Pre-Election Sum-Up
Problem: | ISIS (Indirect Survival Income Slavery) |
Sub-Problem: | UMHoW (Universal Minimum Hourly Wages) |
Solution: | USI 4 UMHoW |
Result: | Our culminating perfect storm of exponentiating Socio-Econo-Enviro- (SEE) catastrophes will be reharmonised such as to be manageable. |
For almost 2 years, the government has had a unique Covid-gifted opportunity to create an unrivalled legacy via the abolition of Indirect-Survival-Income-Slavery (ISIS), which originally arose out of the Industrial Revolution’s whole-of-society transition from subsistence-farming to participation in the national and international Econo-.
Regarding ISIS-abolition, it is low-hanging fruit, which, blessedly, is pleasantly achieved via trading-up from Universal Minimum Hourly Wages (UMHoW) to The Universal Survival Income (USI).
Among other things, as well as achieving perpetual full-employment – i.e. zero unemployment/underemployment – it also achieves the Liberal Party’s Holy Grail of significant labour market deregulation.
One mantra is: ‘To fix our problems, we need to align our institutionalised societal-wide systems with nature.’
And, an UMHoW of $20.33 (or any other figure) is as natural as Frankenstein – seriously, where in nature is there anything resembling an UMHoW?
How does a number associated with sixty-minutes of employment relate to solving exploitation?
Glancing in the mirror following becoming conscious, Frankenstein’s first words could well have been “Um … how?”
In comparison, whereas UMHoW is unnatural, survival and society’s deliverance of survival encapsulates nature’s very essence.
Thus, The USI 4 UMHoW reform would materially and mentally benefit, if not directly then indirectly, every Australian – from business-owner to the unemployed.
Instead, however, the government gave us the zero-imagination Jobkeeper-wastefulness, the zero-achievement National Covid-19 Coordination Commission (NCCC) and, now, we have a return to division and punishing the already Disempowered.
In sum, the government could have gone high; yet, due to a cocktail of intellectual laziness and self-interest, it has gone low, which, of course, anyone can do …
In breaking news, at the Naval Group shipyards, in a joint press conference, former sub-wheelers-and-dealers Macron & Turnbull have denied paying the Russians to plaster Facebook with ScoPinocchio caricatures.
Meanwhile, ScoMo has rejected the tag – “Look, whether it’s ScoPinocchio or ScoMonocchio, I just think it’s a stretch – I mean no one calls Facebook Nosebook and, frankly, regarding submarines and cartoons, the nasal focus needs to be on Xinnie-the-Pooh’s intentions over the Taiwan honeypot – we can’t have Pooh in the honey!”
“So, Scott – may I call you Scott? “
“That would be a relief.”
“Which is harder – holding a hose or blowing your nose?”
“Mate, fair suck of the sauce bottle.”
“Alright, what do you say to those who accuse you of bullying the Unemployed?”
“Well, ‘you’ve got to have a go to get a go’ and I’m having a go at them so I can get another go as PM.”
“But some are saying, while they’re already down, you’re cow-kicking them …
“Hey, they’re not calling me ‘ScoMoo’ are they?”
“Haven’t heard it … You’ve been quoted as saying, ‘The best form of welfare is a job’ but what if instead of income-Welfare, like Universal Healthcare, it was infrastructuralised via The USI so Survival-Income is streamlined, everyone gets it and we’re all better-off?”
“Well, you may have a point but, right now, I need to do a bit of a job on these couch-potatoes – can I say that – so I won’t need income-Welfare myself.”
“So, you reckon you can still win the election?”
“Well, we’re only a nose behind so if we ISIS-flog the Hell out of the dole-bl… , er, Unemployed, enough of them should either get some sort of paid-work or, otherwise, drop-off being registered so the official headline rate dips sufficiently to get us across the line – take it from a marketing genius, it doesn’t matter if your nose is like Mr Squiggle’s, it’s all about the headline.”
“What about substituting The Universal Survival Income (USI) for Universal Minimum Hourly Wages (UMHoW)? Wouldn’t that please your constituents, the Nationals and, also, even Labor voters – i.e. big ticket items: labour market deregulation, environmental-sustainability (no more worrying about 2030 emissions targets), sovereignty-strengthening, authoritarian-undermining, Close the Gap, manufacturing-booming, a domestic violence temperer and lifeline, freedom from ISIS, an end to BS jobs and, of course, PUSH-eradication with no longer any Poverty, Unemployment, Stigma (‘dole-bludger’ narrative) or Harassment (‘mutual obligations’)?
