Strategy: Finish Optimising Our Universally Empowering Western Coopetive Model
Hypothesis: Our culminating perfect storm of exponentiating Socio-Econo-Enviro[international/natural] (SEE-in) catastrophes are due to infrastructural violations of ‘Coopetition’, which is defined as ‘Cooperation first & foremost and Competition the treasured second’.
[In sport, Coopetition consists of Cooperation via agreement on the rules, playing-field, umpires and, broader, ‘spirit of the game’ understandings then, within this context, up to all-out Competition.]
In the Industrial Era, Coopetism is characterised via the universally empowering mother infrastructure of ‘Universal Rule of Coopetition-maximising Law’, which includes, as an Industrial Revolution inheritance, 5 ‘universal, unconditional & guaranteed’ RIDEH cornerstones:
- [R] Universal Rule of Personal & Property Security Law – [In Australia] comparatively robust
- [I] Universal Subsistence Income (USI) – no, not yet
- [D] Universal (including compulsory-voting) Liberal Democracy – robust
- [E] Universal Education – robust
- [H] Universal Healthcare – robust.
Regarding The USI-absence, consequently, we have Subsistence-Income-Servitude (SIS), which is anti-Coopetive because Servitude directly contradicts Cooperation – i.e. infrastructurally threatening, intimidating and harassing citizens to the point of compromising their subsistence is not Coopetive.
In a Coopetive nation – i.e. a civilised nation – all citizens are infrastructurally Empowered.
Meanwhile, due to Subsistence-Income-Servitude (SIS), instead of the efficient Socio- infrastructure of The USI, there have evolved the 2 inefficient proxies of:
- Universal Minimum Hourly Wages (UMHoW) (an Econo- ‘Frankenstein’-infrastructure)
- (Targeted) income-Welfare (a Socio- Band-Aid).
Hence, in order to ‘finish the job’ of completing our Western Coopetive Model, we only need ‘The USI-Reform’, which is defined as replacing the UMHoW/income-Welfare systems with The USI.
[Note: The USI-Reform is a PUSCHER-eradicator – i.e. it eradicates Poverty, Unemployment (and Underemployment), Stigma (‘the dole-bludger’ narrative including its racist and disablist variants), Corruption (particularly, in the Developing World), Harassment (‘mutual obligations’), paid-worker-Exploitation (i.e. citizens can say, ‘no’) & significant workplace-Regulation (PUSCHER).]
Also, fiscally, it’s a Godsend because while revenue will rise due to business unleashed, expenditures will plummet, which leads to the apparent paradox of:
- Budget surpluses
- Downward pressure on taxes
- Superior Socio- outcomes.
In sum, it converts our current Squandonomy into a Coopetonomy, which, in alleviating our inefficiencies, will result in plunging:
- Debt
- Environmental degradation
- Food, energy & rental inflation.
Plus, it is easily and pleasurably implementable.
Consequently, once implemented, as with the other 4 RIDEH cornerstones, it’s destined to be bipartisan.
[To: The Treasurer, the Hon Dr Jim Chalmers MP, please accept this as our Budget Submission.]
In this way, The USI-Reform will maximise the Western Model’s attractiveness to all citizens no matter whether they are of friend-or-foe governments, which will pressurise all governments to adopt it.
[If Russia had The USI, how many Russians would willingly be fighting in Ukraine? With a Russian USI, how much more civil disobedience against the conscription would there be? And, politically, with a Russian USI, could the war in Ukraine even have started? The USI is definitively both anti-war-of-aggression yet pro-war-of-defence, which means a Ukrainian USI would assist in ‘Slava Ukraini’.]
Accordingly, The USI-Reform will both optimise our strengths and maximise our enemies’ weaknesses.
Hence, following the first country implementing it, observing its success, there will be a wonderful litter of ‘copycats’.
Thus, humanity’s ultimate race is to finish our Western Coopetive Model, which, strategically, only requires The USI-Reform.
October 17, 2022
Industrial Era history and our culminating SEE-in catastrophes have been defined via ad-hoc ‘infrastructure sliding doors’; however, we now have a narrative – the Coopetive narrative – which means we can choose which door we next enter.
Infrastructure Sliding Doors
If, prior to the 1840’s, the Western Coopetive Model had been RIDEH-cornerstone optimised (and, in particular, The USI implemented), Marx & Engels would never have conceptualised Communism because, without Subsistence-Income-Servitude (SIS), it’s irrelevant. [Of course, no Communism means, among other things, no Cold War & no Put/Xi/Kim.]
