[Note: Regarding the ‘P’-word, some, such as The Australian, are prudish; however, shouldn’t we be more offended by our society’s apparent contentment in allowing 5 million Australians (20%) to continue unnecessarily suffering Disempowerment?]
Australian of the Year 2021
Congratulations Grace Tame, Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr Baumann, Isobel Marshall, Rosemary Kariukiand and all other Australia Day awardees and nominees.
Thank you for your heroism and your unpaid-work examples of self-actualising societal-contribution.
In the final words of Ms Tame’s acceptance speech, she implored, “Let’s make some noise Australia”.
Regarding child sexual assault prevention, no single policy will do more than The Universal Survival Income (USI) — The PUS-Eradicator — because it infrastructurally guarantees the empowering of all parents such that they may prioritise their children above the current need to prioritise the gaining of survival-income.
First, it will lead to vastly increased home harmony, which, in turn, will result in far fewer anxious, isolated, unconfident and yearning children.
In turn, there will be flow-on positives including less children needing to wait on their own after school, less coming home to lonely empty houses or having parents who, preoccupied with other, particularly paid-work, matters, aren’t sufficiently sensitive to their children’s cues.
Second, every woman will receive income into her bank-account (The CDO suggests, by law, The USI cannot be allocated to a joint account and, equally, cannot be used as loan collateral), which means in the event of domestic violence, financially, they can immediately leave.
Third, regarding indigenous Australia, the ‘grand ambition’ of ‘trying’ to ‘gradually’ ‘Close the Gap‘ will be ‘drop-kicked out of the park’ and, instead, ‘The Gap’ will be slammed-shut and permanently welded-over.
Alternative PUS-Eradicator Nicknames
The Universal Survival Income (USI) is what the policy is; however, The PUS-eradicator is what it does …
And, with The PUS-Eradicator the ultimate societal ballast, especially if we combine it with a societal navigational vision that, rather than correlating social-status with materialism, wealthism, incomism and careerism — which encourages such bad faith behaviour as ripping others off, corruption and environmental degradation — correlates it with societal-contribution then The USI has many other potential names including the following score:
1. The Economy Corrector — an economy focused on producing the goods and services we desire — such as food, fuel, housing, entertainment, electronics etc. — rather than to:
a. Directly manufacture jobs-for-jobs’-sake — i.e. B.S. jobs
b. Indirectly nurture USI-absence-fixing-managing-and-compensating paid-work such as Centrelink and other resultant excesses in bureaucracy, law-enforcement (including the courts, police and prisons), mental-health, charity, tax, regulation-adherence etc.
(Currently, these direct and indirect jobs consist of around half our jobs — i.e. 6 to 7 million out of a workforce of around 12.5 million — which means, via just straightening out this own-goal ridiculousness, we can easily be twice as wealthy)
2. The Tax Reformer — non-GST taxes will be lower and the GST will be across-the-board, which means it will no longer — 0% here and 10% there — distort the price mechanism and therefore distort the allocation of resources
3. The Catastrophe Stabiliser — people will receive their survival-income irrespective of domestic violence, sickness, drought, bush-fire, floods or pandemic etc.
4. The ad hoc add-on Band-Aid Liberator — liberation from the need for such as Jobseeker, Jobkeeper, Homebuilder and most other ad hoc add-ons
5. The Budget Balancer — outlays will be predictable — if bush-fire, flood or pandemic strike no need for any special $200 billion+ carry-on because, while the zero-unemployment economy will continue to exclusively efficiently produce the goods and services we desire, The PUS-Eradicator is stable — and tax revenue will be buoyed by a Universally Empowered people, a reformed tax system and an efficient fully-employed economy
6. The Welfare Eclipser — 2-way infrastructure is better than 1-way gifting
7. The Charity Trimmer — the mammoth, bloated, inefficient, soul-destroying, naïve and, in some cases, corrupted charity industry will no longer need to be 10 or 11% of the Australian economy
8. The Illness Preventer — whereas, currently, ‘our health system is focused on treating illness rather than wellness and prevention’ [Commonwealth Bank Health Society], it will become massively ill-health (including mental-illness) preventive
9. A Domestic Violence Eradicator — women and children don’t die the first-time there is domestic violence — this also helps the man (if the perpetrator is a man) because, if his family leaves him following the first-time, he may get help before it both becomes a habit and escalates
10. The Gap Healer — indigenous Australia disproportionately suffers poverty, unemployment and stigma so they will disproportionately benefit
11. The Environment Saver — with materialism no longer the source of social-status, there’s no longer any reason to stampede roughshod over the environment ‘like a chook with its head cut-off’ chasing after ‘the Joneses’
12. The Defence Enabler — we are getting inferior subs largely because of the ‘we need to create jobs’ distraction
13. Indirect-Slavery Emancipator — direct-slavery involves chains and whips, indirect-slavery involves the chains and whips of conditional access to one’s survival needs
14. The Socio-Econo-Enviro- (SEE) Streamliner — in conjunction with our 3 other already existing Universal Empowerment Infrastructure (UEI) cornerstones — i.e. Universal Liberal Democracy, Universal Education and Universal Healthcare — it makes all our other issues manageable
15. The Scientist, Entrepreneur & Artist Unleasher — letting the mind think and self-actualise without worrying about funding bodily survival is the recipe for a creative, innovative, agile and smart country
