‘The Delinquent Singularity’
All humanity’s Big Picture challenges devolve to Subsistence-Income-Servitude (SIS), which has 2 nation-rotting components:
- Poverty
- Poverty’s ‘Coercion of Choice’, which contradicts the social-services’ goal of, ‘Agency of Choice’.
(particularly for our non-Australian readers)
The Australian treasurer – The Hon. Dr Jim Chalmers MP – has written a treatise titled ‘Capitalism after the crises’, which has gained the attention (and, broadly, the derision) of Australia’s economics, business, media and political elite. [Notably, the Disempowered’s champions – the social-services elite – have been quiet – one wonders why?].
Summed-up, the treasurer advocates ‘values-based Capitalism’ to which, in principle, the CDO agrees.
The “It’s Complex” Cliché
On any social-issue, to get heads nodding, usually, one only needs to utter, “It’s complex”.
Then, akin to mass hypnosis, with murmured agreement, all relaxedly slump and … nod.
“Yes, it’s too complex,” minds internally exclaim, relieved at the implied permission to switch to something pleasanter, “so we just have to accept it.”
Meanwhile, the Disempowered are still Disempowered – for instance, there’s still people (including children) living on the streets under poverty & poverty’s ‘Coercion of Choice’.
What if social-issue ‘X’ merely seems complex because, failing to identify the problem’s source, we focus on ‘solving’ symptoms – i.e. we’ve stuck Band-Aid upon Band-Aid such that our nations are decomposing underneath.
Regarding these Band-Aid tactics, one example for each of the 4 Socio-Econo-Enviro-[international/natural] (SEE-in) challenges are:
- Mental-illness – we need ‘more mental-health professionals’ (the Socio-)
- Unemployment – we need ‘more jobs’ (the Econo-)
- Authoritarians – we need ‘more weapons’ (the international-Enviro-)
- Carbon-dioxide emissions – we need ‘more regulations’. (the natural-Enviro-)
The CDO is not implying these ‘mores’ are inherently wrong – i.e. if the causal-source is unknown then there’s little choice but to Band-Aid – however, such stopgaps can, at best, only offer time, which, given we are facing a culminating perfect storm of SEE-in calamities, seems to be running-out.
It’s running out because, while we laud Science & Technology, we’re ignoring Human-Organisation (particularly government-systems) – i.e. like drinking the ‘elixir of life’, one needs the entire SHOT (Science, Human-Organisation & Technology).
If it does run-out, it will crystalise as government-service collapse – i.e. Hell on Earth (for instance, Haiti) – then, probably, Authoritarianism.
Thus, the world most needs an ‘optimal-governance’ prototype.
Yet, globally, what political party – major or minor – is genuinely devoted to – i.e. their 1st priority is – optimal-governance?
If you know of one – whether in the 3rd, 2nd or 1st world – please let us know.
February 11, 2023
The Australian treasurer’s advocation of ‘values-based Capitalism’ begs the questions:
- What are the implied lack-of-values?
- What system/s (or, their absence) are manufacturing them?
- How can the source problem/s, once-and-for-all and in a sustainable government-budget depressurising way, be solved?
Human Traits & Systems
Human-motivations are confined to:
- Direct ‘physical pleasure/pain’
- Conceptualised ‘physical pleasure/pain’ – i.e. ‘emotional pleasure/pain’.
Humans also possess an overarching ‘contentment-discontentment’ spectrum in which an individual’s position on this spectrum is determined by the over-time confluence of their physical & emotional pleasure/pain.
Regarding the higher-level emotional component of an individual’s ‘contentment-discontentment status’, it consists of the degree to which the person:
- Is directly ‘self-actualising’
- Perceives they are ‘socially-contributing’
- Perceives they are being appropriately ‘socially-rewarded’ (including materially and via respect)
- Perceives their group as being on a ‘sustainable stability-prosperity’ path.
