The Civilisationism Noticeboard
- ‘The case for a Universal Basic Income’, Martin Sandbu (Financial Times website)
January 3, 2022
The Citizen’s Dividend Organisation (CDO) has identified the source of our culminating perfect storm of Socio-Econo-Enviro- (SEE) catastrophes as Indirect-Survival-Income-Slavery (ISIS).
ISIS arose out of the Industrial Revolution (c. 1760) when subsistence-farmers transitioned away from self-sufficiency to become income-earning factory-machinists, which meant they lost direct control over their survival needs.
Hence, insidiously, this type of Slavery has, unbeknown, been festering for 260 years, which explains – despite our achievements from Democracy to space-travel – our massive across-the-board SEE problems including increasing mental-illness.
For instance, ISIS-induced exploitation motivated Marx to write the Communist manifesto, which means, if ISIS hadn’t existed, the Cold War and its remnants (such as Xi’s China, Putin’s Russia and Kim’s North Korea) wouldn’t have occurred.
Thus, due to our own government-level systems (and system absence), we are institutionally own-goal attacking the very core of who we are – i.e. ISIS perverts our citizens’ minds.
Yet, in contrast to our current scatter-gunning of failed Band-Aiding, there is a foundational solution that is both simple and pleasant because, nature-correlated, it is justifiable as an Industrial Revolution inheritance.
Specifically, the Indirect-Survival-Income-Slavery (ISIS) eradicating solution involves substituting The Universal Survival Income (USI) for:
- Our current income-Welfare system – including abolishing Centrelink, Job Service Provider (JSP) contracts and Jobseeker payments
- Universal Minimum Hourly Wages (UMHoW), which will, in turn, eradicate Unemployment/Underemployment – yes, it will perpetually eradicate them.
This ISIS-abolishing reform means our Socio-Econo-Enviro- (SEE) components will, automatically, begin reharmonising such as to become manageable.
That is, it will clear the decks so all remaining problems are clearly discernible and easily addressed.
So, having performed our civic duty of pointing this out – notwithstanding we must have done this poorly since, reportedly, the entire world (head stuck in the sand) is searching for the answer – The CDO merely wishes to support a party/ies and/or independent/s who advocate implementing this Abolitionist reform – i.e. it does not desire to be directly involved in politics (all other things equal, it has the greatest admiration for those who do) – however, currently, there isn’t even one party or independent it can conscionably support.
Meanwhile, with a federal election imminent, unless something changes, no matter who wins or what post-election Frankenstein coalition is manufactured, Australia can look forward to further decay – increased mental-illness, increased government debt, increased economic-inefficiency, increased environmental-degradation, increased Left-Right-and-identity social-division and increased sovereign-risk.
And, given the election cycle, we will likely need to wait till 2025 for the next chance yet we all understand what a difference 3 years can make.
So, is Australia on the precipice of disaster?
Yes – not since World War 2 have we faced this degree of crisis – and yet, with the real plunge yet to occur, for now (i.e. in 2022 but not necessarily in 2025), it still appears salvageable.
Thus, by the time the 2022 election is called, if no party has adopted the ISIS-Abolitionist ‘USI for income-Welfare and UMHoW’ reform then Geelong-based CDO Founder Paul Ross commits to run as an Independent for the Senate.
The following is a draft of his platform …
Coopetition Principle:
Cooperation (first and foremost) and Competition (a treasured second)
– as evident in regulated sport, Democracy and, to an extent, the economy –
which means working in good faith with all, especially the government of the day.
The Social – particularly mental-health, civility and unity
The Economic – making it efficient such that it exclusively produces that which we need/desire (Coopetitionally – i.e. without exploitation)
The Environment – both natural (sustainability) and international (sovereignty)
Signature policy
Australia requires just 1 more Citizen Empowerment Infrastructure (CEI) ‘guaranteed and unconditional’ cornerstone in addition to the 4 it already has:
- Universal Rule of Coopetition-maximising Law
- Universal Liberal Democracy
- Universal Education
- Universal Healthcare.
That is, it requires The Universal Survival Income (USI).
Specifically, in order to abolish Indirect-Survival-Income-Slavery (ISIS) and ensure the economy is Coopetitive rather than exploitative, it must trade-up from our current nature-violating:
- Income-Welfare system of Centrelink, ‘mutual obligations’ Harassment and ‘dole-bludger’ Stigma including its racist and disability variants
- Universal Minimum Hourly Wages (UMHoW)
to the streamlined USI consisting of:
- $20,000 per year for every non-jailed in-country adult citizen
- $5,000 per year for each child citizen (below 18) to their guardian/s
- Pensioners over 661/2 years old and the disabled receive a ‘top-up’ such that they are not disadvantaged.
[Please note: UMHoW eradication will perpetually eradicate Unemployment/Underemployment.]
The USI transfer is financed via:
- Eradicating Centrelink, Jobkeeper and, for the able, new social-housing
- Abolishment of the tax-free threshold
- Extending the GST to 20% full-breadth
- UMHoW (and Unemployment/Underemployment) elimination efficiencies.
As well as ‘cleaning’ the Labour-market’s 3 perversions of:
- Indirect-Survival-Income-Slavery (ISIS)-induced exploitation
- Universal Minimum Hourly Wages (UMHoW)
- The income-Welfare system including ‘the gain-work-lose-welfare penalty’
this USI-reform is a Poverty, Unemployment, Stigma & Harassment (PUSH) -eradicator plus, via emphasising the social over the economic, it has massive indirect natural environment benefits.
In addition, it will empower and revitalise rural and regional Victoria – and also take pressure off Melbourne – because, in the regions:
- The USI will go further as it buys more
- The USI will increase total/aggregate demand for local business produce
- With zero Unemployment, obtaining paid-work won’t require moving to the city
- With cheap land and Australia’s labour market transitioning into the world’s most valuable, rural manufacturing will boom.
Moreover, with business and our economy becoming ‘trim, taut and terrific’ – i.e. returning to ‘exclusively efficiently producing and distributing the goods and services we need/desire, which we cannot or don’t wish to produce ourselves (without exploitation)’ rather than being for jobs-for-jobs’-sake paid-work – Australia will multifariously boom.
Thank you.
Best regards
Paul Ross
‘Large target’ potential senator
The Citizen’s Dividend Organisation (CDO)
The Civilisationism Organisation (TCO)