16. The Family B.F. — would it be your family’s best friend?
17. The Life Insurer — it’s insurance, which both seeds opportunity and nurtures the freedom to take risks
18. The Logic Regainer — on the one hand, we want everyone in paid-work earning a lot so they can pay more tax and be more of a ‘lifter’ yet, on 2 of the other octopus’ tentacles:
a. Half the workforce’s entire or, at least, above tax portion of salary is currently being lost because their job is either a job-for-jobs’-sake or a USI-absence-fixing-managing-or-compensating one
b. If every adult in Australia (let alone the world) was earning, say, $100,000 per year then, no matter how many solar panels we each had, our environment would be far more trashed than it already is.
19. The Universal Empowerer
20. The Self-Actualiser
And, putting it all together, we have the potential for The USI to be accurately called, ‘The Optimiser’.
That is, with Universal Empowerment, people can choose how they self-actualise and, with social-status aligned with societal-contribution, people will be exclusively lauded and otherwise rewarded on the basis of their societal-contributing self-actualisation.
This is the definition of a ‘post-primitive’ future.
So, while the experts’ cliché is that our problems are ‘incredibly complex’ — whether it be homelessness or drug-addiction or unemployment or the environment — they couldn’t be more insidiously wrong — i.e. it’s the Band-Aids that are complex because the thinking is confused.
“But, The USI is too big a change; perhaps it will eventually happen but it will take decades.”
“With respect, no — i.e. our current system is not a battleship; on the contrary, it can turn on a 5-cent piece — Why? — Because, as this article demonstrates:
1. Our current system is a ‘House of Cards’, which will collapse when just one of our leaders acknowledges the unchanging truth of The USI-absence as an infrastructural flaw; and,
2. For the sake of Australia’s sovereignty, we must act promptly.”
February 11, 2021
Hi {Given Name}
Do you agree that every society is in some sense foolish?
For instance, in retrospect, can’t we look back on each stage of our own society’s history and wonder ‘how could they have thought that?’ or ‘done that?’ — ‘wasn’t it obvious they were going down the wrong path?’ etc?
So, in principle, no matter all our brilliant people and sophisticated institutions, we can guarantee we are similarly failing to see various issues clearly.
And, given our perfect storm of culminating exponentiating Socio-Econo-Enviro- (SEE) catastrophes, how can it not be interpreted as nature giving us a ‘heads-up’ that we ain’t exactly doing everything optimally?
Moreover, as we plummet over the cliff, do we really think that yanking yet more ad hoc add-on Band-Aids — perhaps larger, stickier and with extra absorbency — from our backpack are going to do the trick?
So, if not Band-Aids then what else is there but to return to the drawing-board of our societal-systems — i.e. of our infrastructure?
The Infrastructural Own-Goal
Regarding our society’s vision, isn’t it obsessed with paid-work — i.e. ‘jobs, jobs, jobs’?
And, isn’t this because of the perpetuality of unemployment?
Yet, regarding our infrastructure, unemployment solely exists because of the societal-wide minimum-wage.
[Note: any economist who says otherwise or reckons we can only get it down to 4% or 2%, should receive a letter from their alma mater rescinding their economics degree/s (more on this in a separate article).]
The effects of this artificiality can be seen by the fact we have around 5.7 million volunteers earning $0.00 per hour and around 2.5 million earning $19.84 per hour (the societal-wide minimum-wage) yet no one [apart from some legal exceptions such as youth and apprentices], officially, earning anything in between because, currently, it’s illegal.
