The Civilisationism Noticeboard
To: Australian registered voters
At the 2022 Federal Election, if given the opportunity, would you support The Coopetition Party? [All comments and suggestions welcome (Yes, even both barrelled ones) – please reply via this email.]
Christmas Eve, 2021
Human-Organisation, Science & Technology (HOST)
Human societal evolution is a function of:
- Science – i.e. the understanding of natural-systems including human-psychology
- Human-Organisation – i.e. using our scientific understanding to organise ourselves for desired outcomes
- Technology – i.e. using our scientific understanding to organise matter and energy for desired outcomes.
With the Human-Mind the commonality, all SHOT elements impact and mould it – for instance, we are moulded via the Science gifted by Einstein, the Human-Organisation of business and the Technology of the cell-phone.
Yet of the 3 SHOT components, the greatest impact is via Human-Organisation particularly at the government-level because:
- Without government, we would never have exited the Stone Age
- When government disintegrates, there is anarchy.
Thus, while Science may seem most important, Human-Organisation is the executive, which means SHOT may be re-written as Human-Organisation, Science & Technology (HOST).
Furthermore, whereas Science & Technology can be used to either assist humanity (for instance, vaccines) or harm it (for example, biological-weapons), Human-Organisation encompasses:
- Intent – i.e. the spectrum from good-faith to bad
- Prioritisation – i.e. what is prioritised
- Competence.
And, in order to optimise intent, prioritisation and competence, Human-Organisation requires Coopetition-maximisation.
Coopetition (Cooperative-Competition) consists of:
A foundation of Cooperation
(often formalised as, agreed upon and respected, rules)
upon which
there takes place (merit-based) Competition.
That is, Coopetition consists of Cooperation first (and foremost) then Competition as a treasured second priority.
Coopetition, which exists throughout nature, is a self-reinforcing efficiency catalyst whose supreme manifestation is society.
Amongst humans, Coopetition is a natural-morality system facilitating universal empowerment and trust, which is consistent with the world’s main supernatural-moralities.
Within our societies, examples of Coopetition include Democracy, regulated sport and, to an extent, the Econo-, which, as shall be shown, is corrupted by a particularly insidious form of Slavery.
The Inefficient Econo-
Regarding the Econo-, currently, it is certainly inefficient.
Since the Industrial Revolution (c.1760), due to HOST innovations, potential-productivity per person has increased, perhaps 10,000-fold (including more than doubling since 2010) – for example, sending a letter across the world used to take months, now communication can be instantaneous, 2-way, communal and with video – yet, ‘First World’ Australia has a per capita income of around just 216 times that of Burundians, who, as the poorest in the world, shockingly, are poorer than 1760-era British.
Hence, while Australians are commonly both fixated and stressed by the Econo-, nevertheless, it is performing at just a fraction of its potential.
Thus, working smarter rather than harder will be both more effective and cause only a portion of the current Enviro- damage.
In short, The Coopetition Party’s core aim is the legislation of Coopetition-maximisation infrastructure.
The Coopetition Party Mission Statement
Vision: ‘Sustainable Socio-Econo-Enviro- (SEE) stability-prosperity maximisation’.
With humanity currently facing a culminating perfect storm of interwoven exponentiating Socio-Econo-Enviro- (SEE) catastrophes, although achieving this vision may appear formidable, the greatest challenge is convincing the electorate of the required action, which, despite being blessedly pleasant, is somewhat counterintuitive.
Mission: “Governance that maximises citizens’ Coopetitive-contributive self-actualisation”.
Self-actualisation is imperative for happiness (mental-health), productivity and sociability; however, for each individual, there are numerous ways they can self-actualise. Thus, government must seek, via its systems, to harness citizens’ self-actualisation in a societally-contributive – i.e. Coopetitionally-contributive – manner such that it is a 2-way society-citizen win-win.
Core Values:
Government must:
- Inspire and empower citizens (and foreigners) to find and pursue their own Coopetitively-contributive self-actualising path
- Inspire and empower citizens to inspire and empower other citizens (and foreigners) to find and pursue their Coopetitively-contributive self-actualising path.
This projection of positivity encompasses the full-spectrum of human-rights.
