The Econo-

Notwithstanding international trade, the Econo- is a subset of the Socio- because it is for citizens by citizens.

Accordingly, the economy’s purpose – i.e. its social purpose – is to ‘exclusively efficiently empoweringly produce and distribute the goods & services humans need/desire’.

The economy does this via the country’s 5 ‘universal, unconditional and guaranteed’ ‘Citizen Coopetition-Contributive Self-Actualisation Maximising Infrastructure’ (Citizen-CoCoSAMI) cornerstones, which maximally leverages both:

  1. The Individual citizen’s human-capital
  2. The country’s Human-Organisation, Science & Technology (HOST).

The economy should not, to any extent or in any way, be for creating jobs, which, on the contrary, is a corruption of its purpose.

[Note: Unemployment is a perversion resulting from:

  1. The Universal Survival Income (USI) absence
  2. The Universal Minimum Hourly Wages (UMHoW) system presence.

Without these 2 circumstances, Unemployment would cease to be a concept.]

Thus, ideally, the economy is as efficient as possible including such that it maximises its contribution to Human-Organisation, Science & Technology (HOST) compounding cycle – i.e. it contributes such that the HOST compounding cycle (in years) is shortest.

[Updated July 31, 2022]