[Currently, what percentage of citizens feel they have 4 out of 4? What percentage have 0 out of 4? For a nation to be ‘civilised’, all citizens should easily be able to achieve the first 2 and most should be blessed with all 4.]
Thus, optimally-civilising-systems need to:
- Empower, inspire and energize self-actualisation so long as it is not socially-detrimental and reward it when it is socially-contributing
- Not contradict citizens’ self-actualisation because that is an attack on the citizen, which will manufacture distress, resentment & mental-illness – i.e. as well as causing harm to the individual, for the nation, it’s an own-goal.
That is, systems are akin to a river’s current, which means, optimally, they should point in the civilising direction so citizens can, in good faith, swim with its current rather than against it – i.e. as we are seeing, there’s little point making emotional appeals to be more civilised such as: “Be kind”, “Don’t be greedy”, “For the sake of your kids and grandkids, save the planet” etc. when there’s a tsunamic system flowing in the contrary direction.
In any case, that we are subject to so many extreme and still worsening problems should alert us that one or more of our foundational systems is fundamentally flawed, which, therefore, requires more than just Band-Aiding.
Citizen Empowerment: ‘The 5 Key Civilisational Requirements’
Regarding citizens’ empowerment, they have ‘5 key civilisational requirements’:
- Rule of Law
- Sustenance
- A say
- Education
- Healthcare.
In the Subsistence Era (pre-1760), most citizens were subsistence-farmers whose lives weren’t predominantly dependent on the nation nor, therefore, direct government involvement but on self-sufficiency, family and (local-) community – i.e.:
- Rule of Law – community
- Sustenance – self-sufficiency & family
- A say – community
- Education – family & community
- Healthcare – family & community.
Consistent with this, the economy was minimal with most, notwithstanding the hardship, having direct control over their survival-needs.
Then, there arose a singularity encompassing the potential for nations to become akin to ‘Universal Fun-Fairs’ except, rather than being vacuous, they can be maximisers of citizens’ ‘nation-contributing self-actualisation’ – i.e. there arose ‘the Industrial Revolution’.
‘The Universal Fun-Fair Singularity’: Industrial Era History
Entering the Industrial Era (c. 1760), subsistence-farmers were attracted to the cities to become factory-machinists, whereby they gave-up direct-control over their subsistence-needs in return for a money-income, which they used to purchase goods & services.
Thus, the economy became:
- National (rather than communal)
- A ubiquitous aspect in citizens’ lives (rather than an insignificant one)
- Potentially, subsistence-transcendent (we’re yet to adopt this).
[Note: since 1760, potential productivity has exponentiated perhaps 10,000-fold (including, since 2013, more than doubling), which suggests The Universal Subsistence-Income (USI) should be ‘loose change’ affordable and yet the prevailing wisdom is, ‘it’s unaffordable’. What if, counterintuitively, it’s The USI’s omission that’s costly – i.e. what if, its absence is dystopian?]
Meanwhile, in the Industrial Era, a ‘sustainable stability-prosperity optimised’ civilisation can no longer be achieved via only self-sufficiency, family & community – i.e. there is a void, which can only be filled by government.
Specifically, in order to achieve the Industrial Revolution’s ‘Universal Fun-Fair’ promise, with respect to citizens’ ‘5 key civilisational requirements’, government needs to implement Universal Empowerment Infrastructure (UEI), which consists of 5 ‘universal, unconditional & guaranteed’ RIDEH cornerstones:
- [R] Universal Rule of Personal & Property Security Law
- [I] Universal Subsistence Income (USI)
- [D] Universal Liberal Democracy
- [E] Universal Education
- [H] Universal Healthcare.
[Note: the UEI cornerstones are an Industrial Revolution inheritance – i.e. our ancestors are responsible for spawning its Science, Human-Organisation & Technology (SHOT) foundation – and, as with all inheritance, it is ‘something for nothing’; however, this ‘something for nothing’, which, as shall be shown, is neither Capitalist nor Socialist, makes both nation and citizens better-off.]
