Univ 1 – Bob Hawke

December 8, 2019

The Universal Basic Income (UBI) is ‘The Reform of the Century’ because

it exclusively fundamentally assists in solving all our socio-econo-environment challenges

– including, counterintuitively, making our society, at least, twice as prosperous.


This marks the launch of The Universalist, which will build, step-by-step, the case for the Universal Basic Income…

Question: Was Bob Hawke a leftist, rightist or centrist?

Answer: In our view, Bob Hawke was none of these because he was simultaneously all of them – that is, he was a Universalist.

Moreover, he is Australia’s greatest Universalist.

And, he was a Universalist both in personality and policy.


a) In personality, he is well-noted for ably mixing with people across a broad spectrum.

b) In policy…

Apart from internal security, without which there is no society – i.e. there is only anarchy – a contemporary civilised society (i.e. one in which citizens have respect, care and trust for one another akin to that of a healthy-relationships-possessing-family) has 4 Universal Opportunity Infrastructure (UOI) cornerstones:

  1. Universal Liberal Democracy;
  2. Universal Education;
  3. Universal Healthcare; and,
  4. Universal Basic Income (UBI).

Notwithstanding this, no country has more than three – Australia has achieved three – which means, to this point, all nations are partial dystopias, which is consistent, is it not, with our perceptions that matters could be improved?

In the early 1980’s, Australia had just the first two cornerstones before Bob Hawke’s government, in 1983, legislated and, in 1984, implemented the third – without any trials – in the form of Medicare.

Furthermore, although he didn’t intellectually realise it, Bob Hawke personally laid out a most pertinent sub-challenge, which presupposed/begged the implementation of the UBI, when he declared during Labor’s election campaign launch on June 23, 1987:

“By 1990, no Australian child will be living in poverty”.

While maligned for not achieving it – actually, he never lived it down – his statement focused attention on what is a prerequisite for a civilised first-world society.

So, shouldn’t achieving this aim be regarded as unfinished business?

The UBI will ensure no Australian child is living in poverty.

Thank you.

Best regards