The societal-wide minimum-wage exists due to an unholy alliance of Compassionate-Naïvists, Discompassionate-Exploitists and Opportunists:
1. The Naïvists want to decrease exploitation; however, this is not the best way
2. The Exploiters want to divide and conquer the Disempowered — their success is demonstrated via the paid-work-Disempowered ostracising and exiling the unemployed-Disempowered as ‘dole-bludgers’
3. The Opportunists — i.e. due to the societal-wide minimum-wage’s artificially manufactured friction, there are lots of USI-absence-fixing-managing-and-compensating ‘opportunities’ for negotiators, representatives and adjudicators
[Aside: This Naïvist/Exploitist/Opportunist dynamic is reminiscent of direct-slavery in the early 19th century US when the American Colonisation Society was formed to transport freed African-Americans to Liberia. Its unholy alliance was between Abolitionists who believed black-Americans would only be free of prejudice outside the US (in reality, most of those sent died of disease, malnutrition or conflict) and Slaveholders who wanted those already freed to emigrate so as to avoid slave-rebellions. Of course, parasitic opportunists then joined the fray. The society was only dissolved in 1964. This analogy is particularly pertinent if one considers that our current system, given we are no longer either hunters-and-gatherers or subsistence farmers, is one of pseudo-‘indirect slavery’. ]
And, this Naïvist, Exploitist & Opportunist dynamic is preventing the implementation of The PUS-eradicator because, fascinatingly, it represents a quasi-‘Prisoner’s Dilemma’ ‘House of Cards’ interplay.
The Societal-Wide Minimum-Wage ‘House of Cards’ ‘Game’
In the societal-wide minimum-wage game, which amounts to a ‘Civil War against the Disempowered’ [Please see: The Universalist 14: The Australian Civil War & The Wayside Chapel ‘Medics’], we have the following protagonists:
1. The Exploiters are The Coalition — i.e. they exploit this issue through being tougher on ‘dole-bludgers’ and more respected on generating jobs, which is why they usually win the election
[However, with the PUS-Eradicator, there is no need for more ‘jobs, jobs, jobs’ because there’s no unemployment, which means phrases such as ‘the best form of welfare is a job’ and the ‘dole-bludger’ vitriol are obsolete]
2. The Naïvists are Labor (and Economists and Business Councils) — obviously, The PUS-Eradicator is a better way to decrease Disempowerment than the socially-divisive and economy perverting societal-wide minimum-wage
3. The Opportunists (who may, in some cases to some degree, also be Naïvists) are Trade-Union executives (especially the ACTU), The Fair Work Commission, some Public Service entities (such as the RBA), Consultancy firms (such as Deloitte) and ACOSS board/executives — big hefty salaries and commissions, career, social-status, lifestyle, power, self-identity-reinforcement and even fame.
The skeleton key to this house of cards, which because it is a house of cards means everyone has ‘a key’ — i.e. any one of them can put their foot through it — is the ACTU executive because they could easily broker ‘The Grand Deal’.
The Grand Deal is: ‘The implementation of The USI in exchange for the repudiation of the societal-wide minimum-wage’.
Brokering The Grand Deal — in which ‘everybody gets what they say they want’ — can be achieved just by whispering words along the lines of, “Perhaps The USI would be better”.
And, wouldn’t the PUS-Eradicator achieve vastly more for the ACTU executives’ minimum-wage constituents than the last 100 years of ‘Fair Work’, strikes and negotiations?
After all, wouldn’t paid-workers appreciate an extra $20,000 per year in their pocket — they’d need ‘baggies’ for that — their partner’s pocket and their adult children’s pockets? Wouldn’t they appreciate the vastly more efficient economy’s lower prices and reduced taxes? What about the full-employment bidding-up of their wages and conditions? How about the abolishment of ‘indirect-slavery’ such that they can say ‘no’ to an employer?
That is, in place of the current forever class-warfare, a real once-and-for-all set-and-forget reform with better outcomes for their constituency plus the whole-of-society benefits of Universal Empowerment and a system that makes all our Socio-Econo-Enviro- (SEE)- problems manageable.
For such a whisper, the ACTU executive would become historical heroes of Churchillian proportions.
Also, trade-union executives needn’t fret over their place in Universalism — i.e. they are still needed for health and safety, they are still needed as paid-worker’s representatives to act as the centralised go-between for employers to talk and negotiate with and they can still negotiate enterprise agreements regarding wages and conditions.
However, hand-cuffing themselves to their historical glories, they are self-preventing from achieving their destiny of advancing to the next level.
Meanwhile, regarding the Labor Party, with it beholden to the ACTU and the broader union executives’ dinosaur attitudes, this means it can’t escape the paradigm of their chronic election-losing strategy.
However, if Labor could just methodically delve through their minds’ fog and get their heads’ around The PUS-Eradicator, they would likely find the ounce of conviction it would take to get the ACTU executive appropriately motivated.