Among other things (including infrastructuralising the full-spectrum of human-rights), the UEI cornerstones infrastructuralise so-called ‘values-based Capitalism’ without any extraneous requirement – i.e. no Band-Aids.
Unfortunately, due to the extent and longevity of our Band-Aiding (much of which has been with us for generations), imagining the UEI’s full-ramifications is tricky such that most people’s first reaction is along the lines of, ‘it can’t be that simple’. So, please bear with me as I attempt to explain it – unfortunately, having been circulating this stuff for 5 years, explaining may not be my forte – I appreciate you giving me this chance.
This explanatory foray considers:
- In comparison to the UEI/RIDEH cornerstones, what has the West implemented?
- What’s the best way of getting from where we are now to ‘values-based Capitalism’?
1. In comparison to the 5 UEI cornerstones, what has the West implemented?
Although humanity hasn’t possessed the UEI narrative, in most of the West, often via revolution (such as the American (1775-1784) & the French (1789-1799)), there has evolved robust versions of:
- [R] Universal Rule of Personal & Property Security Law
- [D] Universal Liberal Democracy
- [E] Universal Education
- [H] Universal Healthcare (notably, not in the U.S.).
The stark exception is The Universal Subsistence Income (USI).
Pointedly, while the 4 implemented cornerstones only indirectly relate to the economy, The USI (as money) is directly related to it – i.e. if there’s no economy, there’s no reason for money.
Accordingly, in order to compensate for The USI absence, though the Econo- is a subset of the Socio- – i.e. it’s predominantly for citizens by citizens – we prioritise the Econo- above the rest of the Socio- (and, also, above the Enviro- including the natural-Enviro-).
That is, because there’s no USI, most citizens are subject to ‘the delinquent singularity’ – i.e. Subsistence-Income-Servitude (SIS) – which consists of:
- Poverty
- Poverty’s ‘Coercion of Choice’, which perverts citizens’ capacity to:
- Self-actualise
- Socially (including nationally) contribute.
Hence, on threat of death from starvation and lack of shelter, one-way-or-another, citizens must, first & foremost, prioritise obtaining their Subsistence-Income, which has led to everything from diminished loved-one caring to wanton natural-environment-destruction.
Also, isn’t social-status almost exclusively correlated with a citizen’s Econo- related endowment – i.e. income, wealth, career etc.?
Moreover, don’t our consequential Socio- failures give Authoritarian-illegitimates respite as, pointing them out to their citizens, they ‘muddy the waters’ insisting, “Look, our system’s better”?
Thus, The USI-absence is causing ‘the delinquent SIS singularity’, which is thwarting the full-expression of ‘the Universal Fun-Fair singularity’.
Returning to the Industrial Revolution, with the economy mushrooming as a proportion of the Socio-, there emerged its default system of Capitalism.
Capitalism was characterised by:
- New nation-spanning economies
- Output being leveraged via combining citizen paid-workers with privately-owned machines.
However, Capitalism’s problem then (as residually it is now) is it possesses the structural flaw of Subsistence-Income-Servitude (SIS), which, given the other 4 UEI cornerstones are in place, is ‘the delinquent singularity’ preventing ‘values-based Capitalism’.
[Note: Comparing income-Welfare to The ‘SIS-antidote’ USI, at best, the former can only solve SIS’ ‘poverty’ component – i.e. because income-Welfare is ‘targeted’ rather than ‘universal, unconditional & guaranteed’, it cannot deliver ‘The Agency of Choice’ and, therefore, does not optimally facilitate ‘self-actualisation’.]
Thus, SIS has produced a ‘butterfly effect’, which, cascading through the generations, is manufacturing all our culminating perfect storm of exponentiating Socio-Econo-Enviro-[international/natural] (SEE-in) catastrophes, which, in turn, means both:
- Implementing The USI will solve all our SEE-in problems
- Band-Aiding is futile.