“But then what would we do next? Besides, it’s too big a change – the punters won’t go for it.”
“Even if you’re throwing every single one of them $20,000 a year (plus non-GST tax cuts), which easily arise out of the Band-Aid-eradicating efficiency gains?”
“Yep – you’ve got to follow your nose on these sorts of things – after all, aren’t you aware, it’s easier to about-face an aircraft-carrier in the Suez than change another person’s mind? How else is it possible for the Left and Right to be forever-convinced they are correct and the other is wrong? I’ll give you a tip – just give your constituents what they think they want and bow at the applause. Anyway, journalists aren’t allowed to ask me tricky questions – who’s your boss?”
“All in this together eh?”
“Sure, unless it prevents winning.”

December 8, 2021
The government could have aired, advocated and implemented The Universal Survival Income (USI) 4 Universal Minimum Hourly Wages (UMHoW) super-solution and, thereby, eradicated Indirect-Survival-Income-Slavery (ISIS); instead, they have increased Harassment of Unemployed citizens via ramping-up ‘mutual obligations’.
Note: While some are whinging they can’t buy a house on a salary of $100,000 a year, an unemployed single with no dependents ‘lives it up’ on $629.50 a fortnight ($16,367 per year).
This month, across Australia, Jobsearch Providers (JSPs) have been ordered to dramatically increase Harassment.
Job searches have been raised from 10 to 20 per month.
Imagine, employers are being swamped with twice as many applications to sort through yet, unlike with The USI 4 UMHoW reform, the pressure on applicants to lie is such that employers won’t even know whether applicants really want the job or believe themselves suitable. How does that help business?
Anyone familiar with business knows a warm body can easily be a liability – what counts is the right person, in the right job, with the right attitude and the right skills.
Pity the poor businesses whose taxes pay for the ‘mutual obligations’ Harassment – the Centrelink and JSPs – and the multitudinous flow-on costs of mental-illness, crime and escapism.
Indirect-Survival-Income-Slavery’s (ISIS) ‘mutual obligations’ cause mental-illness, which causes domestic violence, crime and escapism including illegal-drug, nicotine and alcohol abuse and self-harm and even suicide.
Regarding the government Harassment, the unemployed are also being told they cannot approach employers using only one method – i.e. they must approach employers in different ways such as do some online, some in person, some over the phone, some via email.
Also, they must not keep approaching the same employer.
20 applications a month – imagine living in a small town where there are only so many employers.
With The USI, one could take a risk and leave.
But, aren’t employers crying out for workers and can’t get them – for instance, fruit-pickers?
Here, there are a number of issues:
- While fruit-picking is unskilled in one sense, it is highly fractionalised in another – i.e. it’s mainly for the young, single and those who are hardened to that sort of work and lifestyle (i.e. the work is a lifestyle because one is required to live on the farm)
- When farmers say they can’t get pickers, what they are really saying is they can’t get them at the wage/commission and conditions they want to pay and provide – i.e. most industries have to pay vastly more than the minimum for their workers.
- The Welfare-to-paid-work-distortion.
The welfare-to-paid-work-distortion refers to citizens who are on income-Welfare losing this Welfare when they take up paid-work.
In some cases, financially, they can even be worse off – what business person would take this option especially if survival was at stake?
So, the unemployed who are often just one missed payment away from destitution and who are, therefore, anxious and lack confidence must move away from any support (including familiarity) they do have to another town to get perhaps a few months paid-work in tough conditions doing a job they don’t know they can do and, in losing income-Welfare, should it not pan-out, risk not being able to re-get it (or it being delayed).
However, with The Universal Survival Income (USI), the entire situation changes because there is no longer any welfare-to-paid-work distortion – i.e. they will receive The USI whether they are in paid-work or not, which means, for many, they may as well travel to a farm and give it a go. Anyone who thinks, in Australia, $16,367 per year and being exiled from the mainstream makes a person happy and content needs to revisit the issue.
Thus, while it is frequently said, “With The USI, no one will want paid-work”, in Australia, given next to no one is satisfied with $20,000 a year, on the contrary, without the need for being divisively nasty and miserly, counterintuitively, more people will want paid-work.