‘Government must design, implement and administer systems that maximise citizens’ desire and capacity to Coopetitively-contributively self-actualise’.
With the desire to ‘self-actualise’ inherent to consciousness, Government-systems must only maximise citizens’:
- Desire to ‘Coopetitively-contribute’
- Capacity to ‘Coopetitively-contribute’
- Capacity to focus on pursuing ‘self-actualisation’.
Regarding the ‘desire to Coopetitively-contribute’, social-status must be systemically aligned with it across all Socio-Econo-Enviro- (SEE) components rather than, as is currently the case, predominantly being aligned with the Econo-prowess proxies such as ‘keeping up with the Joneses’ materialism.
Regarding the ‘capacity’ to both ‘Coopetitively-contribute’ and ‘focus on pursuing self-actualisation’, this requires citizen empowerment.
All this is achieved via Coopetition-maximisation.
Government’s role is to ‘exclusively design, implement and administer Coopetition-maximising infrastructure’ such as to maximise bottom-up entities’ desire and capacity for both engaging Coopetitively and promoting Coopetition.
[Note: while government is society’s top-down monopolist, society’s bottom-up entities include individuals, families, businesses, not-for-profits (including, trade-unions and, in democracies, political parties) and other non-government organisations and institutions. Government must facilitate Coopetition between bottom-up entities yet, due to its all-powerful unable-to-be-bankrupted status, not Compete against bottom-up entities.]
In order for governance to be Coopetition-maximising, as well as being infrastructurally comprehensive, it must also be exclusive of:
- All government ‘extras’ (such as Band-Aiding and the various corruptions)
- All anti-Coopetitive infrastructure.
This streamlining ensures minimalist – i.e. maximally efficient – governance, which infrastructuralises ‘all in this together’ civility.
Action Plans & Policies:
Infrastructure Groupings & Government Departments
Government activity is limited to 4 main types of Coopetition-maximising infrastructure:
- Sovereignty Infrastructure (SI)
- Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
- Department of Coopetition-maximisation
- Department of Foreign Affairs (including Trade)
- Department of Defence
- Department of Veterans’ Affairs
- Department of Home Affairs
- Departments of the Parliament
- Citizen Empowerment Infrastructure (CEI).
- Attorney-General’s Department
- Department of Education
- Department of Health
- Department of the Universal Survival Income (USI)
- Physical Infrastructure (PI)
- Department of Finance
- Department of Science, Technology & the Natural Environment
- Department of Energy, Resources, Mining & Agriculture
- Department of Physical Infrastructure, Transport, Communications, Regional Development and the Arts
- Taxation Infrastructure (TI)
- Department of the Treasury
1. Sovereignty Infrastructure (SI)
The Department of Coopetition-maximisation has a mandate to identify potential Coopetition improvements and advocate for their adoption, which means regarding:
- The Socio-, an emphasis on Universal Citizen Empowerment to pursue ‘Coopetitive-contributive self-actualisation’
- The Econo-, returning it to ‘exclusively efficiently producing and distributing the goods and services we need/desire, which we cannot or don’t wish to produce ourselves’ (without Labour-market exploitation)
- The Enviro-,
- Natural, Coopetition-maximising such that damage is minimized and sustainable
- International, Coopetitive-maximisation is promoted (including, by example) and violators appropriately cajoled and/or pressured.
The Department of Foreign Affairs (including Trade) must be prioritised as diplomacy is essential in achieving global Coopetition-maximisation, which is particularly needed in order to address the Enviro- issues both natural and international. Regarding trade, while the Department may still facilitate trade, the emphasis should be on rectifying Coopetition-violation concerns – i.e. there should be free-trade with free-markets with free-people (no Slavery).
With the responsibility for defending Australia and its interests, the Department of Defence must empower and, to the extent possible, safeguard its front-line defenders, which, among other things, means the most appropriate technology – for instance, currently, this means nuclear-powered submarines. Alliances such as ANZUS, Five Eyes, AUKUS and the Quad are also highly valued.
Regarding Authoritarianism, which is, by definition, anti-Coopetitive, it must be defeated as swiftly yet as safely as possible.