Accordingly, until The USI is implemented, our problems will continue to their climax.
Returning (again) to the Industrial Revolution, due to SIS, paid-workers and would-be paid-workers can be exploited.
The USI-Absence: Infrastructuralised Exploitation
No matter other circumstances, citizens need a Survival-Income, which means they must do whatever it takes to get it whether it be self-dangerous or anti-social – i.e. they must obtain it irrespective of it entailing uncivilised behaviour.
Thus, via Subsistence-Income-Servitude (SIS), business’ ruthlessness was systemically incentivised – i.e. businesses are ‘profit-maximisers’ and, due to SIS, in many cases, this was achieved via the ruthless exploitation of its paid-workers (who, in the case of SIS-sufferers, couldn’t say “no”), which, perversely, meant compassionate employers were often unable to compete such that they were either forced to become more ruthless or ‘close their doors’.
This created an extraordinary ‘stake to the heart’ contradiction – i.e. on the one hand, business was destined for greatness (including being celebrated) as the Industrial Era’s ‘geese that lay the increasingly golden eggs’, on the other, due to SIS, being infrastructurally thrust into the role of exploiter, it also became the archvillain.
And so, though if any constituency was destined to benefit from SIS it’s business, immediately tarred as ‘of bad faith’, forces arose to hobble it.
First, though descendent from the more mellow trade-guilds, conceived in reaction to SIS-exploitation, trade-unions were necessarily born militant, which, contemporarily, due to the continuing USI absence, sees some workplaces still characterised by ‘us and them’ ‘perpetual struggle’.
In addition, Marx, understandably disgusted with the exploitation, formalised Communism. [Yes, if not for SIS, there would have been no impetus for Marxist Communism theory, which means there would have been no Communist insurgencies or nations, which means no Cold War and, therefore, no remnants such as Putin, Xi & Kim. To labour the point, ultimately, the War in Ukraine doesn’t derive from a person but from a faulty ancestral system, which propels such people to power, sustains their power and nurtures their poor use of that power. Regarding ‘winning hearts & minds’, with The USI a corruption killer (because everyone’s aware whether they’re receiving it or not plus, if necessary, they can afford to be whistle-blowers), in Afghanistan for example, just $US 40 per adult per month would likely have been sufficient – i.e. a fraction of that spent on security let alone the total budget including construction and social-engineering yet, for it, they would definitely have resisted the Taliban.]
Meanwhile, in the West, in the face of SIS-inclusive-Capitalism, there arose the socialisation of Capitalism – i.e. ‘Social-Capitalism’.
Social-Capitalism: The SIS-Tempering Band-Aiding of Capitalism
Rather than, via The USI, solving Subsistence-Income-Servitude (SIS) at its source, Social-Capitalism is a 26-decade (and counting) SIS-tempering-attempt to create ‘values-based Capitalism’ using only Band-Aids – i.e. chronologically we’ve added (then nuanced):
- Hire-&-Fire laws
- Universal Minimum Hourly Wages (UMHoW), which, very unfortunately, conceives unemployment – i.e. the unemployed are ‘those who want paid-work at the going wage-rate but cannot obtain it’ and UMHoW is a ‘going wage-rate’ minimum
- Income-Welfare (including in-kind versions such as, for the able, social/public-housing)
- Profit-taxes/income-taxes (i.e. to pay for the Band-Aiding and its inefficiencies)
- The ‘Jobs, Jobs, Jobs’ obsession, which has become an unofficial national mission
- Superannuation (i.e. tax-subsidies mostly for the upper middle-class)
- Environmental Social Governance (ESG) for corporates.
[Note: Most needed employer-to-employee laws are covered under the ‘Universal Rule of Personal & Property Security Law’ cornerstone].
Each Social-Capitalism layer directly punishes the ‘villain’ of business yet, indirectly, via their inefficiencies, punishes us all.
