[Reference: ‘The Univisionist 2.13 – Fun-Fair Governance: From The Big Bang to The Universal Survival Income (USI)‘]
Society is nature’s supreme manifestation of Coopetition – i.e. Cooperation first & foremost and, within that context, Competition as the treasured second – which is evident in organisms from bacteria to sentient-animals.
In sentient-animals, emotions such as empathy and trust evolved as communal-glue, which enabled ‘societies of the familiar’.
However, regarding humans, comparatively, they possess extraordinary ingenuity consisting of 3 compartmentalised tools: Science, Human-Organisation & Technology (SHOT).
Accordingly, via farming in particular, humans expanded their communities beyond ‘societies of the familiar’ to ‘societies of strangers’, which surpassed the capacity of our communal-glue emotions.
Thus, there evolved government in which, at the supreme level, understanding and respect for systems superseded understanding and respect for individuals.
Ideally, government systematically Coopetises the society-of-strangers in which case the governance may be termed ‘Coopetism’.
In this case, though the government has overriding power, it’s optimally efficient for most decisions to be made at the level of the community rather than the nation.
Hence, the appropriate government/citizen interface is represented by:
‘Supreme Rule of Coopetition-maximising Law’.
Eventually, however, human-ingenuity reached a critical-mass – known as The Industrial Revolution – in which, via the economy, communities were fused into the nation.
At this point, to remain Coopetitive, these societies required ‘neo-Coopetism’ government, which is distinguished via government needing to be far more pervasive such that the government/citizen interface is represented by:
‘Universal Rule of Coopetition-maximising Law’.
And, Universal Rule of Coopetition-maximising Law’s major component is the government implementation and administering of citizen ‘Coopetition-Contributive Self-Actualisation Maximisation’ (CoCoSAM) or RIDEH infrastructure, which consists of the following 5 ‘universal, guaranteed and unconditional’ cornerstones:
- Universal Rule of Personal & Property Security Law [R]
- Universal Subsistence Income (The USI) [I].
- Universal Liberal Democracy [D]
- Universal Education [E]
- Universal Healthcare [H]
Neo-Coopetism is an optimised version of our current ‘Western Model’, which means it achieves Fukuyama’s fabled ‘End of History’ and is, therefore, the antidote to Huntington’s ‘Clash of Civilisations’.
However, in the absence of the narratives of Coopetition, ‘Universal Rule of Coopetition-maximising Law’ and RIDEH cornerstones, there arose 2 groups of post-Industrial Revolution evolutionary agents:
- The Left (at their purest, champions of Cooperation) – i.e. the RIDEH cornerstone agitators
- The Right (at their purest, champions of Competition) – i.e. the RIDEH cornerstone resistors who, consisting of much of the elite, had Competitive advantages such that they benefitted from the status quo and were, therefore, conservatives.
With, Coopetition, one way or another, a nature-demand and perpetual attack usually more effective than perpetual defence, in Australia and most Western nations, all the RIDEH cornerstones have evolved save The USI.
Regarding The USI, it hasn’t evolved because the Left, instead of advocating for the ‘universal, guaranteed and unconditional’ version has, on this occasion, sought the joint USI-proxy of:
- Universal Minimum Hourly Wages (UMHoW)
- Targeted income-Welfare.
However, whereas The USI eradicates Subsistence-Income-Servitude (SIS) including its subsets of Poverty and workplace-Exploitation, this USI-proxy doesn’t.
Moreover, exceptionally inefficient (costly), The USI-proxy manufactures unemployment such that, without UMHoW, unemployment wouldn’t even be a concept and, instead of the economy being a ‘Coopetonomy’, which ‘exclusively efficiently empoweringly produces and distributes the goods & services citizens need/desire’, it’s increasingly a ‘Squandonomy’.
That is, The USI-proxy exponentially squanders our potential Science, Human-Organisation & Technology (SHOT) productivity improvements via its increasing:
- Jobs-for-jobs’-sake paid-work
- Magnify-the-mess paid-work
- Manage-the-manufactured-mess paid-work.
In sum, our Squandonomy is as little as 2% as efficient as the potential Coopetonomy.
Moreover, this gross inefficiency produces government budgetary pressures, which, while commonly viewed as unavoidable, are due exclusively to suboptimal RIDEH cornerstones particularly The USI-omission.
Ultimately, the inefficiencies are generating our culminating perfect storm of exponentiating Socio-Econo-Enviro[international/natural] (SEE-in) catastrophes.
Meanwhile, while The USI is the last remaining, foundational, Left/Right battle, due to its festering (already over 13 generations), it is increasingly fragmenting our nations via identity-warfare.
That is, with Society being nature’s supreme manifestation of Coopetition, when Coopetition is violated, nature’s solution is to either:
- Solve it – i.e. Coopetise the group
- Fragment – i.e. split the group.
Thus, because we are failing to solve it, our society is being fragmented.
Nevertheless, transitioning to neo-Coopetism is pleasantly and simply achieved via implementing ‘The USI-Reform’, which involves trading-up from the Universal Minimum Hourly Wages (UMHoW) & targeted income-Welfare systems to The Universal Subsistence Income (USI).
This will result in a Coopetonomy, which will reharmonise:
- The Socio-
- The international-Enviro-
- The natural-Enviro-.
Therefore, the Citizen Dividend Organisation (CDO) calls for the creation of a Left/Right transcendent neo-Coopetism political party with the signature policy of ‘The USI-Reform’.