A 4-Dimensional Mesh (the 4th represented by colour) – such a dimensional-configuration could also be used to represent 4-symptoms (for example, our 4 SEE-in catastrophes) whose sources are the material (i.e. humanity) and processing-system (i.e. our Subsistence-Income-Policy (SIP)). {SEE-in: Socio-Econo-Enviro[international/natural]}
Nature’s 4-D Mega-War
Our culminating mesh of exponentiating SEE-in ‘diao’ catastrophes comprises:
- [D] Socio- Disempowerment – i.e. poverty, homelessness, mental-illness, escapism (such as alcohol & other drug abuse and suicide), crime (including domestic-violence) etc.
- [I] Econo- Inefficiency – i.e. first, not ‘exclusively producing and delivering the goods & services we need/desire’ and, secondly, unemployment, inflation, tax etc.
- [A] International-Enviro- Authoritarianism – for example, conflict with Xi and Putin
- [O] Natural-Enviro- Obliteration – i.e. ecosystem destruction, species extinction, human population growth, plastics in our waterways, climate change, etc.
[In Mandarin, ‘diao’ means ‘lose’.]
Doesn’t this summarise our perceived Big Picture problems?
Or, perhaps there’s one addition – i.e. the quasi-‘bottom-line’ of ‘government budget pressure’.
That is, despite being wealthier than ever, increasingly, governments ‘cannot afford’ to administer their nations.
So, how can we solve this exponentiating ‘diao’ mess when our current efforts are already unaffordable?
May 4, 2023
I hope you are well.
Regarding our SEE-in and government-budget disasters, what can be deduced? …
Foundational ‘Diao’/Government-Budget-Pressure Inferences
1. It’s a global pandemic
The catastrophes are affecting all humanity (and all nature per se).
2. Interrelated
Isn’t it odd how all these Big Picture problems are culminating simultaneously?
Thus, with coincidence unlikely, this implies they are interrelated.
3. Symptoms
If they are interrelated, isn’t it likely they are not source-problems but just symptoms?
That is, while we may perceive them as ‘Big Picture problems’, that’s a misdiagnosis – i.e. they’re ‘Big Picture symptoms’.
4. Band-Aiding won’t work
Isn’t directly addressing symptoms just Band-Aiding that doesn’t address the source-problem/s?
Yet, aren’t we attempting to directly address these ‘Big Picture symptoms’ usually, via targeting their components – for instance, targeting natural-Enviro’s Climate Change via the ‘Conference of the Parties’ (COP)?
Accordingly, isn’t our Band-Aiding doomed? And, if we don’t correct it, aren’t we similarly doomed?
5. A single-source-problem
Doesn’t the presence of interrelated-symptoms imply there is only a single source-problem?
Thus, contrary to the “it’s complex” cliché, we only need to solve 1 problem.
So, what can be discerned about this single source-problem?
6. The source-problem is a humanity own-goal
Ultimately, our catastrophes are self-inflicted; after all, it’s not as if, for example, moon-sized asteroids are continually pulverising The Earth.
7. Nature is signalling we are out of harmony with it and ‘should’ change our behaviour
With our psychology borne of nature, that we are interpreting our situation as increasingly dire is, of itself, nature signalling we are out of harmony with it.
Similarly, via our psychology, effectively, nature is suggesting we change our behaviour.
The only question is, how?
8. The source-problem relates to systems (not individuals)
“It’s the rich’s fault”; “It’s the poor’s fault”; “It’s the Left’s fault”; “It’s the Right’s fault”; “It’s the weapons’ manufacturers fault”; “It’s the coal-industry’s fault” etc.; however, even the most despotic and powerful people like Putin & Xi:
- Aren’t specifically setting out to create total ruination for all humanity for all eternity
- Can’t be blamed for all of the symptoms and, on the contrary, they’re power derives from them being a component of one of the symptoms – i.e. they are part of the international-Enviro- Authoritarianism symptom.
Systems, on the other hand:
- Can be omnipresent – for example, national-systems may impact all citizens/residents
- Affect thinking and thinking affects behaviour – i.e. we know systems affect the mind, for instance, the same individual will be different depending on whether they are brought-up under the systems of China, Saudi Arabia or Australia.
So, given the source-problem is a global-pandemic, what is humans’ most pervasive system?
9. Government
Our supreme system is government because it’s our top-down power monopolist.
However, globally, there are many diverse kinds of government with many diverse policies so what is a commonality that is also nature-de-harmonising?