Hence, Coopetition-maximisation is our greatest asset because, in addition to making our society vastly stronger, in an era of weapons of mass destruction in which war is particularly abominable, Coopetition-maximisation is the quickest (if not the only) way to defeat Authoritarianism as it will, by example, undermine the Authoritarian models in the eyes of their citizens.
2. Citizen Empowerment Infrastructure (CEI)
Citizen Empowerment Infrastructure (CEI) is the heart of Coopetition-maximisation because it directly empowers every citizen to pursue ‘Coopetitively-contributive self-actualisation’.
Regarding CEI, there are 5 unconditionally guaranteed cornerstones:
- Universal Rule of Coopetition-maximising Law
- Universal Liberal Democracy
- Universal Education
- Universal Healthcare
- The Universal Survival Income (USI) [Please see the appendix.]
The 5 CEI cornerstone model is minimalist because each impacts the other such that if one is suboptimal (let alone missing), it detracts from all the others – for example, Poverty correlates with lower educational outcomes.
In Australia, we already have robust versions of the first 4.
Regarding Universal Rule of Coopetition-maximising Law, its greatest still existing weakness relates to the absence of USI legislation.
Other legal reforms include:
- Advertising restrictions on ‘bads’ including, as with tobacco, on alcohol and gambling
- Social-media will be Coopetitionised so that anonymity will not prevent consequences for Harassment.
In addition, regarding the scourge of hard illegal drugs, akin to Australia’s crushing of the people-smugglers’ business-model, it will be suppressed not by a ‘War on Drugs’ but by a ‘Suffocation of Drug-profits’.
That is, with profit a consequence of demand as well as supply, in addition to continuing to target criminal drug supply via law enforcement, the demand for the criminals’ drugs will also be attacked via allowing those addicted (under the written advice of the addict’s doctor and a reviewing doctor) to obtain (and have administered) their drug of addiction from specified government locations for free.
At these locations, there will be a nurse to safely administer the non-contaminated drugs, a counsellor should the addict wish to chat and information regarding breaking drug addiction.
In this way, with criminals having little incentive to create addicts, within 6 months, hard-drug crime will cease to be a major problem.
Regarding Universal Education, discussions will begin with educational administrators and other experts about incorporating 3 ‘causalities’ into the school curriculum:
- Science: From the Big Bang to the Human-Mind [Contextualised within The Universe’s evolution, this includes the creation of particles, particle physics, the formation of matter, proton-neutron transition, gravitation, chemistry, the gravitational formation of cosmic bodies, the fusion process within stars, the formation of Earth, biology, neurons, nervous systems and the human-mind.]
- Human physiological and psychological Science: From conception to adulthood to death
- Human-History: From hunter-and-gatherer societies to the contemporary.
[Rough drafts of these causalities already exist.]
With the Human-Mind again the commonality, it is envisioned this chronological contextualisation of natural history, science and human societal history will revolutionise schooling by providing a comprehensive anchor for the contextualisation of all other academic study.
Due to this educational reform, a typical Year 12 graduate can be expected to possess a superior understanding of Science and History compared with a current Bachelor graduate in any discipline.
In terms of the arts, in principle, they will be treated with respect in the knowledge they nurture, expand and enthuse the Human-Mind.
Regarding Universal Healthcare, it will include:
- Medicare
- The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
- A new Dental plan
- Administration for the permission of USI ‘top-up’ payments for the disabled.
With the Coopetition-maximising restructuring of the Econo- (including the Tax system), these items (including the dentistry addition) are easily afforded.
Medicare and the NDIS will be subject to a Coopetition-maximisation review in order to, in good faith, maximise their effectiveness.
Regarding the continuing Covid-19 pandemic, there are the following observations:
- On June 30, 2020, the CDO published it’s only non-USI related article entitled ‘The Universalist 11 – Universal Covid-19 Eradication’, which appeared to kick-start a national debate on ‘elimination versus suppression’
- Taiwan – comparable to Australia in population and also a nation of islands – currently, has open borders yet zero community transmission
- Every Covid case in Australia ultimately stems from an international arrival quarantine failure.
