in the form of better manufacturing, information and consumer devices
In terms of our Enviro-, we embrace:
- CO2 emission goals
- Environmental laws
- Personal responsibility such as with recycling
- Publicity campaigns such as ‘do the right think’, ‘keep Australia beautiful’, ‘bin it’ and ‘keep it in the ground’
- Science & Technology in the form of improved recycling, solar panels, electric cars etc.
Thus, in summary, aren’t we being offered:
- Ad hoc add-on Band-Aids
- Science & Technology (S&T).
Yet, obviously, via the perfect SEE storm, nature is informing us this ain’t enough.
So, apart from Band-Aids and S&T, what else is there?
The CDO believes we are overlooking the gargantuan of ‘Human-Organisational systems’, which is here coined, ‘HumanOlogy’ (HO).
HumanOlogy (HO)

HumanOlogy concerns the full-realm of human interrelations entailing both:
- Cooperation
- Competition.
Hence, it includes all human-centred systems both:
- Bottom-up such as our families, communities, businesses and other institutions.
- Top-down such as our governance and its legal and regulatory infrastructure, which relates to the economy, education, health etc.
Thus, potentially – i.e. if constructed optimally – HumanOlogy alone can deliver Optimisationism’s ‘universal sustainable stability-prosperity maximisation’ mission, which requires the 2 objectives of:
- Universal Empowerment, which maximises Self-Actualisation
- Systemically correlating reward & punishment – especially Social-Status – such that Self-Actualisation is Societal-Contribution harnessed.
Meanwhile, with Optimisationism yet to be achieved, it is from Human-Organisation that there has arisen Science & Technology.
HumanOlogy, Science & Technology (HOST)
‘Human-Organisation, Science & Technology’ (HOST) should be a single phrase that supersedes ‘Science & Technology’ because HumanOlogy is even more important than Science & Technology and all 3 relate to The Universe’s systems:
- Human-Organisation to human-specific systems
- Science to the human decipherment and understanding of The Universe’s systems
- Technology to the application of Science’s principles for a human purpose via the organising of matter.
[Regarding Science, it relates to the existence and interrelationship of forces including of and between matter and life (inclusive of human-life) such that we have scientific disciplines from ‘physics’ to ‘psychology’.]
Of the HOST-3, Human-Organisation is the most crucial because S&T development is a function of how people are organised, their motivation and focus plus the resources devoted to organising them.
For example, the HumanOlogy relating to the governance of our schools and universities crucially affects S&T development.
After all, would Einstein have come up with relativity or Musk with Mars-destined-rockets if they’d each been born from ship-wrecked parents marooned on a desert island?
As Isaac Newton said in 1675, “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants”.
Nevertheless, the development of one of the HOST-3 feeds-back into itself and the other 2, which, among other things, means S&T growth can also propel Human-Organisation’s sophistication.
For example, the organisation of workers (HumanOlogy) on a production-line operating machinery (Technology).
Hence, in this HumanOlogy, Science & Technology (HOST) way, prehistorically, humanity settled, farmed and our societies grew such that we became ‘societies of strangers’, which, in turn, led to government and so on until we reached the great HOST dividing-line of the Industrial Revolution (c. 1760).
The Industrial Revolution: The HumanOlogical Revolution
The Industrial Revolution was certainly a Science and Technological revolution; however, the feedback effects on HumanOlogy were dimensionally phenomenal as:
- The local community became subservient to the national and even the international
- Everyone-knows-everyone rural-dwellers left for the city’s relative anonymity
- Subsistence-farmers became machinists
- Jack-of-all-trades became specialists
- Unpaid-work became secondary to paid-work
- The self-Empowered yet poor became either richer and conditionally-Empowered, which is a kind of Disempowerment, or poorer and Disempowered (i.e. unemployed)
- Direct self and communal reliance was riskily traded for indirect national-reliance
- Trust in people one knew was swapped for trust in systems
- In the hope of a better life, the self-Empowered traded direct control over their survival needs for paid-work in which income was indirectly used to buy one’s survival needs.
In sum, ‘known’ self-Empowered subsistence-farmers who trustily relied on those they knew and had direct control over their survival needs became ‘anonymous’ income-earning machinists who needed trustable societal-systems and only had indirect control over their survival needs, which made them vastly more vulnerable.