10. The relevant ubiquitously-shared nature-de-harmonising government-policy can best be discerned by investigating the Socio-/Econo- realm rather than the Enviro-[international/natural] one
While no one government’s policies have a lot of direct effect in neutralising the Enviro’s Authoritarianism or nature-Obliteration, they can have a great effect on their internal Socio-/Econo- outcomes.
So, given all countries are significantly afflicted by Socio-/Econo- problems, what is the policy commonality that particularly impacts these realms?
11. In order to find the single source-problem, we should look for a suboptimal government infrastructure, which, particularly affecting the Socio-/Econo-, is, in some way, shared by all nations.
A nationwide government system may be termed ‘infrastructure’.
Thus, the inference-summation question is:
What single suboptimal government infrastructure, which, particularly Socio-/Econo-affecting, is shared by all nations, is so nature-violating it conceives the tsunamic ruination as represented by our ‘diao’ & government budget pressure symptoms?
Government Impact: The SHOT-SEE-in (Compounding) Cycle
The government/citizen interface – i.e. how the government impacts its citizens – occurs via ‘The SHOT-SEE-in (Compounding) Cycle’.

The diagram shows government catalysing:
Science, Human-Organisation & Technology (SHOT) tools
Socio-Econo-Enviro-[international/natural] (SEE-in) outcomes
the ‘feedback process’, in turn, catalysing SHOT.
This diagram’s most important components are:
- Government – i.e. government policy top-down drives the cycle’s context
- The economy – i.e. the Econo-, which is bottom-up, drives the ‘feedback loop’.
In addition, humans’ uniqueness from other conscious-animals is, in terms of the diagram, most represented via ‘government’ and ‘the economy’, which, given the we-are-contradicting-nature deduction, suggests most of our harmonising-with-nature efforts should be directed at them.
Regarding government, it is a component of SHOT – specifically, it is the supreme form of Human-Organisation – and the cycle’s key driver.
Regarding the Econo-, it is the most important component of ‘the innovation/dysfunction feedback mechanism’ and the cycle’s second most important driver.
[Note: While the government and economy are the most important drivers, overall, the Socio- is the most important outcome because it directly relates to citizens. In addition, both the government and the economy are, predominantly, by citizens for citizens, which means they are also subsets of the Socio-.]
Regarding the ‘feedback process’, it completes the cycle’s creation, which, in turn, creates compounding.
The degree to which the compounding is optimal is ultimately determined by government, which, as per the diagram, via SEE-in (especially the Econo-), impacts SHOT.
Since the Industrial Revolution, in addition to Science & Technology compounding, there have also been Human-Organisation improvements – for instance, the factory ‘production-line’.
Thus, the cycle reconfirms the deduced need to focus on ‘optimising government infrastructure’.
A corollary of optimal government is it will automatically drive a nation toward the optimal vision of:
‘universal sustainable SEE-in stability-prosperity optimisation’.
Regarding suboptimal governance, compounding can produce 2 potential types of deficiency:
- Improved-but-non-optimal: This means the innovation compounding time-interval is longer than necessary – for instance, instead of innovation doubling, say, every 5 years, it may only double every 7 to 10 years, which is probably the current rate
- Dysfunctional: It can result in perverse SEE-in outcomes (for instance, our ‘diao’ catastrophes) and government budget pressure – i.e. it begs more inefficient Band-Aiding, which, for example, begs more tax, which causes more inefficiency and so on.
Thus, currently, our SHOT-SEE-in cycle is split-generating both innovation and dysfunction.
[Note: if government infrastructure is perverse then it will impact humans’ nature via their psychology – i.e. it will cause mental-illness both:
- Individualised, which may be diagnosed
- Pervasive, which, insidiously, because it’s ‘normalised’, may not be diagnosed – for instance, due to our particular Subsistence-Income-Policy (SIP), we have the ‘dole-bludger’ narrative, which, demonising some income-Welfare-recipient citizens, is broadly regarded as a ‘normal’ ‘justified’ response to their ‘laziness’ and/or ‘uselessness’ etc.; however, as a nation-divider, this thinking and, therefore, that infrastructure contradicts a society’s spirit and is, thus, unnatural.]
Returning to the economy, despite successes, there is massive inefficiency such that it may be termed a, ‘Squandonomy’.
Our Squandonomy
An optimal economy (a ‘Coopetonomy’):
‘Exclusively efficiently empoweringly produces and distributes the goods & services, which citizens need/desire’.
Since the potential subsistence-transcending-event known as The Industrial Revolution (c. 1760), humanity’s potential productivity has increased around 10,000-fold (including, since 2013, more than doubling) yet Australians, though comparatively rich, are only 216 times as wealthy as Burundians, who are poorer than the 26-decade-ago British.
