CC: Australia’s Super-Empowered 7 (each possessing a ‘licence’ to Dis/Empower)
- Prime Minister: Scott Morrison
- Opposition Leader: Anthony Albanese
- Reserve Bank of Australia Governor: Philip Lowe
- Business Council of Australia CEO: Jennifer Westacott
- Australian Industry Group CEO: Innes Willox
- Australian Council of Trade Unions Secretary: Sally McManus
- Australian Council of Social Service President: Peter McNamara
[If just 1 of these 7 becomes an overt Survival-Income-Slavery (SIS) abolitionist then it will be abolished.]
September 18, 2021
Regarding our culminating perfect storm of exponentiating Socio-Econo-Enviro- (SEE) catastrophes, our threats can be divided into 2:
- Internal – especially the increasing Left/Right divide, which, already fragmenting such as to spawn combative Identity ‘gangs’, if we’re not invaded first or we don’t fix it first, is destined for Civil War
- External – especially:
- Environmental-unsustainability
- Authoritarian-Illegitimates.
While, regarding the Authoritarian-Illegitimate threat, Australia’s recent belated decision to use nuclear submarine propulsion (first used 66 years ago) is positive, isn’t the most holistic way to solve our 2 external threats to solve our single major internal threat?
After all, out of Human-Organisation, Science & Technology (HOST), Human-Organisation is the supreme component.
Fortunately, solving our Left/Right divide is simple …
Survival-Income-Slavery (SIS)
The Left/Right divide solely exists due to (and is nurtured by) the existence of Survival-Income-Slavery (SIS) – i.e. the conditionalization of access to one’s survival-income.
Definition: In Australia, typically, a single adult with no dependents and say $800,000 worth of net assets isn’t a slave to survival-income because, at just 2½% interest above inflation, this is $20,000 per year indexed in perpetuity.
Below the $800,000 ‘freedom asset’, there is a sliding degree to which one is subject to SIS.
Regarding those who are slaves to survival income, the degree to which this impacts their state-of-mind includes the 2 factors:
- Hope – for example, for those with a conditional-income above the survival-income mark, the greater the luxury-income component, the better scope they have of reaching and surpassing the $800,000 net assets mark
- Self-actualisation – i.e. for those who enjoy their particular conditional-income pursuit.
Of course, the most privileged have highly paid self-actualising jobs, which often leads these fortunate ones to join those who aren’t Survival-Income-Slaves in insisting, ‘paid-work gives self-respect’.
Actually, if one is financially struggling to survive (and, perhaps, overloaded with caring responsibilities and suffering Harassment and Stigma) plus, in the case where they have paid-work, hate their job – yet are trapped in both – then their outlook may not be so positive.
In Australia, millions are trapped to varying degrees in a form of slavery so insidious, until recently, it hadn’t even been conceptualised.
And, since SIS hadn’t been conceptualised, it’s nobody’s fault; however, now that we do know of it, for the sake of ending 260 years of indescribable Unnecessary Suffering – for example, Communism is born of it – it needs fixing …
Solving The Left/Right Divide
From SIS, we have 2 streams each with its own indirect ripple effects:
- The Left starting with exploitation
- The Right starting with restrictiveness
Hence, ‘How to solve the Left/Right divide?’ devolves to ‘How to solve Survival-Income-Slavery (SIS) in a manner that both eradicates exploitation and restrictiveness?’.
The Universal Survival Income (USI) substituted for Universal Minimum Hourly Wages (UMHoW) is unique in, not only solving SIS, but also solving both exploitation and restrictiveness.
That is, ‘The USI 4 UMHoW’ reform achieves the following:
- From the (predominantly) Left’s perspective, it eradicates Poverty, Unemployment, Stigma & Harassment (PUSH) plus, via massive economic efficiencies, population moderating (particularly in the developing world) and materialism tempering, achieves environmental sustainability
- From the (predominantly) Right’s perspective, it promotes freedom, substantially deregulates the labour market, unleashes business from their conscription as social service entities and all but guarantees our sovereignty.