Thus, this profound HumanOlogical reliance-and-contribution shift, required a new compact between nation and citizen involving a new set of Big Picture top-down HumanOlogy systems.
Ideally – i.e. from the Optimisationism vision’s perspective – this new set of HumanOlogy systems should have taken the form of the ‘Universalism’ goals.
Humanology’s Post-Industrial Revolution Universalism Goals
In a society, as mentioned, citizen Societal-Contribution is maximised when there is:
- Universal Empowerment, which maximises Self-Actualisation
- Reward and punishment – especially social-status – correlates Self-Actualisation – not with materialism, incomism, wealthism and careerism as is currently the case – but with Societal Contribution
Regarding Universal Empowerment, while, in a family or small community, this can be informally achieved, in a ‘society of strangers’ that ‘specialises’, it requires appropriate societal-wide systems – i.e. infrastructure.
Universalism refers to the achievement of institutional Universal Empowerment Infrastructure (UEI), which consists of the 4 cornerstones:
- Universal Liberal Democracy
- Universal Education
- Universal Healthcare
- Universal Survival Income (USI) – also termed the ‘Poverty, Unemployment & Stigma (PUS) Eradicator’
[Note: The wealthy automatically – irrespective of society’s infrastructure – get all of these, which is something many of these privileged ones don’t seem to realise.]
Regarding the aligning of Self-Actualisation with Societal-Contribution, this is not really something we have to aim for because it is predominantly a natural consequence of having all 4 UEI cornerstones.
That is, the current ‘keeping-up with the Joneses’ phenomenon is predominantly a product of being individually forced to gain one’s own Empowerment.
In addition, forcing everyone into gaining their own Empowerment is, in itself, inefficient, which has a massive cost on both the individual – i.e. it often comes at the expense of their Self-Actualisation – and society because not only are people at their most productive when they are Self-Actualising, preventing Self-Actualisation produces mental-illness, anti-social behaviour, escapism etc.
Thus, regarding Australia, which already has robust versions of 3 of the 4, we are only The USI-absent.
However, isn’t The USI the most important of the 4 UEI cornerstones?
The Universal Survival Income (USI) Absence
‘It’s not that The USI is the solution;
It’s that its absence is the problem.’
If you were Disempowered in all 4 Universal Empowerment Infrastructure (UEI) ways, wouldn’t your first priority be a Survival Income?
Hence, with The USI’s implementation, in one fell swoop, instead of most citizens being either conditionally-Empowered or Disempowered, this indirect-slavery – i.e. conditional access to one’s Survival Income – will be swapped for systematised Universal Empowerment.
If we do this, we will achieve Optimisationism and our perfect storm of culminating exponentiating Socio-Econo-Enviro- (SEE) catastrophes will naturally dissipate such as to become manageable.
In summary, while HumanOlogy (HO) is more important than S&T and is also lagging S&T, it is simpler and vastly easier to achieve.
Thus, our only obstacle to implementing The USI is our lack of HumanOlogy mindfulness.
The HumanOlogy Mindfulness’ Absence: The UEI’s Evolution
Humanity’s Science &Technology mindfulness means we can top-down imagine, hypothesise and then test, which propels the remarkable success we have had with both.
In comparison, until now, to the CDO’s knowledge, HumanOlogy doesn’t even have a word and HumanOlogists don’t exist as a self-identified group.
And, with humans not Human-Organisation Infrastructure-mindful, HumanOlogical ends also aren’t typically in mind, which means no top-down narrative has, once again to our knowledge, until now, been developed let alone become widely accepted.
So, without a conscious HumanOlogy narrative, we haven’t consciously directly top-down implemented optimal Human-Organisation systems, which means they’ve only been able to indirectly bottom-up evolve – i.e. they can only arise via nature working through our human-species’ consciousness.
This explains why social justice, which at its core is just a yearning for Universal Empowerment, rather than being implemented in a top-down fashion, has been building gradually in an ad hoc bottom-up ‘people power’ ‘social rights’ evolutionary manner.
Unfortunately, this means the pursuit of Human-Organisation’s Universal Empowerment Infrastructure (UEI) reforms has been slower, more haphazard – i.e. two-steps-forward-one-step-back – and, in the case of The USI, ‘evolutionarily blocked’, which is explained later.