- The Federal government could have taken control of international arrivals and their quarantine – for instance, it could have built sufficient fit-for-purpose facilities in Darwin and rerouted to it all international flights, which need not have stopped
- With an appropriate international arrivals quarantine system, the impact on people’s lives and the Econo- would have been minimal, states wouldn’t have locked-down or locked-out and division wouldn’t have been spurred
- Around 2 months ago, when the virus got out of control in NSW and Victoria, Australia began adopting a lowest-common-denominator so-called ‘learning to live with the virus’ policy – while, at this point, it may seem understandable, wouldn’t it be nice to be like Taiwan and have a choice?
3. Physical Infrastructure (PI)
The signature Physical Infrastructure (PI) policy is nuclear power, which stems from a policy of Oil, Coal & Gas minimisation to nuclear & renewables maximisation.
First, regarding Climate Change, Bill Gates makes the point, “Nuclear power is the only carbon-free energy source that can reliably deliver power day and night, through every season, almost anywhere on earth, that has proven to work on a large scale.”
Second, with Australia possessing almost a third of the world’s known Uranium reserves, if it’s appropriate to sell it abroad then it’s appropriate to use it.
That is, the uranium will be dug here, used here and stored here – it will be done in the safest most modern way on the most geographically stable and one of the most politically stable nations on Earth whose stability will be further enhanced by its pursuit of Coopetition-maximisation.
Lastly, a nuclear power industry will have spin-off industrial and educational benefits.
Other physical infrastructure to potentially be prioritised is a space program.
Lastly, Australia requires a dedicated Genocide Museum to detail its relatively recent history and serve as a respectful, humbling and educational facility.
Perhaps Alice Springs – Australia’s centre – is an appropriate location, though that will be decided upon by our indigenous citizens.
[Regarding the proposed constitutionally-enshrined ‘Voice to Parliament’, which is predominantly advocated as a mechanism to ‘Close the Gap’ on life outcomes between indigenous and non-indigenous citizens, while much (perhaps, most) of indigenous Australia is intergenerationally communally traumatised, the reason this trauma isn’t healing is due to continuing present-day-generated Disempowerment. Thus, rather than ‘the Voice’, which may be unnecessary and may solidify long-term division, ‘Close the Gap’ will be swiftly achieved via Coopetition-maximisation particularly The USI for both UMHoW (i.e. no Unemployment) and income-Welfare (i.e. no stigma or ‘mutual obligations’) reform.]
4. Taxation Infrastructure (TI)
The Taxation Infrastructure (TI) consists of:
- Minimal income-tax – however, with The USI not taxed, there is no longer a tax-free threshold on non-USI income
- Minimal company-tax
- GST – full-breadth and increased to 20%
- Land-tax – advice will be sought on its detail, however, it will include all land (though, on homes, it may be paid on its sale, transfer or at the owner’s end of life, whichever occurs first).
- Capital-Gains tax
[Note: Land & Capital are distinct as, while Land is a natural inheritance, Capital, arising out of HOST, is human-made.]
Taxes will also continue to be applied in order to compensate for ‘externalities’ such as:
- On ‘bads’ – for instance, tobacco
- When production consumes natural resources or creates pollution, which isn’t automatically included as a cost to the producer.
In general, with Coopetition-maximisation, efficiency is maximised, which means non-GST taxes will fall and balanced budgets are easily achieved such that they will become the norm.
The Coopetition Party’s reason to exist is to achieve the vision of ‘sustainable Socio-Econo-Enviro- (SEE) stability-prosperity maximisation’ via the mission of “Governance that maximises citizens’ Coopetitive-contributive self-actualisation”, which is, in turn, achieved via governing through minimalist nature-correlating Coopetition-maximisation infrastructure.
With the Party’s leaders permanently accountable to this raison d’être, they must be constantly ready to justify their decisions in terms of it, which means the Party, rather than being personality-led, will be policy-led.
Accordingly, since it is irrelevant which Party and which individuals carry out these policies, existing Parties and independents are encouraged to adopt the Coopetition-maximisation narrative and its reforms (and, should they do so, will be supported).
Thank you.
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and best regards
Paul Ross
The Citizen’s Dividend Organisation (CDO) Australia
The Civilisationism Organisation (TCO)
Appendix: The Universal Survival Income (USI)
The USI is The Coopetition Party’s signature reform.