This suggests the resources (including human-endeavour) being expended are only achieving around 2% of the potential goods & services benefit.
Thus, even accepting our suboptimal innovation-compounding rate, we could/should be around 50 times more prosperous – i.e. a difference that eclipses that currently existing between the Third World and the First – which could be split between greater goods & services and extra leisure-time.
So, while First World nations struggle for a GDP growth rate of 2 to 4%, via catch-up alone, we could achieve a 12% improvement in prosperity year-on-year for the next 30+ years (using less resources). [Note: prosperity contrasts with GDP because GDP includes wastage (for example, it includes both the Econo- cost of creating & running a suboptimal (say, mental-illness-generating) system and the cost of all the crime, health, education etc. to address and manage that mental-illness – in this way, if government systems are suboptimal, GDP can rise yet prosperity plummet).]
Meanwhile, the Squandonomy is, in terms of:
- The Socio-, citizen-demeaning – i.e. citizens’ social-status predominantly pertains to their Econo-endowment
- The international-Enviro-, sovereignty-diminishing – i.e. our nations are increasingly polarised, our Socio- problems give tremendous impetus to our Authoritarian enemies and we have far less resources for defence
- The natural-Enviro-, nature-trashing.
Regarding addressing the Squandonomy, while optimising government infrastructure (especially as it relates to the Econo-) is best, our attempts are even more damaging than, focusing on the ‘Econo- inefficiency’ symptom, trying to use Band-Aiding to improve the ‘production and distribution of goods & services citizens need/desire’.
That is, we mostly concentrate on symptoms of the Econo- inefficiency symptom (symptoms of the symptom) – i.e. we focus on Econo- secondaries such as unemployment, inflation, peripheral-regulations and tax, which would all be automatically harmonised if our core government policy was optimal.
In sum, rather than seeking to optimise government infrastructure, our attention lies with:
- Increasing GDP, which, with suboptimal governance, magnifies our Squandonomy
- Increasing Science & Technology, which, with governance suboptimal, can be counterproductive – for instance, biological innovations may be used for weapons as well as vaccinations.
So, what can be done – i.e. specifically, what is the optimal governance system?
The answer is: ‘Coopetism’.
Coopetism: Optimally Civilised ‘End of History Model’ Governance
Coopetition: ‘Cooperation first & foremost and, within that context, Competition as the treasured second.’
Coopetism is optimally-Coopetive governance.
Coopetism is optimal governance because it maximally empowers, inspires and energizes citizens to behave ‘Coopetively’.
Coopetition is a natural phenomenon, which, in nature, defines ‘society’ – i.e. society is the supreme Coopetitive grouping.
Societies exist from bacteria to sentient-animals and, even, as multi-celled organisms, which are ‘societies of cells’ – i.e. you are a society-of-cells. Cancer-cells are anti-Coopetive – i.e. they don’t Cooperate and, on the contrary, Compete first & foremost, which is why the body needs to kill or excrete them else it may be fatal to the organism.
In human matters, sport is an example of Coopetition – i.e. players agree on the rules (Cooperate) and, within that context, Compete. Civilised debate is another example. Alternatively, a street brawl is likely anti-Coopetive.
Generically and uncoincidentally, anything civilised is Coopetive.
Genetically, as social creatures, our psychology has evolved out of Coopetivity, which explains why we love Coopetition – i.e. there’s solidarity yet excitement thus it generates esprit de corps.
Accordingly, for a nation to be fully-civilised, its top-down systems must be fully-Coopetised.
Thus, Coopetism is synonymous with fully-civilised governance, which means it’s the famed ‘End of History Model’.
One consequence of citizens being universally educated in the Coopetism narrative, is its effect on morality – i.e. ‘do the right thing’ can be replaced with the far more definitive, ‘do the Coopetive thing’.
Similarly, this solves the AI problem – i.e. AI programming should be Coopetive-consistent and if its programmers are both Coopetive and Coopetive-aware then they will embed Coopetivity into their programs.
Another consequence is, personality-based ‘saviour’ politicians will be superseded by policy-based technocratic ones because Coopetism’s governors just need to ‘follow the dots’ and, if they don’t, it will be obvious to all.
Regarding following the dots, a prerequisite for post-Industrial Revolution Coopetism is a complete set of Universal Empowerment Infrastructure (UEI).
Universal Empowerment Infrastructure (UEI)
“A nation is but a pseudo-society if it infrastructuralises Disempowerment because it means:
“We aren’t’ all in this together.”