Advice to Labor — ditch the regulating of the Gig-economy and the so-called ‘universal childcare’ policy, which, rather than being a Universal Empowerment Infrastructure (UEI) cornerstone, is just yet another ad hoc add-on, then ‘take the bull by the horns’ and ‘go the whole hog’ — [just wanting to ‘leave no stone unturned’ in attempting to ‘cut-through’] — and adopt The USI.
[Regarding childcare, if parents want to spend some of The PUS-Eradicator on it so they can do more paid-work then fine; equally, if they want to spend more time with their kids then that is probably an excellent investment in our country’s future; either way, society has fulfilled its ‘Due Diligence’ and ‘Duty of Care to Assist’ and holistically delivered ‘The Agency of Choice’ and ‘The Dignity of Risk’.]
Thus, also for Labor, untold glory awaits only, ‘the whisper’.
Regarding economists, as mentioned, they are a special group so they will get their own special attention in their own special article.
Business Councils — while they may, in bad faith, prefer perpetual unemployment as a way to keep non-minimum wages suppressed, they are failing to adequately take into account The PUS-Eradicator’s indirect positives including:
1. Demand will be more stable
2. Non-GST taxes will drop
3. Productivity will go through the roof, which means international competitiveness and therefore exports will surge plus local manufacturers will substitute for importers
4. Excess regulation will evaporate as, with everyone freed from indirect-slavery (not to mention social-status’ sourcing realignment), there’s simply no longer any need for it
5. The life of employers will be simplified such that they can entirely focus on optimising their business model including a paid-worker-friendly culture
Another potential hero is the, under the radar, ‘Raise the Rate 4 Eternity’ ACOSS board.
All they need do is let go of the ACTU’s coattails plus, instead of representing their direct membership — i.e. the funding-seeking social-service agencies — represent their indirect constituents of the Disempowered.
Regarding ACOSS’ relationship with the ACTU, does anyone think it’s a coincidence that ‘Raise the Rate 4 Eternity’ (RtR4E) fits so snugly with the societal-wide minimum-wage? Never mind, RtR4E also raises stigma, unemployment, the welfare-to-work distortion and budgetarily pressurises governments to raise obstacles to the Disempowered receiving it.
In this Covid-era, a whisper from ACOSS and, instead of the government’s ‘Reverse the Rate’, we could have an ‘Eternally Raised Foundation’ such that, once and for all, there is Universal Empowerment.
However, ACOSS’ lock-step with the ACTU executive, as well as including favouring ‘Raise the Rate 4 Eternity’, also includes favouring the somewhat secret agenda of the quasi-traitorous sovereignty-sabotaging Job Guarantee (JG), which is also made obsolete by The PUS-Eradicator [Please see: The Universalist 5: A Universal Open Letter to Q&A Panellists…].
Regarding the charity sector, many appear not to want the Disempowered to become Empowered; rather they want the Disempowered to remain dependent on their social-services organisation so they can continue being funded, which means they can continue having their career, salaries, social-status, lifestyle, power, fame and self-identity-reinforcement.
“But that can’t be right; they are all such wonderful giving people.”
Well, they no doubt started-off that way but then time devolves many of them to just being humans who wish to ‘be comfortable, ‘not rock the boat’ and ‘provide for my family’ — why else the across-the-stratosphere outer-space-like silence regarding The PUS-Eradicator?
Do you know that some of the social-service providers have data, which they admit to, that shows they have actually been making matters worse?
Frankly, writ-in-large underneath all this is disingenuousness, a myopic one-dimensional lack of imagination and/or chronic gutlessness.
Anyway, perhaps you too can be part of it — here’s a new $100,000+ USI-absence-fixing-managing-and-compensating paid-work ‘opportunity’, which was posted yesterday:
ACOSS Senior Advisor
Full-time | $105,660 — $115, 465
Sydney preferred — other locations and remote work considered
Reporting directly to the Principal Advisor, you will work with a wide range of diverse stakeholders to develop policy, undertake strategic advocacy, strengthen networks and foster collaboration, and produce research and publications with the goal of reducing unemployment.
Collaborating with the ACOSS team your responsibilities will also include:
· Providing high level strategic policy advice and leadership.
· Helping to set outcomes for policy objectives and devising strategies to achieve them
· Analysing and developing social and economic policy to achieve employment outcomes
· Working closely and respectfully with diverse stakeholders
· Creating, analysing and sharing research on the impact of unemployment
· Managing and reporting on policy development, research, and advocacy projects
· Identifying opportunities to grow ACOSS’ capacity via financial resources and partnerships
Opportunities may arise in future for the successful applicant to work for ACOSS in other policy areas.
Click here for more information
[While The CDO doesn’t believe ACOSS needs any more employees — rather, it would be sufficient if its board transformed its strategy into a Disempowered-assisting via Disempowerment-eradicating one — nevertheless, they won’t be following our advice, which means someone will get this position so … ACOSS HR, please seriously accept this article as an application from the author].