For instance, a nation should be an ‘all in this together’ entity; however, Social-Capitalism is manifoldly divisive – i.e. it has directly precipitated such divisions as:
- Left/Right (while present around all 5 RIDEH cornerstones, most of its contemporary nourishment is SIS-derived)
- Empowered/Disempowered
- Self-actualising/non-self-actualising
- Business-owner/paid-worker/non-paid-worker
- Econo- supply-side contributor/non-contributor
- ‘Lifter’/‘leaner’
- Employed/unemployed
- Income-Welfare non-recipient/recipient
- Self-funded-retiree/pensioner
- Indigenous/non-indigenous, which, in Australia, has precipitated the current ‘Voice’ debate.
Moreover, all this SIS-conceived divisiveness has spawned a division-culture, which, insidiously, is culminating in ‘identity-warfare’ – i.e. just when we need to be most united to face our culminating catastrophes, the cause of those catastrophes is also dividing us.
Meanwhile, paradoxically, the super-empowered elite are especially naïve because, on all these divisions, they are on the empowered side – for instance, because, on average, they inherited a higher IQ, superior health, a stabler background, more family support, a better education etc., they are self-actualising, materially rewarded and possess social-status.
Thus, while it’s the super-empowered who we most need to understand SIS because, by definition, they’re the most influential (including regarding policy-making), they’re the ones with the least personal experience of SIS – i.e. often their radar can’t detect it: ‘I’m a self-made person and if I can do it then anyone can’.
Returning to the Band-Aiding, particularly since the 2nd World War (when unemployment-benefits were typically added), the propensity for it has escaped Social-Capitalism’s confines to become a generalised ‘Band-Aid culture’.
The Band-Aid Culture
Currently, in Australia, there’s not a single policy – no matter it derives from a major or minor political party – that isn’t a Band-Aid – the last decent implemented infrastructural policy was probably the GST (though even it is suboptimally designed), which occurred in 2000.
Currently, the airwaves are full of:
- The Voice and the multitude of ‘Gaps’
- The carbon emissions cap
- The gas-price limit
- The ‘cornerstone’ core-crises in the judicial system, our democratic system, the education system, the health system (including relating to General Practitioners, hospitals, ambulance-ramping, aged care, disability and Medicare)
- Inflation.
Regarding inflation, it exists because of the ‘Jobs, Jobs, Jobs’ mission, which, catalysed by Covid, led to monetary easing and government deficits.
But, hasn’t the Ukraine war also pushed-up inflation?
Yes – however, with The USI, which is inflation-indexed (but doesn’t feed a ‘wages-price spiral’), inflation wouldn’t be the problem it currently is and, in any case, with perpetual full-employment, will be child’s play to control.
[Regarding full-employment, only UMHoW is preventing it. Yet, is there anything like UMHoW in survival-focused nature? The USI correlates with survival but what does a job-attached hourly-wage have to do with it? What if one has a UMHoW-job but doesn’t have enough hours or has dependents? Thus, in terms of the natural, UMHoW is a Frankenstein’s monster whose relationship with poverty is ambiguous because, as mentioned, it’s the source of unemployment – i.e. without UMHoW, ‘anyone who wants a job at the going-wage-rate can obtain a job’, which means, automatically and perpetually, there’s zero unemployment.]
Gazing into Social-Capitalism’s ‘End of Days’, there is the Job Guarantee (JG), which is a government guarantee of full-time paid-work (at or above UMHoW) for anyone who wants it.
While, at its best, the JG unnaturally and inefficiently achieves zero unemployment, which, in contrast, The USI achieves naturally and efficiently, the JG still fails to eradicate SIS or even just one of its ‘poverty’ or ‘Coercion of Choice’ components.
Moreover, the JG is a transition-to-Communism mechanism.
That is, in order to pay for it and its bureaucracy, Government must tax the private-sector, which makes the private-sector less competitive, which means it will employ less people, which means there must be more JG jobs, which, therefore, means more taxation and so on until private enterprise is all but taxed-out of existence, which results in Communism.