A further point, no matter how many jobs employers say they can’t fill, certainly, they will not employ a particular person if they think that person’s productivity is less than the $20.33 per hour UMHoW (plus associated costs such as Superannuation) they must pay them.
Of course, with ‘The USI 4 UMHoW’ reform, this is no longer an issue.
Returning to the government’s pre-election ‘mutual obligations’ blitzkrieg, after the Covid hiatus, Work for the Dole (W4tD) is once again mandatory – i.e. the Unemployed who don’t do it will be ISIS-whipped.
In addition, W4tD requires being double-vaxed, which means ISIS is also being wielded as a whip to get people vaxed. While the author is happily double-vaxed, kicking those who are already Disempowered is cruel and will not, ultimately, benefit our society.
Regarding Work for the Dole, apparently, this phase re-started back on November 2 (or October 1 – the stories vary); however, the unemployed are only being told now yet the requirements are being backdated. This means, they have less than 5 months to complete what they are supposed to have 6 months to do. Of course, many of the Work for the Dole locations are still closed and, at this time of the year, there are few courses starting (courses are also a W4tD option).
So, everything must happen immediately but also can’t happen immediately – mental-illness is spawned through contradiction and no contradiction is more relevant than when it relates to one’s survival.
New ‘work-plans’ have to be signed – once again, under threat of ISIS.
Remember, this Harassment of citizens is all about the election and fudging the unemployment rate.
So, how can the unemployment rate be fudged?
First, what matters is the headline unemployment rate – i.e. what appears on the news – which consists of the following equation:
X / (X + Y)
X = Those not in paid-work and searching for paid-work
Y = Those in paid-work.
So, the government is lashing the ISIS whip because the tougher the ‘mutual obligations’, the more unemployed drop-off, which means the lower the headline rate.
While some will drop-off because they will get paid-work, there are also other eventualities …
Some drop-off and become homeless, some drop-off and can get family or other support, some drop-off and become thieves and/or illegal-drug-facilitators of which some become prisoners, some drop-off and commit suicide. All are a ruination of not just those lives but of multitudes of others. Meanwhile, the charity sector, thanks to ISIS, already a whopping 11% of the economy, struggles unsuccessfully to keep-up.
All for what?
Overwhelmingly, The Liberal Party’s constituents want freedom, societal unity, integrity of sovereignty and they want freedom for themselves and their fellow citizens, which means, though they may not have realised it yet, they want freedom from Indirect-Survival-Income-Slavery (ISIS) and its Poverty, Unemployment, Stigma & Harassment (PUSH) consequences.
So, instead of attempting to fudge the Unemployment figure, why not just implement The USI 4 UMHoW reform?
Couldn’t small business and farmers also do with an extra $20,000 per year per adult and $5,000 per year per child?
There’s doublethink here – currently, the Liberal Party is far more about oiling and wielding ISIS than it is about liberty.
Yet, is any registered political party or independent or candidate any better?
None are running on the ISIS-abolitionist USI for UMHoW reform.
Nevertheless, while the idea of our super-empowered roaming around king-hitting our Disempowered citizens and using them as election-winning playthings is disrespectful and cowardly, in recognizing all humans are riddled with frailties, overall and in principle, the CDO has tremendous respect for our PM ScoMo and all our parliamentarians.
Thank you.
Best regards
Paul Ross
The Citizen’s Dividend Organisation (CDO) Australia
The Civilisationism Organisation (TCO)
Humanity is being confronted by a culminating perfect storm of exponentiating Socio-Econo-Enviro- (SEE) catastrophes including:
- The Socio-: poverty, homelessness, mental-illness, escapism (such as drug & alcohol abuse and suicide), domestic-violence etc.
- The Econo-: un/der/employment, the welfare-to-paid-work distortion (i.e. the current income-Welfare system is an impediment to paid-work), ‘jobs-jobs-jobs’ (Triple-J) politics, the massive inefficiency of not ‘exclusively producing and delivering the goods & services we need/desire’ etc.
- The Enviro-:
- Natural: ecosystem destruction, species extinction, human population growth, plastic, climate change etc.
- International: our weaknesses boost our enemies, which is catalysing rivalry such as with Xi’s China and Putin’s Russia.
Hypothesis: These catastrophes are due to a single foundational ‘Country-Citizen Interface’ contradiction whose deleterious effects cascade through (and around) every SEE facet.