Another Opportunist is Deloitte Australia — whose mandate includes ‘the aim of contributing to a better Australia’ — which is regularly commissioned by ACOSS to tell us: ‘A rise in Jobseeker will increase Aggregate Demand — i.e. ‘help’ the economy’.
However, this you-scratch-my-back-and-I’ll-scratch-yours relationship is possibly the reason Deloitte refrains from analysing The PUS-Eradicator.
In February/March 2019, Deloitte Access Economics’ Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) modelling team considered modelling, for gratis, the CDO’s USI proposal, which led to the following correspondence from a — probably trapped in the middle — Deloitte representative:
‘We discussed this at the team meeting on Friday and there was a high level of interest given the radical and topical nature of the policy, but there were also a number of issues raised in regards to how something like this could be modelled…[A list of perceived difficulties followed.]
The CDO responded with simplifying assumptions; however, the key issue appeared to be something else.
‘Leaving all those to one side, anything Deloitte did on this topic would obviously need to be cleared through our partnership, including from a commercial point of view as well as risk and legal implications.’
The one that stands out is not ‘risk’ and not ‘legal’, which are more like camouflage, but ‘commercial’ — for a start, The USI-eschewing ACOSS would likely pull the plug on its support — both direct and in-kind — for Deloitte.
Anyway, the CDO can say for free and without concern for risk, legal or commercial implications that the PUS-Eradicator will increase Aggregate Demand vastly more than a rise in Jobkeeper so if that’s the criteria then: ‘ACOSS board, where the b_____ hell are you?’
Now we arrive at the Coalition Exploiters and the insidious nature of power — i.e. the status-quo disproportionately delivers them election victory.
If not for this, The PUS-Eradicator should spread through the Coalition quicker than the South African Covid variant — i.e. in addition to eradicating society’s PUS and delivering to their business constituency, it will deliver the mother of all wedges to the ACTU-beholden Labor.
The Nationals, in particular, have an easy sell as what could be better for the boom-bust bush than receiving an automatic income stabiliser against drought, fire, flood, Xi-na (Xi Jin Ping’s China), not to mention the end of the welfare-to-work distortion, which means farmers will have no trouble finding seasonal-pickers.
[Note: Jason Falinski is advocating for The USI … The CDO will support individual politicians — from any party and independents — who are overt USI supporters; however, this will not extend to those treating it as yet another ad hoc add-on — for example, it will not extend to those who also advocate the all-but-traitorous JG. And, if any head of the major institutions advocates for The USI, we will nominate them for Australian of the Year 2022.]
However, regarding the Coalition, until now, the power motive and the status quo keeps-on giving.
Nevertheless, the problem for the Coalition is the problem for all Australians — i.e. we are facing an existential threat — yes, there is climate change and other environmental calamities, which The PUS-Eradicator is similarly a prerequisite for solving; however, there is also Xi-na.
Xi-na: Australia’s Immediate and Exponentiating Existential Threat
That Xi-na is a threat is already self-evident; nevertheless, it is still underestimated.
First, we are already at war — it began with Xi-na’s internationally unlawful annexation of the South China Sea.
Second, Xi brooks no opposition and is fond of the phrase, ‘it’s an internal issue’ to shut-down foreigners while weaponizing his legal system to shut-down internal dissent; however, Xi’s government is not ‘of the people for the people’, which means it is illegitimate and that is both an internal and global issue.
Thus, the real issue to be addressed is not Xi’s bad behaviour but his inherent illegitimacy.
Third, the prerequisite for Xi’s ambition is not annexing Taiwan, which nevertheless is ‘inviolable’, but annexing Australia [please see The Universalist 15: Universally Eradicating Xi].
In short, Australia is both a solution to most of what Xi sees as his problems and a fulfiller of his dreams, whether resource (including quarrying, fishing and agriculture), environmental, population-catering, belt-and-road, geo-political location, Antarctica, physical expansion, socking-it-to-the-British etc.
In the tradition of Constantine, perhaps Sydney will be Xi’s Constantinople — i.e. ‘Xi-ney’ with a Summer Palace.
Yes, your children are definitely in danger; if Xi can annexe Australia, he will annexe Australia.
[The CDO may be wrong but why risk it especially when the solution is what we should be doing for every other reason anyway?]
Hence, while Xi is in power, the pressure will mount (by 2030, Xi-na’s economy will be near twice as large as it is presently) — i.e. the threat will grow exponentially, which means it is not here to ‘stay’; it’s here to ‘exponentiate’.