[The Australian Labor Party may be planning to implement the JG in this electoral term, perhaps, as part of its 3rd Industrial Relations tranche – in any case, we’re destined to get either the JG or The USI.]
Regarding neoliberals who advocate free-markets, deregulation and reduced (minimal) government, the CDO agrees except, with SIS, markets aren’t and can’t be free – i.e. in the case of the economy’s goods & services supply (specifically the labour-market), citizens are forced by SIS into its:
- Demand-side – i.e. to become business-owners (particularly small-business); and,
- Especially, the supply-side – i.e. paid-workers & would-be paid-workers.
[The key is remembering that the Econo- is a subset of the Socio- not vice-versa.]
Hence, a large segment of the labour-market is predicated on freedom’s absence.
Thus, because we have SIS, the economy is corrupted from ‘exclusively efficiently empoweringly producing and distributing the goods & services, which citizens need/desire’ – i.e. we have a ‘Squandonomy’ whose SIS-induced squandering may be more than 90% (i.e. given our 10,000-fold post-Industrial Revolution potential productivity gains); imagine the natural-Enviro- benefit if, for the same goods & services benefit, we can use just 10% of the resources.
2. What’s the best way of getting from where we are now to ‘values-based Capitalism’?
The CDO believes the best way to achieve ‘values-based Capitalism’ is via ‘The USI-Reform’, which consists of substituting The USI for the 2 Band-Aids of:
- Universal Minimum Hourly Wages (UMHoW)
- The income-Welfare system.
The USI-Reform is a PUSCHER-eradicator – i.e. it will eradicate:
- [P] Poverty
- [U] Unemployment (and Underemployment)
- [S] Stigma (‘the dole-bludger’ narrative including its racist and disablist variants)
- [C] Corruption
- [H] Harassment (‘mutual obligations’)
- [E] Paid-worker-Exploitation (i.e. citizens can say, ‘no’)
- [R] Excessive workplace-Regulation.
Plus, though, in Australia, The USI-Reform has a headline price of around twice the current income-Welfare system, unlike income-Welfare, which is ‘costly’, The USI-Reform has a Return-on-Investment, which assists the government-budget – i.e. tax receipts surge and expenditures, even with The USI addition, decrease.
Regarding tax receipts, they surge due to increased efficiencies including from:
- Business unleashed
- Full-employment
- The end of the gain-paid-work-lose-income-Welfare distortion.
Regarding non-USI expenditure, it plummets due to vast savings in charity, law-enforcement, health (including mental-health), bureaucracy (among other things, Centrelink will be closed), natural-environment rehabilitation and, with full-employment, an end to public-service jobs-for-jobs’-sake paid-work.
In the case of mental-illness, which is mostly caused by Subsistence-Income-Servitude (SIS) and SIS-Band-Aiding, the Australian Productivity Commission Report on Mental Health (released June 2020) stated:
‘In total, mental illness, on a conservative basis, is costing Australia about $200-220 billion per year. To put that in context, this is just over one-tenth of the size of Australia’s entire economic production in 2019. The cost is between $550 million and $600 million per day. Not all of this cost is avoidable, but there is considerable scope for Australia to do better.’
And, since either business or government is picking-up the bill, in this respect alone, The USI-Reform will grant the government budget a 12-figure benefit.
The USI-Reform delivers many other benefits – for instance, the Goods & Services Tax (GST) is a low-distortion tax yet, because it significantly impacts those on low-incomes, it’s politically unpalatable; however, The USI is a GST-compensator, which means the GST can be broadened (including to food) and increased (say to 20%) such that the increased revenue may allow partial decreases in profit & income taxes, which further unleashes households and business.