UEI consists of 5 ‘universal, unconditional & guaranteed’ RIDEH cornerstones:
- [R] Universal Rule of Personal & Property Security Law
- [I] Universal Subsistence Income (USI)
- [D] Universal Liberal Democracy
- [E] Universal Education
- [H] Universal Healthcare.
[Note: the UEI cornerstones should be an Industrial Revolution inheritance – i.e. our ancestors generated its Science, Human-Organisation & Technology (SHOT) foundation – and, as with all inheritance, it is ‘something for nothing’; however, this ‘something for nothing’ makes both nation and citizens better-off. P.S.: without inheriting the Industrial Revolution, Elon Musk would have been an innovative subsistence-farmer.]
In most of the West, there are robust versions of all but the 2nd. [The notable exception is the United States of America, which also doesn’t have the 5th.]
This largely explains why the West is First World; however, without The USI, no Western government is optimal.
The USI-Absence: Subsistence-Income-Servitude (SIS)
‘No longer subsistence-farmers, every citizen must, one way or another, receive a Subsistence-Income – so, what’s the most efficient, sustainable, prosperity-inducing and unifying method for delivering it?’
The source problem with The USI-absence is it results in Subsistence-Income-Servitude (SIS).
SIS Disempowerment consists of:
- Poverty’s direct suffering – for example, hunger & homelessness
- Poverty’s indirect ‘Coercion of Choice’, which contradicts the social-services’ goal of, ‘Agency of Choice’ – examples include:
- A female-citizen feeling forced to remain in an abusive relationship
- An indigenous-citizen preferring prison to ‘freedom’
- Citizens forced to prioritise obtaining a Subsistence-Income – an inefficiency akin to all being forced to construct their own home – which constitutes a pandemic of wasted human potential as many cannot optimise their ‘socially-contributive self-actualisation’ whether as a home-manager (including nurturing the future – i.e. child-rearing), researcher, philosopher, scientist, sportsperson, artist, community-volunteer, entrepreneur (particularly starting-out) etc.
Meanwhile, instead of the optimally efficient USI, we have an alternative Subsistence-Income-Policy (SIP).
Governments’ ‘Subsistence-Income-Policy’ (SIP)
Our current Subsistence-Income-Policy (SIP), which allows Subsistence-Income-Servitude (SIS) to flourish, consists of:
- The Universal Minimum Hourly Wages (UMHoW) system
- The targeted-income-Welfare system.
In Australia, the current UMHoW rate is $21.38; however, in the market, with the Disempowered’s labour not usually worth this, they are alienated with little hope of ever socially-contributing in a way the mainstream accepts – i.e. via the economy – which means they have little hope of ever gaining social-dignity.
In nature, there is nothing similar to UMHoW – i.e. while citizen-survival does correlate with The Universal Subsistence Income (USI), it doesn’t correlate with an hourly-rate for only some citizens some of the time.
Also, in addition to SIS’ ‘Coercion of Choice’, UMHoW imposes its own version – i.e. it conceives unemployment/underemployment.
Contradiction: We worry over our resource-use level because it’s obliterating nature; however, we want the economy booming because we need jobs to, first, obtain an income and, second, for social-status.
[Note: our economics orthodoxy may be termed, ‘Schizonomics’ because it insists full-employment isn’t zero-unemployment but an unemployment rate of 2 to 4%. Schizonomists deny UMHoW is preventing automatic perpetual zero-unemployment. Meanwhile, Australia’s Reserve Bank is having an employment aim added to its inflation aim – i.e. its focus is being split despite unemployment being eradicable via simply removing UMHoW.]
In addition, with all the RIDEH cornerstones interrelated, while The USI supports the other 4 cornerstones, our current SIP detracts from them – for example, regarding:
- Rule of Law, it creates disenfranchisement and crime as citizens must obtain their Subsistence-Income somehow
- Democracy, it is causing polarisation, government inefficiency and a growing Disempowered class
- Education, children’s capacity to study is diminished when they are hungry and/or they are homeless and/or their family is beset by financial-stresses
- Health, the stress and associated escapism causes sickness including mental-illness – according to the Productivity Commission, mental-illness costs Australia more than 10% of its total GDP per year, which means it’s a 12-figure source of government budget pressure.
[Note: The USI-Absence’s impact is commensurate to, in a First World country, taking away Rule of Law or Democracy or Universal Education.]
Thus, no matter what we put into improving our law, democracy, education & health systems, they are undermined by The USI-absence.