The threat will only dissipate when Xi-na becomes the Chinese people’s nation of China.
So, given the North Atlantican’s abject systemic failure regarding the Covid stress-test and, the U.S.’s general trajectory, we must accept the responsibility of solely boldly protecting ourselves, which The CDO — perhaps, solely — believes is achievable — i.e. still achievable.
The Australian Self-Defence Plan
No matter China’s rise, it is from an extremely low base such that our economy is still 10% as large as China’s, which means if we use the PUS-Eradicator to end the ‘Australian Civil War’ and shake-out our economy so that we are exclusively efficiently producing the goods and services we desire, we can successfully, not only resist Xi, but also become critical to his demise and, even more importantly, the demise of authoritarianism per se.
[The authoritarian model must be shown to be flawed via demonstrably elevating our own model. This is important with respect to what comes next in China as well as for the likes of Kim, Putin, Erdogan, Khamenei, Lukashenko, Win etc.]
For a start, many of our current 6–7 million dig-a-hole-then-fill-it-in-again paid-workers plus the unemployed and many who are volunteers can be redeployed to manufacturing. Plus, with jobs suddenly growing on trees and paid-work environments improved, others will come out of the woodwork — including the underemployed, retirees, disabled and those not included as unemployed because they are wealthy enough that, when they can’t get paid-work, they don’t register as unemployed.
In addition, our people are certainly capable — from the author’s experience, the average Aussie, due to more general freedom and education (including the cultivating of thinking), is about 5 times more capable in many work-settings than the average mainland-Chinese. [However, this superiority is not replicated at the top echelon for 2 reasons:
1. High (imagination + reason) intelligence has its own inherent B.S. detector and truth-finder mechanism; thus, it’s relevant to note that, while in Australia, the top 2% equates to 500,000 people, in China, it is an Australia-population-exceeding 29 million
2. The Chinese language, which is 3 times more difficult than English — i.e. whereas, in Australia, just 1/6th of primary school is taken up learning English, in China, a whopping 50% is taken up learning Chinese — has several beyond language dimensions:
a. It is a military-like discipline, which is learnt via memory, repetition and drills
b. It is a contextual language — i.e. while, in English, some words have multiple meanings, in Chinese, almost every pronunciation has around 160 or more different characters, which means, divide by the 4 tones (equals around 40 characters each) [please see the ‘shi’ poem below], which, in turn and among other things, means uttering a single word gets one nowhere
c. It teaches music via developing extreme hearing and pronunciation precision from not just tone but a tremendous nuanced confining of base sounds — for example ‘zhao’ and ‘jiao’
d. Its written system teaches art
And, with all Chinese mainland children also being exposed to English, the combination of laissez-faire imaginative second-culture English with the rigor and extraneous skills of Chinese, produces an extra lateral superpower-like dimension to thought, which is only reduced by Xi’s sick mind-atrophy societal-system
[Aside: Even irrespective of Mandarin’s considerable language usefulness, due to just its exposure’s potential for enhancing our children’s thinking, we should consider making it compulsory in primary school.]
If we implement The USI, say, in 2022 (the CDO’s timeline of 2025 may be too late), we probably still have the post-implementation time needed for its benefits to sufficiently multiply — i.e. for:
1. Our PUS-Eradicator society to sufficiently bloom — including a doubling of our effective-GDP within the decade, the full-use of our rural-regions and an extreme increase in manufacturing
2. Front-line countries such as those in ASEAN, PNG, India, South Korea, Japan and, perhaps, Taiwan (though, it may be too late for them) to see the results of our PUS-Eradicator, decide to implement it themselves and then also have time for it to sufficiently bloom
3. Chinese mainlanders to observe the PUS-Eradicator’s benefits — given The Great Firewall, other censorship and the propaganda, they will need extra time — decide they want it for themselves and, thereby, undermine Xi because, once there is an end to indirect-slavery in China, Xi is doomed
4. If we are more than twice as wealthy then we will have choices such as:
a. Triple or quadruple or … military spending
b. Grow our population quicker
c. Increase our help to other friendly nations
5. If we choose, we can turn off the tap of Iron Ore and other resources, which will give Xi the mother of all headaches if not stop his expansionism in its tracks.
Thus, regarding the Xi-na threat, The PUS-Eradicator has significant automatic both defensive and offensive attributes.
In this way, with Australia a supreme systemised example to the world, The PUS-Eradicator will ensure the tyrant is kept under pressure — both internally and externally — and Xi-na is kept on its side of the equator.
In this endeavour, time is precious — for instance, the Myanmar coup is part of the Xi-king Opera. What if the next song is Papua or Indonesia?
