
Economic-inefficiency stems from anti-Coopetition – i.e. rather than ‘Cooperation being first & foremost and Competition the treasured second’, Competition being first & foremost.

Due to anti-Coopetition, our economy’s potential productivity gains and actual productivity gains have diverged akin to differing compound interest rates.

Consider this: despite, since 1760, our banked 10,000-fold HOST potential productivity improvements, Australia’s per person income is only 216 times more than Burundi, which is poorer than 1760 Britain.

On this calculation (astonishing even to the author) our economy is only around 2% effective – i.e.:

  1. With no extra resource use, we could be 50 times as prosperous; or,
  2. With 2% of our present environmental damage, we could be just as prosperous; or,
  3. We could be somewhere in between such as, with just 10% of our current environmental damage, 5 times as prosperous. 

Moreover, this doesn’t take into account the Coopetitionism-absence slowing the productivity-compounding – i.e. with Coopetition-maximisation, the productivity doubling-cycle would be shorter such as, instead of say 7-10 years, 5-7 years.

Certainly, just as our country isn’t a ‘Coopetountry’, our economy isn’t a ‘Coopetonomy’.

For those Rightists (champions of Competition) wanting less government and less bureaucracy and greater efficiency, the Left (the champions of Cooperation) must first receive what they want – i.e. the 5 universal, unconditional and guaranteed ‘Citizen Coopetition-Contributive Self-Actualisation Maximising Infrastructure’ (Citizen-CoCoSAMI) cornerstones.

[Updated July 31, 2022]