ABC’s The Drum’s Week-Nightly Circle-Dance
“The system’s broken.”
Rhetorical: “But, what’s the solution?”
“The system’s broken.” …
[Of course, should they air the solution, it may make the show redundant.]
The Coopetitionism Model – The Optimised Western Model
Vision: ‘Our society being Socio-Econo-Enviro[international/natural] (SEE-in) sustainably stability-prosperity optimised’.
The Socio- is supreme because society (and, therefore, each of the SEE-in components) exists for and revolves around its citizens (whose core interests are, in turn, represented by the Socio-) – that is:
- The Econo- is created for and by citizens, which means the Econo- is a subset of the Socio-
- The Enviro- concerns the interaction between:
- In the case of the natural, citizens and nature
- In the case of the international, citizens and foreigners.
Thus, in order to optimise the Socio-Econo-Enviro[international/natural] (SEE-in), we must prioritise the Socio-.
However, our current unofficial national mission of ‘Jobs, Jobs, Jobs’ (Triple-J) politics isn’t a prioritisation of the Socio-; on the contrary, it represents a Socio- failure because it reflects the existence of Survival-Income-Slavery (SIS) without which there would be neither Poverty nor Unemployment.
Mission: Coopetitionism: “minimal government systems that maximise citizens’ Coopetition-contributive self-actualisation”.
Coopetition: ‘Cooperation first & foremost and Competition the treasured second’.
Coopetitionism requires Citizen Empowerment Infrastructure’s (CEI) 5 ‘guaranteed and unconditional’ cornerstones:
- Universal Rule of Coopetition-maximising Law
- Universal Liberal Democracy
- Universal Education
- Universal Healthcare
- The Universal Survival Income (USI), which abolishes Survival-Income-Slavery (SIS).
With Australia already possessing robust versions of the first 4, we are only absent The USI.
Solution: ‘The USI-Reform’ – i.e.:
- Increase GST to 20% full-breadth
- Pay every adult in-country non-incarcerated citizen The Universal Survival Income (USI) of $20,000 per year (irrespective of whether or not they are in paid-work), which means a paid-worker currently earning $40,000 gross will receive around $60,000 gross [$5,000 for children to their guardian/s.]
- Eradicate Universal Minimum Hourly Wages (UMHoW), which eradicates Unemployment/Underemployment.
This means:
- Survival Income Slavery (SIS) is abolished
- The economy, rather than being distorted into manufacturing jobs for jobs’ sake paid-work, returns to its natural purpose of ‘exclusively providing the goods & services we need/desire’
- Poverty, Unemployment, Stigma (the ‘dole-bludger’ narrative including its racist & disablist variants), Harassment (‘mutual obligations’) & paid-work-Exploitation (PUSHE) are all eradicated.
- Business enjoys both increased demand (because people have more to spend) and lower costs – i.e. business isn’t directly paying The USI plus there’s less regulation (including no UMHoW), which, in particular, increases their international competitiveness.
Lastly, due to PUSHE-eradication, the current unofficial national mission of Triple-J politics is also eradicated, which means we can, instead, prioritise the natural and international environments – i.e. manually prioritise both:
- Directly sustaining Australia’s natural-Enviro-
- Optimising our international-Enviro- via exporting ‘The Coopetitionism Model’ to:
- Authoritarian-Illegitimate countries where their citizens, seized by the model’s demonstrated benefits, will demand it for themselves
- The Developing world, which, in addition to constituting the greatest humanitarian aid assistance in their history, via abolishing Survival-Income-Slavery (SIS), will also decrease global population pressures on the natural-Enviro- as it will eradicate their need to have large families for captive cheap labour and an old-age pension.
Easter Saturday – April 16, 2022
While Putin, Xi & Kim – and Biden – have extraordinary destructive power, currently, the Aussie ‘Australis’ voter has more positive strategic power than all the world’s foremost despots and the free-world’s leader combined.
The Australis’ Extraordinary Power
The Australis’ historically unprecedented power for good is due to a confluence of 3:
- The sole solution is Coopetitionism and, while the whole world is purportedly looking, only the Australis is, in any minor way, being exposed to it
- The Australis is already subject to the world’s best existent Coopetitionist systems including Democracy and free speech (yes, unfortunately, currently, our media is a touch delinquent – too trivial and, regarding uptake, Ice-Age-glacial)
- Timing – i.e. the federal election’s May 21 imminence.
If we are agile enough to adopt Coopetitionism and, in particular, ‘The USI-Reform’ then we can start the task of optimising ‘The Western Model’ into ‘The Coopetitionism Model’, which, via its demonstrated success, will result in it being our greatest export.
[Imagine, Putin & Xi – no longer able to point at the West’s Socio- problems – suddenly kept busy maintaining their balance as their citizens pull the governmental-rug from under them.]
The problem: our politicians – all of them – are resisting rising to the occasion.
