Neo-Coopetism’s Optimised SEE-in Outcomes

Neo-Coopetism is the solution to humanity’s culminating perfect storm of exponentiating Socio-Econo-Enviro[international/natural] (SEE-in) catastrophes.

Coopetism – i.e. optimal pre-Industrial Revolution government – is ‘Supreme Rule of Coopetition-maximising Law’ consisting of:

  1. Taxation infrastructure
  2. Sovereignty infrastructure – such as the diplomatic and military
  3. Physical infrastructure – such as roads, bridges and government buildings
  4. ‘Rule of Security Law’ infrastructure, which was often delegated to the community.

However, optimal post-Industrial Revolution government (i.e. Neo-Coopetism) required ‘Universal Rule of Coopetition-maximising Law’, which included the 5 ‘universal, unconditional and guaranteed’ ‘Citizen Coopetition-Contributive Self-Actualisation Maximising Infrastructure’ (Citizen-CoCoSAMI) cornerstones of:

  1. Universal Rule of Security Law
  2. Universal Liberal Democracy
  3. Universal Education
  4. Universal Healthcare
  5. Universal Subsistence Income (USI), which is Subsistence-Income-Servitude (SIS) abolitionist.

Thus, Neo-Coopetism possesses 4 types of infrastructure (as per The Coopetitionist 3.3 – The Coopetition Party Blueprint):

  1. Taxation Infrastructure
  2. Sovereignty Infrastructure
  3. Physical Infrastructure
  4. Citizen Coopetition-Contributive Self-Actualisation Maximisation Infrastructure (Citizen-CoCoSAMI).

These Citizen-CoCoSAMI cornerstones are required to maximally harness and enhance the 3 Human-Organisation, Science & Technology (HOST) types of tools:

  1. Human-Organisation – i.e. includes all our institutions from government to democracy to the economy to our health-system, schools & universities and also everything from business to community to family organisation
  2. Science
  3. Technology.

[Human-Organisation, Science & Technology (HOST)]

Of these 3 tools, Human Organisation eclipses S&T because – as explained in The Univisionist 2.3 – Humanology, Science & Technology (HOST) & Coopetitionism Philosophy – Human Organisation sets the foundation for all Science & Technology.

For instance, all government policy and legislation fall under the realm of Human Organisation.

Nevertheless, currently, we are overlooking Human Organisation to the extent it’s barely even a concept and, particularly regarding the natural-Enviro-, detrimentally, we are focusing far too heavily on Science & Technology for solutions.

In any case, we only have these 3 HOST tools from which to achieve the potential vision of ‘universal sustainable stability-prosperity optimisation’, which may be separated into optimising the 4 component outcomes:

  1. Socio- – i.e. citizen-specific such as mental-health
  2. Econo- – a subset of the Socio- as, notwithstanding international trade, it is for citizens by citizens
  3. Enviro-
    • International
    • Natural.

[Socio-Econo-Enviro-[international/natural] (SEE-in)]

And, with Australia and most Western nations only lacking The USI, it will solve – either directly or indirectly – most (perhaps all) of our SEE-in problems.

Lastly, when a policy is critiqued, its efficacy should be judged holistically in terms of all its Socio-Econo-Enviro-[international/natural] (SEE-in) consequences.

[Updated August 17, 2022]