Solution: ‘maximise citizens’ Coopetition-contributive self-actualisation’ where Coopetition refers to Cooperative-Competition.
This necessitates ‘Citizen Empowerment Infrastructure’ (CEI), which consists of the 5 interdependent cornerstones of:
- Universal Rule of Coopetition-maximising Law – [In Australia] comparatively robust;
- Universal (compulsory-voting) Liberal Democracy – robust;
- Universal Healthcare – robust;
- Universal Education – robust;
- Universal Survival Income (USI) substituted as an upgrade for Universal Minimum Hourly Wages (UMHoW) – No, not yet.
[This USI-absence means there is Indirect-Survival-Income-Slavery (ISIS), which detracts from each of the other cornerstones making them all far less effective – for ex., poverty reduces many children’s capacity to focus on their Education.]
The Socio-Econo-Enviro-Harmonising Universal Survival Income (USI):
It’s not that it is the solution;
It’s that its absence is the problem.
While the current UMHoW/Jobseeker system comprises 1-way Welfare Cost, which partially benefits recipients at the country’s expense – including via division (for ex., the ‘lazy dole-bludger’ (and racist indigenous-variant) narratives) – The USI is a 2-way CEI Investment, which, as with the other CEI cornerstones, generates a massive multiplicative Return-On-Investment.]
Around $20,000 per year x 18 million (non-incarcerated in-country adult Australian citizens) + $5,000 x 4.5 million (children) = $386 billion.
This may be achieved by (2018 figures):
- Abolition of the Tax-Free Threshold ($35 billion);
- Reallocating the $175 billion Social Services budget (yes, just federally, we are already spending almost half of the total needed for everyone to receive it)
- Inserting a 20% full-breadth GST (no – it’s not regressive if the Disempowered are net beneficiaries; also, the wealthy and multinationals’ capacity to avoid a GST is particularly limited), which results in $200 billion minus $60 billion (from the current 10% gap-ridden GST) equalling an additional $140 billion.
In addition to this $325 billion total, there will be massive human-capital, efficiency, community-involvement and trust gains, which means, not only is The USI easily afforded, we will be, at least, twice as prosperous.
In the process, the economy will be transformed from being an inefficient, resource-wasting and environment-trashing own-goal manifestation to being ‘an efficient production and distribution of goods and services we need/desire’ one.
That is, currently, around half our 13 million paid-workers have:
- Jobs-for-jobs-sake paid-work – i.e. excess public service jobs and subsidised/protected private enterprise jobs
- Magnify-the-ISIS-Mess paid-work – i.e. Harassment-magnification via Centrelink and the Job-Search agencies
- Manage-the-ISIS-Mess paid-work – i.e. by far the most significant of the 3, this includes most of the charity sector, which is 11% of the economy and 5.7 million volunteers, much of the health sector (especially mental-health), also Centrelink and most of the justice sector.
Then, there is the massive permeating benefit of achieving full-employment, which will, with everyone free to say ‘no’ to an employer and the present social-status premium on paid-work over unpaid-work rectified, create a workers’ paradise.
Yet, this workers’ paradise will embody significant labour-market reform (we only need to overcome our emotional attachment to economy-wide minimum-wages).
And, this means many of our volunteers can get paid something and our young, elderly, relatively unskilled, disabled, unpaid-carers, 800,000+ unemployed and 1.1 million+ underemployed can, if they desire, get paid-work (or, more paid-work) such that ‘anyone who, at the going rate, wants paid-work, can find it’.
In addition, The USI will eradicate the current ‘welfare-to-paid-work’ distortion, which disincentivises acquiring paid-work because one loses one’s welfare.
Furthermore, full-employment will result in wages and conditions being bid-up.
And yet, business, as well as benefiting from deregulation, will also benefit from an absence of unhappy conscripts, which given, with regard to morale and productivity, ‘one bad apple spoils the barrel’, will deliver massive productivity efficiencies.
All this means our tradables’ sector – especially manufacturing – will roar.
The CDO’s Commitment (August 1, 2019):
1. Short-term (interim) – At the 2022 Australian Federal Election (unlike in 2019), at least one registered political party will have the USI as its signature policy such that The USI is an election issue
2. Medium-term (end) – At the 2025 Australian Federal Election, the winner has a mandate for the implementation of The USI, which it then prosecutes.