In addition, The USI is justifiable as an Industrial Revolution Inheritance – i.e. for the benefit of the country, subsistence farmers were encouraged to give up direct control of their survival needs, which means, from then on, all citizens should have been guaranteed a survival-income.
Thus, ‘The USI 4 UMHoW’ reform will unite us.
The Source Problem
While the SIS problem is easily solved, the bigger problem is the human mind’s quirkiness.
That is, many are so self-defined by their Left or Right self-image, at least subconsciously, they fear losing this self-identity.
In addition, defined by what they aren’t as much as by what they are, they can find the fault in the other but not nearly so well in themselves.
Moreover, there is also a significant tribal belonging component – i.e. entire friendship networks based on a common world outlook.
Lastly, visions of themselves embroiled in ‘the good fight’ has given meaning to their life, which, once again, they fear losing; furthermore, they also fear the vision of a life thus far, at least philosophically, wasted.
Hence, they are reluctant to admit to themselves (let alone to others) that, all along, though they’ve certainly been partly right, they’ve also been partly wrong and, even more significantly, their sworn opponents have also been partly right.
Watch the ABC or Fox and you will see the same in polarised guises, which may mean a solution – a resolution – is, for many, disingenuously, the last outcome they desire.
Blood is tasty and the warpainted Left/Right have the taste but have they fully considered what happens at the warmongering end, when, by the time you know you’ve arrived, it’s already too late?
So, how do we reach a point where we acknowledge to ourselves and one another that, as citizens of the same country (if not of the same planet), we really are ‘all in this together’, we all have massive human fallibilities and infrastructuralising civility is mutually beneficial?
Australia needs at least one of our super-empowered individuals to overtly support and argue for ‘the USI 4 UMHoW’ reform.
Thank you.
Best regards
Paul Ross
The Citizen’s Dividend Organisation (CDO) Australia
The Civilisationism Organisation (TCO)
Video: Survival-Income-Slavery [& The Abolitionist Path to the ‘End of History’]
No Unemployment/Underemployment means no ‘jobs, jobs, jobs’ (Triple-J) politics, which, in turn, means no wasteful jobs-for-jobs’-sake paid-work, which currently includes both:
- Some public service employment
- Private sector subsidised employment.
As well as meaning we can buy the most appropriate defence equipment irrespective of whether they are built in Adelaide and also massively expanding our manufacturing, most importantly, it means we achieve the economic Holy Grail of optimising our economy by returning it to being ‘exclusively devoted to producing and delivering the goods and services we need/desire’.
Currently at least half our labour market consists of:
- Jobs-for-jobs’-sake paid-work
- Magnify-the-SIS-Mess paid-work, which predominantly involves magnifying Harassment such as via Centrelink and the Job-Search agencies
- Manage-the-SIS-Mess paid-work, which, by far the most significant of the 3, includes most of the charity sector (11% of the economy and 5.7 million volunteers), much of the health sector (especially mental-health) and most of the justice sector.
Currently, our GDP is still a significant 10% of China’s and with The USI 4 UMHoW reform, the vanquished wastage will double our effective-GDP.
With The USI generating a net country benefit, it is not 1-way Welfare; nevertheless, like Universal Education, it still requires an investment:
$20,000 per year x 18 million (non-incarcerated in-country adult Australian citizens)
+ $5,000 x 4.5 million (children)
= $386 billion.
This may be achieved by (2018 figures):
- Abolishment of the Tax-Free Threshold ($35 billion)
- Reallocating $150 billion of the $175 billion Social Services budget (yes, federally, we are already spending almost half of what we need), which still leaves $25 billion to top-up over 67s and disability payments
- Inserting a 20% full-breadth GST (no – it’s not regressive if the Disempowered are net beneficiaries; also, the wealthy and multinationals’ capacity to avoid a GST is particularly limited), which results in $200 billion minus $60 billion (from the current 10% gap-ridden GST) equalling an additional $140 billion.
In addition to this $325 billion total, with the massive increase in productivity, there will be huge income and company tax windfalls and massive decreases in justice, security and health expenses that will eclipse the remaining $61 billion.