Hence, even in 2021, after 260 years of requiring Universal Empowerment Infrastructure (UEI), modern HumanOlogical evolution has been such that most countries still don’t have all of the non-USI UEI-3, a quarter don’t have any of the 3 and no country on Earth has The USI.
And, the failure to holistically take HumanOlogy to the next level produces suffering due to both:
- The resultant perfect storm of culminating exponentiating Socio-Econo-Enviro- (SEE) catastrophes
- In sentient-beings, bottom-up evolution is suffering-intensive – i.e. it involves great struggle.
Furthermore, given if we used the correct narrative, this suffering wouldn’t occur, it is Unnecessary Suffering.
The Universal Empowerment Infrastructure’s (UEI) Evolutional Unnecessary Suffering
Regarding the evolution of Universal Empowerment Infrastructure (UEI), it has resulted in unparalleled Unnecessary Suffering.
Consider the tortuous ongoing process toward achieving each UEI cornerstone in which, over the past 13 generations, chronologically, first, Universal Liberal Democracy sprouted then Universal Education and then Universal Healthcare with The USI – arguably the most important – still struggling to earn even imaginary figment status.
This, when the existence and implementation of the just detailed narrative could immediately have achieved Optimisationism.
For instance, due to, particularly, The USI-absence, there has been the Communism experiment and the Civil, International and even World Wars (including the so-called Cold War) not to mention the dime-a-dozen poverty and lack-of-opportunity riots.
[Imagine, HumanOlogical Infrastructure pre-empts war, which means, as well as the eradication of wars’ direct Unnecessary Suffering, with its complete implementation, there will be a massive reduction in Defence spending, which, in turn, means more resources to lower indirect Unnecessary Suffering such as that caused by below potential levels of medical research.]
A lack of demonstrable Universalism is also the reason authoritarian psychopaths such as Xi, Er-dog-an, Put-in etc. are strengthening and encouraging others – such as, currently, in Myanmar – to do the same.
[Regarding all the talk about the need for Australia to show global leadership re the environment, the prompt adoption of The USI will amount to Socio-Econo-Enviro- (SEE) global leadership on steroids.]
In the case of Trump, it is only the infrastructure that stands between him (and others of his ilk) and an authoritarian U.S.; however, the U.S. – with a second-class Democracy, compromised Education system, no Universal Healthcare and a poor, by Western standards, USI substitute (i.e. societal-wide minimum-wage) – is particularly vulnerable.
In short, with HumanOlogy failing to keep-up to S&T, due to the resultant HOST-imbalance, perversely, S&T’s exponentiating success is fuelling our increasingly accelerating off-course rocketing.
The HOST Imbalance Perversion
Bad infrastructure foments bad governance including the spurring of ‘stop-gap’ ad hoc add-on Band-Aids, which, as well as not solving the issues, also cause flow-on problems such as stigma, mental-illness, suicide and societal-division plus various anti-social and criminal behaviour such as drug & alcohol abuse, domestic violence etc.
For a start, with The USI, we wouldn’t have needed Jobkeeper, Jobmaker, HomeBuilder, bushfire-charity (which, due to its requirement for manual administration, is, to a large extent, yet to get through) etc. let-alone Jobseeker.
Even more extreme, S&T is frequently being used against humanity – for example, Weapons of Mass Destruction, pollution and habitat-destruction.
Hence, the more we extend our S&T without HumanOlogically balancing it, the greater our Unnecessary Suffering generating problems.
Despite this, in order to cover-up our HumanOlogy failures, we are doubling-down on becoming ever more reliant on S&T for Band-Aiding.
An interesting head-to-head example is Covid where, in general terms, regarding the Western World, HumanOlogy saved the Tasmans (Australia & New Zealand) via the implementation of systems such as masks, social-distancing, international border closures, travel-restrictions, lockdowns and contact-tracing etc. and Technology is saving the North-Atlanticans (North America & Europe) via the vaccine.
However, regarding the vaccine, its creation, distribution and administration also required Human-Organisation.
Also, if all countries had been able to duplicate the Tasmans’ HumanOlogical success then, months ago, the virus would already have been extinct.