Moreover, due to ‘The SHOT-SEE-in Compounding Cycle’, the SIS & RIDEH perversities flow through all 4 Socio-Econo-Enviro-[international/natural] (SEE-in) outcomes.
In this way, virtually all humanity’s SEE-in ‘diao’ catastrophes, devolve to our suboptimal Subsistence-Income-Policy (SIP).
And, the best way to correct this is via, ‘The USI-Reform’.
‘The USI-Reform’
‘The USI-Reform’ consists of substituting The Universal Subsistence Income (USI) for:
- The Universal Minimum Hourly Wages (UMHoW) system
- The targeted Subsistence-Income-Welfare system.
This naturally and efficiently eradicates Subsistence-Income-Servitude’s (SIS) ‘poverty’ and both SIS & UMHoW’s ‘Coercion of Choice’.
Thus, among other things, ‘The USI-Reform’ is an, ‘O-A-RED-DISH-CUP’-eradicator – i.e. it eradicates:
- [O] Natural-enviro- Obliteration – i.e. with a guaranteed Subsistence-Income, citizens may prioritise nature (for example, walking rather than, in the car, rushing) plus 3rd World population growth will decline as citizens no longer need numerous children for captive cheap labour and an old age pension
- [A] Authoritarianism is doomed as the likes of Putin & Xi are powerless to Compete with Coopetism – i.e.:
- Australia (Taiwan) with an economy currently around 9% (4%) of China’s would soon have one at least half (a quarter) of China’s plus, due to this zero-unemployment prosperity, trading with China would be optional – for instance, Australia could, over 12 to 24 months, cripple the Chinese Communist Party by halting iron ore exports.
- With Authoritarians no longer having Western Socio- problems to point at, they will be undermined from within as their citizens also demand Coopetism.
- [R] Excessive paid-workplace-Regulation – i.e. there’s no Subsistence-Income-Servitude (SIS) so there’s little need for it
- [E] Paid-worker-Exploitation (i.e. citizens can say, ‘no’)
- [D] Infrastructuralised-Disempowerment
- [D] Government budget Deficits
- [I] Economic-Inefficiency
- [S] Stigma (i.e. ‘the dole-bludger’ narrative including its racist, disablist, misogynistic & ageist variants is no more).
- [H] Infrastructuralised citizen-to-citizen Harassment (i.e. SIS-based ‘mutual obligations’ is eliminated)
- [C] Corruption (i.e. there’s diminished incentive and inherent ‘whistle-blower’ protection)
- [U] Unemployment – imagine, never having to discuss it or hear of it again
- [P] Poverty.
[Competition: With ‘The USI-Reform’ clearing the decks of virtually every infrastructural problem, feel free to add more ‘eradications’ and/or design new acronym-anagrams – special kudos for constructing one using every letter in the alphabet.]
In addition, ‘The USI-Reform’ is so powerful, it would have withstood the Covid-19 stress-test (including lockdowns) without requiring any additional income-policy – in Australia, that would have meant a saving of around $89 billion on JobKeeper plus a lower current inflation rate.
We are facing a culminating 4-D Mega-War of exponentiating Socio-Econo-Enviro[international/natural] (SEE-in) catastrophes consisting of:
- [D] Socio- Disempowerment
- [I] Econo- Inefficiency
- [A] International-Enviro- Authoritarianism
- [O] Natural-Enviro- Obliteration.
The source problem is our Subsistence-Income-Policy (SIP), which consists of:
- The Universal Minimum Hourly Wages (UMHoW) system
- The Targeted-income-Welfare system.
This directly manufactures:
- Subsistence-Income-Servitude (SIS) via The USI-absence
- Unemployment/underemployment via the UMHoW-presence
In turn, via ‘The SHOT-SEE-in Compounding Cycle’, SIS & unemployment manufacture our tsunamic 4-D catastrophes, which we are trying to address with Band-Aiding.
The solution is ‘The USI-Reform’, which consists of substituting The Universal Subsistence Income (USI) for:
- The Universal Minimum Hourly Wages (UMHoW) system
- The targeted Subsistence-Income-Welfare system.
‘The USI-Reform’ eradicates SIS & unemployment, which, in turn, eradicates their dysfunctional offspring including government budget pressure.
However, as far as we know, globally, no political party is yet advocating ‘The USI-Reform’.
Accordingly, the world needs a Coopetism & ‘USI-Reform’ debate, which, hopefully, in each country, will result in at least one political party either adopting them or emerging to represent them.
If you are aware of an organisation open to supporting this, please let us know.
Thank you.
Best regards
P. Ross