Example: On April 14, PM Morrison expanded his national vision of ‘Jobs, Jobs, Jobs’ (Triple-J) to Quintuple-J – yes, ‘Jobs, Jobs, Jobs, Jobs, Jobs’, which for emphasis he counted-off via fingers and thumb. We wonder if this will encourage Opposition Leader Albanese to raise it to Sextuple-J or to use his toes or even go the whole hog and announce the ‘infinite’-J of the transition-to-Communism Job Guarantee (JG)?
The JG
The JG is job-creation’s final solution – it consists of a government guarantee of full-time paid-work (at or above the Universal Minimum Hourly Wage (UMHoW)) for anyone who wants it.
[Please note: The JG is a Band-Aid, which has no relevance when Survival-Income-Slavery (SIS) is abolished and Universal Minimum Hourly Wages (UMHoW) eradicated.]
In order to pay for it (and its bureaucracy), Government must tax the private-sector (including, indirectly, via taxing individuals), which makes business less competitive, which means it will employ less people, which means there is a requirement for more JG jobs, which means more taxation and so on.
Hence, private enterprise is progressively all but taxed-out of existence such that the economy transitions to Communism.
Does 2022-Labor Wish to Implement the JG?
First, Labor’s ‘tiny-target’ strategy means there are a host of possibilities, which includes the JG.
Second, if it announced it would implement the JG, it would almost certainly lose the election.
Third, Labor is Left of its recent incarnations – for ex., it’s dissimilar to Hawke-Keating Labor – plus, around the world, the Left is coagulating around the JG. [In Australia, due to media-failure, this last point (and the JG per se) is not well-understood.]
Fourth, due to Jobkeeper’s wastefulness – i.e. The USI is an infinitely better way (and, similar to Universal Education, actually makes us wealthier) to confront the pandemic’s Socio- (including Econo-) harms – the current Coalition-variant (and, perhaps, the Liberal Party per se) has so trashed its brand, it has zero credibility in keeping other Parties fiscally accountable, which means their objection to the JG will lack efficacy.
Fifth – where the rubber really hits the road – the ACTU, ACOSS, GetUp, the Greens and even Anglicare explicitly want the JG. So, is there any reason – but for the fear of scaring voters – Labor doesn’t want it?
[Regarding Anglicare, fancy a Christian organisation – particularly, one of its stature and when Communism Mark I’s remnants (such as Putin & Xi) are still troublesome – desiring to kick-start the journey to Communism Mark II? Of course, their hierarchy is not devious but naïve and the reason they don’t have their reasoning ‘ducks in a row’ is also largely due to the media failing its analytical and accountability principles – i.e. why isn’t the media analysing the JG, pointing out its flaws and questioning those who advocate it? And, do we need a GoFundMe page in order to bribe a journalist into asking Labor’s leadership, “If you win the election, do you intend to implement the JG?”]
Most Western nations will either get The USI, which will lead them to the salvation of Coopetitionism, or they will get the JG, which will fast-track them to the damnation of anti-Coopetitionism (i.e. Competition above Cooperation).
[Please note: the idea that a society should have both the USI and the JG is ridiculous – i.e. with ‘The USI Reform’ there is no Unemployment/Underemployment so a JG is superfluous.]
Thus, in Australia, unless a journalist can ask Labor whether they plan to bring in the Job Guarantee and get a definitive negative answer, we could be 5 weeks away from embarking on Communism Mark II.
Policy Evaluation Mantra
In order to achieve optimal government-policy (including minimalism) – i.e. Coopetitionism infrastructure & zero Band-Aiding – policy efficacy should always be analysed via simultaneously considering all 4 Socio-Econo-Enviro[international/natural] (SEE-in) objectives of:
- The Socio-
- The Econo-
- The international-Enviro-
- The natural-Enviro-
This policy-evaluation prism should be a mantra, which the media, especially, should judge itself by – after all, how else can unintended consequences be captured and Band-Aiding & profligacy eradicated?
Coopetitionism represents the last step in optimising the current Western model.
Only Coopetitionism can achieve sustainable stability-prosperity because only it automatically infrastructurally optimises the Socio- (including the Econo-), which means, without fear of institutionally manufacturing citizen suffering, we can manually optimise the Enviro- both international and natural.
Hence, Coopetitionism must become the global government-system narrative, which, however, requires it to be demonstrated, which, in turn, requires its implementation.
And, currently, Australia, which is only missing the single Citizen Empowerment Infrastructure (CEI) cornerstone of The Universal Survival Income (USI), has the foremost opportunity to lead.
That is, with the election just 5 weeks away, you – the Australis voter – have unprecedented power to encourage friends, family and, especially, politicians to embrace Coopetitionism, generally, and The USI-Reform, in particular.
Thank you.
Best regards
Paul Ross
Founder, The Citizen’s Dividend Organisation (CDO)
Prospective 2022 Independent-‘Independent’ Senate Candidate (Victoria)