The HOST-imbalance is not only the source of every one of our Socio-Econo-Enviro- (SEE) problems, it is also causing the Socio-Econo-Enviro- (SEE) imbalance in which we prioritise the Econo- above the Socio- and Enviro-.
That is, with the Universalism prioritisation of Self-Actualisation and Societal-Contribution, the SEE-3 will automatically be equally prioritised.
Moreover, if HumanOlogy is optimised, it will spur positive S&T in a reinforcing cycle.
Thus, instead of straining for the next S&T breakthrough, like a cricketer or footballer who has lost form, we just need to go back to basics – i.e. to optimising our HumanOlogical infrastructure. [‘Dusty, just keep thrusting out those ‘Don’t argues’.’]
Meanwhile, the reason The USI hasn’t evolved is because of the evolutionary block of ‘the societal-wide minimum-wage’.
The Societal-Wide Minimum-Wage: The USI’s Evolutionary Block
The societal-wide minimum-wage is bad-infrastructure because it is infrastructure that institutionally ingrains Disempowerment including via manufacturing unemployment – i.e. without the societal-wide minimum-wage, unemployment wouldn’t even be a concept.
Moreover, if The USI had been implemented first then the societal-wide minimum-wage would never have been implemented because it wouldn’t have been needed.
Thus, the societal-wide minimum-wage is a non-optimal substitute for The USI, which acts as an evolutionary block on the latter because, in causing Unemployment, it divides the Disempowered into:
- Employed-Disempowered
- Unemployed-Disempowered
And, with the unemployed-Disempowered either forced to scavenge, beg, take-up crime and/or, if an option, take-up unemployment benefits, this causes conflict and abuse between the 2 types of Disempowered, which is immortalised, in Australia, as the latter being slurred as ‘dole-bludgers’.
[In Australia, this is also why the Disempowered 20% are not a political force – i.e. they predominantly cancel each other out.]
Thus, in Australia, we have a Cold Civil War between the employed and the unemployed-Disempowered, which, as mentioned, is blocking The USI’s evolution.
This means The USI can only be implemented via the mindful establishment and intellectual acceptance of the Optimisationism/Universalism narrative.
[Please note: The CDO exists for this and only this reason – i.e. once the Universalism narrative is implemented, the organisation will cease to exist – and its aim is to put itself out of ‘business’ as soon as possible such that global Unnecessary Suffering is minimised.]
So, given compared to S&T’s expansiveness, the HumanOlogy Infrastructure based narrative is far from complex, why and how is it HumanOlogy has flown and continues to fly underneath our collective radar?
Stealth HumanOlogy
Humanity has overlooked HumanOlogy because of its deep subjectively metaphysical and philosophical component – i.e. with HumanOlogy, this time, the ‘laboratory rats’ are us.
That is, this time, even the scientists, psychologists, anthropologists and sociologists are the ‘guinea pigs’.
Accordingly, we omit Human-Organisation because we don’t perceive it – and don’t want to perceive it – as relating to science.
On the contrary, we want to see ourselves as individuals making our own decisions but, of course, as members of the human species, we are of The Universe and of nature and, therefore, so are our systems including our optimal societal ones.
Hence, with a snobby prejudicial bias towards ‘hard-core’ S&T over the ‘soft sciences’ of psychology, economics etc, HumanOlogy has been almost completely overlooked.
The non-prioritisation and, subsequent, non-optimisation of HumanOlogy is causing our contemporary perfect storm of culminating exponentiating Socio-Econo-Enviro- (SEE) catastrophes.
In general, our ad hoc add-on Band-Aids (including the S&T versions) are no substitute for the lack of HumanOlogy infrastructure consisting of the 4 Universal Empowerment Infrastructure (UEI) cornerstones.
Specifically, The USI is the key to overriding our current SEE Destructionism trajectory and achieving Optimisationism in the form of ‘universal sustainable stability-prosperity maximisation’.
Thank you.