In general, the world must have time to realise that neither Fukuyama’s ‘The End of History’ or Huntington’s ‘The Clash of Civilisations’ is all right or all wrong — i.e. they are intertwined.
Simply, a prerequisite for The End of History is dumping the 260-year-old Industrial-Revolution era Left-Right-Centrist Divisionist paradigm and, consciously, fully transferring to the Universalism one.
Specifically, our current problems devolve to the 4-cornerstone Universal Empowerment Infrastructure (UEI) requirement being incomplete — i.e. our current global maximum is a 3-cornerstone Universal Empowerment Infrastructure (UEI) version.
[Note: The U.S. is having tremendous problems because it’s a 2-cornerstone version — i.e. minus The USI and minus Universal Healthcare — whose USI-substitute is also inferior to Australia’s.
Xi-na only has a 1-cornerstone version — i.e. Universal Education — which is its vulnerability; however, for now, Xi-na is a global problem due to its massive industrious population, its weapons of mass destruction, its technology stealing and its unprecedented ‘stick and carrot’ mix of, on the one hand, unprecedented Big Brother monitoring, censorship, propaganda and punishment and, on the other, the opium of hope from strong economic growth and nationalistic fervour.]
And, because we are still stuck in the wrong paradigm, nature is giving us our ‘what for’ via our perfect storm of culminating exponentiating Socio-Econo-Enviro- (SEE) catastrophes, which includes the continuing Clash of Civilisations.
So, we arrive back at a vision of a ‘post-primitive’ future.
Anyway, back to the less theoretical …
First, we need to make sensible military purchases.
Regarding our subs — what we’ve already paid (including contractual hits set into the future) are sunk cost and we need to take the loss (dump it) and get something better sooner — the non-nuclear condition is a massive winner for nuclear Xi-na.
Regarding our Joint Strike Fighters — perhaps the same, however, others can argue over it; in any case, the goal must be to optimise our defence not go on a reconnaissance for jobs.
Second, we must become a nuclear power — not necessarily with nuclear weapons — but with a nuclear industry including a significant nuclear power-station — this is the only way, to be able to, for example, self-sufficiently build/service nuclear-powered subs. We should also be a player in nuclear fusion research.
We have a vast sparsely populated landscape that is the most geologically stable on Earth, which means it is an ideal place for a modern nuclear power plant — in this way, there will also be no further talk of coal.
Third, we must have a space industry, which belatedly seems to be happening.
Regarding our science, in general, it is good; however, with The PUS-Eradicator, it will quickly ascend to another level before astronomically surpassing even that.
The Alternative
If we choose not to implement The PUS-Eradicator then, while swirling down the Xi-na plug-hole, we can start learning Mandarin; however, beware, because as an adult:
1. It may be the most humbling experience of your life
2. It will likely drive you mad — drill after drill after drill
3. Arguably, the easier part is learning the characters and speaking, which is by no means easy, with the harder part calibrating one’s aging ears so as to discern what is being articulated
Below is the ‘shi shi shi’ poem in which all the Chinese characters are pronounced ‘shi’ with only the tone, in some cases, differing.
繁體 Trad ↔ 简体 Simp
shī shì shí shī shǐ
Story of Shi Eating the Lions
shí shì shī shì shī shì,
A poet named Shi lived in a stone room,
shì shī, shì shí shí shī.
fond of lions, he swore that he would eat ten lions.
shì shí shí shì shì shì shī.
He constantly went to the market to look for ten lions.
shí shí, shì shí shī shì shì.
At ten o’clock, ten lions came to the market
shì shí, shì shī shì shì shì shì.
and Shi went to the market.
shì shì shì shí shī, shì shǐ shì,
Looking at the ten lions, he relied on his arrows
shǐ shì shí shī shì shì.
to cause the ten lions to pass away.
shì shí shì shí shī shī, shì shí shì.
Shi picked up the corpses of the ten lions and took them to his stone room.
shí shì, shī, shì shǐ shì shì shí shì.
The stone room was damp. Shi ordered a servant to wipe the stone room.
shí shì shì, shì shǐ shì shí shí shī shī.
As the stone den was being wiped, Shi began to try to eat the meat of the ten lions.
食时, 始识十狮尸,
shí shí, shǐ shì shì shí shī shī,
At the time of the meal, he began to realize that the ten lion corpses
shí shí shí shī shī.
were in fact ten stone lions.
shì shì shì shì
Try to explain this matter.
In sum, the 2 institutions most specifically charged with assisting the Disempowered — The ACTU and, especially, ACOSS — due to an unholy alliance based, at best, on confused thinking, are the 2 greatest obstacles to The PUS-Eradicator’s implementation, which explains why Disempowerment appears so ‘intractable’.