If, prior to 1989, the Western Coopetive Model had been optimised, among other things, Russia would never have reverted to Authoritarianism, China would likely have already adopted it and, with The USI a Corruption-killer, Afghanistan wouldn’t be back under the Taliban.
Our greatest problem is not other individuals (such as Putin and Xi) or even other nations’ systems (i.e. Communism and Authoritarianism), it’s our own-goal failure to optimise our own infrastructure, which is manufacturing Socio- problems, which, as well as weakening (including dividing) us, gives succour to Authoritarians.
Regarding dummy-spitting ‘Pukes’, on March 18, 2022, the CDO published one of its more enigmatic story-articles: C3.9 – Explusive: Donetsk – “Gedye Diskoteka?” [on the CDO website] which, asking whether our problems are due to individuals (such as President Putin) or our systems, concluded:
Greatest Problem: Person (Putin) or System?
First, the ‘encroachment’ of NATO upon Russia is only occurring because Russia is Authoritarian and Russia’s neighbours are fearful of that Authoritarianism. Similarly, Putin is only fearful of NATO’s encroachment because he is an Authoritarian. Thus, the solution is for Russia to become Coopetist, which includes being Democratic. We can assist by becoming fully-Coopetist thereby demonstrating the model.
Second, in Coopetism theory, a sociopath is someone who is intrinsically internally motivated towards anti-Coopetist behaviour.
That is, they only Cooperate in order to Compete – i.e. when they do ‘Cooperate’, it’s in order to manipulate.
This is because they lack empathy, which means their self-actualisation involves maximising their self-benefit to the extent they are willing (without remorse) to sacrifice other individuals and groups.
On this basis, as is commonly being suggested, Putin appears to be a sociopath.
However, the difference between a sociopath and what is usual concerns motivations rather than rationality.
Thus, in the case of atrocity-committing Putin, while he is furious (because matters aren’t going his way), he is likely still rational, which means, as long as he is not totally cornered, he won’t start World War III and he will only use WMD’s if he thinks he – personally – can gain from it. [For instance, if the West is perceived as cowering and cowardly, depending on the unfolding circumstances, a tactical nuke or 2 in Western Ukraine is not impossible – i.e. it wouldn’t be a direct attack on NATO yet would offer the greatest warning possible, it would destroy supply lines (by creating a no-person wasteland) and leave Eastern Ukraine separated to Putin’s devices.]
Accordingly, Putin should not be allowed to keep incrementally testing limits. On the contrary, there should be push-back, which stops short of invading or attacking Russian soil – i.e. there can be a no-fly zone over Ukraine, Belarus can be extra-pressured (maybe democratised) and no Ukrainian territory annexed (including, perhaps, returning the territories lost in 2014).
Third, since Authoritarianism both facilitates sociopaths and catalyses sociopathy, even if Putin is overthrown, unless the Russian system is Coopetised, similar is likely to repeat either immediately (from experience of micro-scale similar situations, often the replacement is worse than the predecessor) or down-the-track. In addition, globally, there are other countries with Authoritarian systems and each feeds off the others – i.e. would the War in Ukraine be occurring and would, for instance, Myanmar and North Korea be how they are if not for the existence of the giant anti-Coopetist ‘Middle Kingdom’?
Thus, in addition to winning the War in Ukraine and disposing of Putin, concurrently, we must also optimise our system via perfecting our Coopetism model – if this had occurred centuries or just decades ago, there would be no Authoritarianism and, therefore, no Putin or Xi. Fortunately, once the decision to achieving this is made, implementing it is easy, non-sacrificial and extremely pleasant, which is sort of the point.
In summary, our most important strategic task is to keep calm and finish the job of optimising our Western Coopetive Model and, blessedly, it’s also the task we have 100% control over.
Aside: Australia, while this project has now gone global, you’re 4 years ahead on exposure; and yet, there’s still no public conversation on Coopetition, UMHoW, The USI-Reform etc. – is it ‘cultural cringe’? If this were the Melbourne Cup and the horse called ‘Oz’ had this type of handicap advantage yet shied from exiting the gate, wouldn’t there be a ‘stop the nation’ uproar?
Thank you.
Best regards
Paul Ross
Founder, Citizens’ Dividend Organisation (CDO)
P.S. The CDO founder is seeking paid-work (please reply to this email).