[Note: profit taxes (and income taxes) effectively mean government are part-owners in the business (income-taxes because business must, to some extent, compensate employees for the loss of that income), which is Socialist and, just as Capitalism is suboptimal, so is Socialism – i.e. both subtract from citizen empowerment, which subtracts from nations’ ‘universal sustainable stability-prosperity optimisation’.]
Land taxes can further decrease profit & income taxes – in Australia, residential, commercial, rural and other non-crown land has an unimproved value (June 2022) of $8.7 trillion. [https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/economy/national-accounts/australian-system-national-accounts/latest-release#data-downloads – Table 61 (thank you Prosper Australia)]
Thus, the much referenced ‘welfare-tax’ reform – a cliché because, like full-employment and Sartre’s ‘Waiting for Godot’, it never happens – can be achieved via extending it into a USI-inspired Industrial-Relations-income-Welfare-Tax triangulation in which Disempowerment is throttled – i.e. a triangulation-strangulation.
In such ways, The USI-Reform will advance fiscal efficiency.
2023 Before & After ‘Back of the Beer Coaster’ Australian Government Budget
Before (i.e. Now)
GDP $A 2.21 trillion [https://www.ibisworld.com/au/bed/real-gdp-growth/362/]
Tax Revenue = $625 billion (28% of GDP)
- Income tax: $287
- Profit tax $130
- GST (10% selective) $87
- Other (including Superannuation $13 & ‘Sin’, luxury & import tax $43): $122
Government Expenditure = $651 billion (29% of GDP)
- Social-Security $229
- Defence $38
- Education $46
- Health $110
- Other $228
[https://budget.gov.au/2022-23-october/content/bp1/index.htm – Statement 6]
Result: Government budget deficit.
After (i.e. USI-Reform)
Tax Revenue = $836
- 20% Income tax (no tax-free threshold): $200
- 20% Profit tax: $100
- 20% (broadened) GST: $240
- 2% Land-tax: $174
- Other: $122
Government Expenditure = $770
- The USI: 400
- Defence: $38
- Education: $46
- Health: $100
- Other: $186
Result: Not only will the nation be stronger (including government services superior to the present), there will be both lower business taxes and, because Band-Aiding is vastly reduced, easily achieved (whopping, if desired) budget surpluses.
Wishing neither to scare some nor offer others ‘all their Christmases at once’, 5-cornerstone infrastructural governance will bring efficiencies so powerful that not only will Universal Empowerment be achieved but also all profit & income taxes should naturally steadily reduce to zero – i.e. while optimal-governance should be the ambition (not zero profit & income taxes), if and when it is achieved, zero profit & income taxes will also be both a component to its achievement and one of its consequences.
In this way, The USI-Reform not only eradicates Social-Capitalism, it also eradicates both:
- SIS-inclusive-Capitalism
- Band-Aid-inclusive-Socialism.
Thus, instead of a Squandonomy, we will have a ‘Coopetonomy’ – i.e. an economy that’s ‘exclusively efficiently empoweringly producing and distributing the goods & services, which citizens need/desire’.
[Note: ‘Coopetism’ is optimal governance in which government-systems, akin to sport and civilised-debate, maximise ‘Cooperation first & foremost and, within that context, Competition as the treasured second’.]
Humanity’s culminating perfect storm of exponentiating Socio-Econo-Enviro[international/natural] (SEE-in) catastrophes are symptoms with only a single source – i.e. Subsistence-Income-Servitude (SIS).
Yet, SIS’ innumerable symptoms have mesmerized us into a Band-Aiding frenzy, which we have been squandering our extraordinary Science & Technology innovations on subsidising.
‘The USI-Reform’ is the solution to SIS and, therefore, to all our SEE-in calamities. It will also deliver better than ‘values-based Capitalism’ – i.e. it will deliver a ‘Coopetonomy’.
Accordingly, the world most requires a civilised optimal-governance – i.e. Coopetism – prototype.
Thank you.
Best regards
Paul Ross
The Citizens’ Dividend Organisation (CDO) Australia