Best regards
Paul Ross
The Universal Empowerment Organisation (UEO) Australia
The Citizen’s Dividend Organisation (CDO) Australia
Humanity is being confronted by a perfect storm of Socio-Econo-Enviro- (SEE) Catastrophes including:
1. Social:
a. Internal: mental illness, domestic violence, drug & alcohol abuse etc.
b. External: our weaknesses boost Democracy’s enemies, which is currently enhancing international rivalry such as with China, Russia, North Korea and Iran;
2. Economic: absolute poverty, relative income inequality, unemployment, homelessness etc.; and,
3. Environmental: ecosystem destruction, species extinction, human population explosion, plastic islands, climate change etc.
Hypothesis: This is due to a single foundational ‘Society-Individual Interface’ contradiction whose deleterious effects are cascading through every facet of society.
The relevant contradiction is the partial absence of the natural-morality-derived ‘Universal Empowerment Infrastructure’ (UEI), which consists of the four cornerstones:
1. Universal Liberal Democracy – [In Australia] Yes;
2. Universal Healthcare – Yes;
3. Universal Education – Yes;
4. Universal Basic/Survival Income (UBI/USI) – No, not yet.
The Socio-Econo-Environment-Harmonising Universal Survival Income (USI):It’s not that it is the solution;
It’s that its absence is the problem.
The Taxpayer-to-Citizen-Transfer [Note: Unlike the Current System, this is not a ‘cost’ but a ‘transfer’.]Around $20,000 per year x 18 million (non-incarcerated in-country adult Australian citizens) + $5,000 x 4.5 million (children) = $386 billion (2018 figures).
This may be achieved by:
1. Reallocating $150 billion of the $175 billion Social Services budget (yes, we are already spending half of what we need), which still leaves $25 billion to top up pensions and disability payments;
2. Abolishment of the Tax-Free Threshold ($35 billion); and,
3. Insertion of a 20% full-breadth GST (no – it’s not regressive if the disempowered are net beneficiaries; also, the wealthy and multinationals’ capacity to avoid a GST is particularly limited), which results in $200 billion minus $60 billion (from the current 10% gap-ridden GST) equaling an additional $140 billion.
In addition to this $325 billion total, there will be massive human-capital, efficiency, societal-involvement and trust gains, which means, not only is the USI easily afforded, we will be, at least, twice as prosperous such that it will amount to a win-win-win in which all community segments – the wealthy; the middle-class; and, the currently disempowered – all win.
In the process, the economy will also be transformed from an ‘environment-destroying jobs-for-jobs’-sake’ ‘own-goal’ one to ‘an efficient production of goods and services we desire’ one.
Then, there is the massive permeating benefit of achieving full-employment.
That is, with everyone both taken care of and invested with the freedom to say ‘no’ to an employer plus the rectification of the present social-status premium on paid-work over unpaid-work, which will dissipate the stigma of not having paid-work, this means there will be a massive flow of power to the disempowered and working classes, which will result in a workers’ paradise.
Yet, this workers’ paradise will enable significant labour-market deregulation (i.e. everyone is already being looked after so, while we may continue to feel an emotional attachment to, for instance, economy-wide minimum-wages, in practice, there will no longer be a need for them).
And, this means our (pre-Covid-19) 5.7 million volunteers can get paid something and our young, elderly, relatively unskilled, disabled, unpaid-carers, 600,000+ unemployed and 1.1 million+ underemployed can, if they desire, get paid-work (or, more work) and, generally, there is full-employment such that ‘anyone who, at the going rate, wants a job, can get one’.
In addition, the USI will eradicate the current welfare-to-paid-work distortion where there is a disincentive to acquire paid-work because, in doing so, one loses one’s welfare.
Furthermore, full-employment will result in wages and conditions being bid-up.
And yet, business, as well as benefiting from deregulation, rather than having to tolerate the current crop of unhappy conscripts, will benefit from an army of volunteer workers, which given, with regard to morale and productivity, ‘one bad apple spoils the barrel’, will deliver massive productivity efficiencies.
This means our tradables’ sector – especially manufacturing – will roar back to life.
The Citizen’s Dividend Organisation’s Commitment (August 1, 2019):
1. Short-term (interim) – At the 2022 Australian Federal Election (unlike in 2019), at least one registered political party will have the USI as its signature policy such that the USI is an election issue; and,
2. Medium-term (end) – At the 2025 Australian Federal Election, the winner has a mandate for the implementation of a USI, which it then prosecutes.
Without The Universal Survival Income (USI),
It’s Impossible to Save the Environment.