With The USI the only unconditional guaranteed Citizen Empowerment Infrastructure (CEI) cornerstone of the 5 to be completely absent, as a consequence, there is Indirect Survival Income Slavery (ISIS).
ISIS arose out of the Industrial Revolution’s transition from self-dependent subsistence-farming to dependence on the Econo- in which, due to the transition, people lost direct control over their survival-needs such that they required a Survival-Income in order to purchase their needs from others.
However, a society with citizens who are Slaves violates nature’s definition of a society as a Coopetitive entity.
Also, with ISIS the greatest remaining assault on ‘self-actualisation’, it is the key remaining impediment to Australia becoming a Coopetition-maximising society, which means it is the main reason for our culminating perfect storm of interwoven exponentiating Socio-Econo-Enviro- (SEE) catastrophes.
For instance, in an Industrialised Econo-, just as it is inefficient for people to be subsistence farmers, it is also inefficient to force each household to first prioritise the obtainment of their survival needs.
Thus, the USI, which streamlines the provision of Survival-Income, is justifiable as an Industrial Revolution inheritance.
Meanwhile, because the USI was never implemented, there arose 2 Band-Aid anti-Coopetitive infrastructures:
- Universal Minimum Hourly Wages (UMHoW), which, resembling nothing natural, doesn’t solve exploitation and, on the contrary, creates Unemployment/Underemployment
- The income-Welfare system, which, as well as being wasteful, also creates ‘dole-bludger’ Stigmatisation (including conflating racism with unemployment, which is a significant part of the ‘Closing the Gap’ problem) and ‘mutual obligations’ Harassment (which is another significant component of the ‘Gap’ problem).
Thus, The USI will be substituted for both UMHoW and the income-Welfare system, which includes eradicating the latter’s:
- Infrastructure of Centrelink and the Job Service Provider contracts
- Payments of Jobseeker and, for the able, social-housing.
In turn, this eradicates:
- Poverty
- Exploitation
- Division including the Left/Right chasm.
The benefits are profound on everything from domestic violence, non-domestic-crime, self-destructive escapism, mental-illness, Closing the Gap, disability care, the Enviro-, non-government Human-Organisation, entrepreneurialism, science and the arts.
Regarding the Econo- benefits, they are virtually impossible to exaggerate.
In short, the Econo- will be automatically Coopetition-maximised such that it returns to ‘exclusively being for efficiently producing and distributing the goods and services we need/desire, which we cannot or don’t wish to produce ourselves’, without Labour-market exploitation and, because there is full-employment, without the need for jobs-for-jobs’-sake paid-work, which in turn means there is no longer any need for ‘Jobs, Jobs, Jobs’ politics.
First, The USI reform will ‘clean’ the Labour-market, which is currently corrupted by the triple-whammy of:
- Indirect-Survival-Income-Slavery (ISIS)-based exploitation
- Universal Minimum Hourly Wages (UMHoW)
- The income-Welfare system including ‘the welfare-to-work distortion’.
With Slavery abolished, wages will be bid-up yet business (particularly manufacturing) will benefit from a vastly more motivated workforce, an increase in demand for their product, increased international competitiveness, a relaxation of some regulations and a decrease in non-GST taxes.
Meanwhile, workplace culture will need to be best-practise lest employers suffer the loss of their employees – certainly, their best employees – which will, ultimately, help employers.
With the achievement of perpetual full-employment, the tens of thousands of highly-educated and talented Australian economists who are studying, measuring, discussing, teaching and, generally, obsessing over Unemployment can, instead, be redeployed to productive pursuits.
With GDP, rather than including counterproductive waste (such as Centrelink) becoming, exclusively, a measure of the production of what we need/desire – i.e. our ‘effective-Econo-’ – this effective-Econo- will, at least, double within a decade then continue at that pace for, at least, another decade.
In addition to Chinese demand for our Iron Ore becoming irrelevant, nothing will undermine Authoritarianism like the full-blooded for-all-to-see example of a caring efficient green Herculean Coopetition-maximised society.
Meanwhile, with massive trust returned to politics and politicians, all these just articulated benefits will be circularly reinforced.
The Coopetition Party pitches The USI at $20,000 a year for non-incarcerated in-country adult citizens and $5,000 for each child’s guardian.