Thank you.
Best regards
Paul Ross
The Universal Empowerment Organisation (UEO) Australia
The Citizen’s Dividend Organisation (CDO) Australia
Humanity is being confronted by a perfect storm of Socio-Econo-Enviro- (SEE) Catastrophes including:
1. Social:
a. Internal: mental illness, domestic violence, drug & alcohol abuse etc.
b. External: our weaknesses boost Democracy’s enemies, which is currently enhancing international rivalry such as with China, Russia, North Korea and Iran;
2. Economic: absolute poverty, relative income inequality, unemployment, homelessness etc.; and,
3. Environmental: ecosystem destruction, species extinction, human population explosion, plastic islands, climate change etc.
Hypothesis: This is due to a single foundational ‘Society-Individual Interface’ contradiction whose deleterious effects are cascading through every facet of society.
The relevant contradiction is the partial absence of the natural-morality-derived ‘Universal Empowerment Infrastructure’ (UEI), which consists of the four cornerstones:
1. Universal Liberal Democracy — [In Australia] Yes;
2. Universal Healthcare — Yes;
3. Universal Education — Yes;
4. Universal Basic/Survival Income (UBI/USI) — No, not yet.
The Socio-Econo-Environment-Harmonising Universal Survival Income (USI):
It’s not that it is the solution;
It’s that its absence is the problem.
The Taxpayer-to-Citizen-Transfer [Note: Unlike the Current System, this is not a ‘cost’ but a ‘transfer’.]
Around $20,000 per year x 18 million (non-incarcerated in-country adult Australian citizens) + $5,000 x 4.5 million (children) = $386 billion (2018 figures).
This may be achieved by:
1. Reallocating $150 billion of the $175 billion Social Services budget (yes, we are already spending half of what we need), which still leaves $25 billion to top up pensions and disability payments;
2. Abolishment of the Tax-Free Threshold ($35 billion); and,
3. Insertion of a 20% full-breadth GST (no — it’s not regressive if the disempowered are net beneficiaries; also, the wealthy and multinationals’ capacity to avoid a GST is particularly limited), which results in $200 billion minus $60 billion (from the current 10% gap-ridden GST) equaling an additional $140 billion.
In addition to this $325 billion total, there will be massive human-capital, efficiency, societal-involvement and trust gains, which means, not only is the USI easily afforded, we will be, at least, twice as prosperous such that it will amount to a win-win-win in which all community segments — the wealthy; the middle-class; and, the currently disempowered — all win.
In the process, the economy will also be transformed from an ‘environment-destroying jobs-for-jobs’-sake’ ‘own-goal’ one to ‘an efficient production of goods and services we desire’ one.
Then, there is the massive permeating benefit of achieving full-employment.
That is, with everyone both taken care of and invested with the freedom to say ‘no’ to an employer plus the rectification of the present social-status premium on paid-work over unpaid-work, which will dissipate the stigma of not having paid-work, this means there will be a massive flow of power to the disempowered and working classes, which will result in a workers’ paradise.
Yet, this workers’ paradise will enable significant labour-market deregulation (i.e. everyone is already being looked after so, while we may continue to feel an emotional attachment to, for instance, economy-wide minimum-wages, in practice, there will no longer be a need for them).
And, this means our (pre-Covid-19) 5.7 million volunteers can get paid something and our young, elderly, relatively unskilled, disabled, unpaid-carers, 600,000+ unemployed and 1.1 million+ underemployed can, if they desire, get paid-work (or, more work) and, generally, there is full-employment such that ‘anyone who, at the going rate, wants a job, can get one’.
In addition, the USI will eradicate the current welfare-to-paid-work distortion where there is a disincentive to acquire paid-work because, in doing so, one loses one’s welfare.
Furthermore, full-employment will result in wages and conditions being bid-up.
And yet, business, as well as benefiting from deregulation, rather than having to tolerate the current crop of unhappy conscripts, will benefit from an army of volunteer workers, which given, with regard to morale and productivity, ‘one bad apple spoils the barrel’, will deliver massive productivity efficiencies.
This means our tradables’ sector — especially manufacturing — will roar back to life.
The Citizen’s Dividend Organisation’s Commitment (August 1, 2019):
1. Short-term (interim) — At the 2022 Australian Federal Election (unlike in 2019), at least one registered political party will have the USI as its signature policy such that the USI is an election issue; and,
2. Medium-term (end) — At the 2025 Australian Federal Election, the winner has a mandate for the implementation of a USI, which it then prosecutes.
Without The Universal Survival Income (USI),
It’s Impossible to Save the Environment.