Paul Ross [2022 Candidate for the Australian Senate (Victoria)]
(Issued: February 3, 2022)
“260 years since the Industrial Revolution – with the productivity gains from Human-Organisation, Science & Technology (HOST), perhaps, 10,000-fold (including, since 2010, more than doubling) – assuming a modicum of efficiency, can abolishing Poverty and Survival Income Slavery require anything more than the will?”
The Coopetition Principle
The nature-consistent fusion of Cooperation (first & foremost) and Competition (the treasured second)
– such as in rules-based sport, democracy and a non-exploitative & efficient free-market economy.
Rather than Band-Aiding, use Coopetition systems to clear the decks so any remaining issues are evident.
Mission: “Governance that maximises Australians’ Coopetition-contributive self-actualisation”.
Unique Heralded Triumphs
Infrastructurally solve our culminating perfect storm of Socio-Econo-Enviro- (SEE) catastrophes – i.e.:
- The Social – eradicate Poverty, optimise mental-health, minimize crime and maximise unity
- The Economic – return to efficiently & non-exploitatively producing that which we need/desire
- The natural Environment – perpetual sustainability yet with a booming unrivalled economy
- The international Environment – assured sovereignty of both Australia & its Antarctic territory.
Signature Policy
Complete Citizen Empowerment Infrastructure’s (CEI) 5 ‘guaranteed and unconditional’ cornerstones:
- Universal Rule of Coopetition-maximising Law
- Universal Liberal Democracy
- Universal Education
- Universal Healthcare
- The Universal Survival Income (USI).
With Australia already possessing robust versions of the first 4, we require only The USI – i.e.:
- $20,000 per year for every non-jailed in-country adult citizen
- $5,000 per year for each child (to their guardian/s)
- Pensioners over 661/2 years old and the disabled receive a no-disadvantage ‘top-up’.
The USI-reform consists of substituting The USI for both:
- Our current income-Welfare system (incWel) – including abolishing Centrelink, Job Service Provider (JSP) contracts and Jobseeker payments
- The Universal Minimum Hourly Wage (UMHoW) – currently, $20.33 – which will permanently eradicate Unemployment/Underemployment and unleash small/big business.
The USI transfer is financed via:
- Eradicating the income-Welfare system, which means no ‘gain-job-lose-Welfare’ distortion
- Abolishing the tax-free threshold
- Extending the GST to 20% full-breadth
- The resultant massive ‘trim, taut and terrific’ efficiencies, which, akin to Universal Education, will more than double our effective-economy including via lowering non-GST taxes, minimising environmental destruction and maximising both Coopetition and citizens’ self-actualisation.
This is a PUSH-eradicator – i.e. it eradicates Poverty, Unemployment/Underemployment, Stigma (‘the dole-bludger’ narrative including its racist and disablist variants) & Harassment (‘mutual obligations’) – which will end ‘jobs, jobs, jobs’ politics such that the Enviro- can, at last, be whole-of-society prioritised. Meanwhile, budget surpluses will arise from bureaucratic, Band-Aid, law-enforcement, mental-health & charity savings.
Also, it will revitalise rural & regional Australia and depressurise its cities because, regionally:
- The USI will go further and will increase demand for local business’ produce
- With a Survival Income & zero Unemployment, moving to the city for paid-work won’t be requisite
- With low-cost land and our employees transitioning into being the world’s most self-motivated, productive and (therefore) valuable, rural & regional manufacturing will thrive.
Paul Ross
Currently: Founder, The Citizen’s Dividend Organisation (CDO).
Formerly: School-teacher, publican, CEO, business-banker, economics lecturer, manager ANZCham (The Philippines), humanitarian-aid worker (Iraq/Liberia), Ford machinist, Army Reservist.
Also resided: China (13 years during the reigns of Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao and Xi Jin Ping) and Indonesia, Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia & Canada (each 2-6 months).
Education: Master of International Studies, Economics degree, Science degree & Community Services. (Cert IV).