Society is nature’s supreme version of Coopetition – i.e. Cooperation first & foremost and Competition the treasured second.
While divisions will arise and even structural ones may arise, structural division must be resolved or else, by nature’s definition, the society ceases to be a society.
Thus, when a structural division arises, the society will either:
- Transcend the division – i.e. solve it via good-faith compromise (Cooperation) or winner-takes-all (Competition) – or,
- The society will splinter into 2 or more societies.
Fortunately, regarding humanity, we can preempt structural division.
The Industrial Revolution was a structural division watershed, which, within countries, transformed local communities into nations in which citizens gave up their subsistence-farming control over their lives to be part of a national entity.
Thus, for the potential of benefiting from and contributing to the Industrial Revolution’s ‘Fun-Fair’ promise, many citizens were forced to give-up control over much of their (and their dependents’ and descendants’) lives, which increased their vulnerability – i.e. on the stakes of survival, it detracted from Cooperation.
The solution to this structural division is the 5 ‘universal, guaranteed and unconditional’ ‘Citizen Coopetition-Contributive Self-Actualisation Maximisation Infrastructure’ (Citizen-CoCoSAMI) cornerstones of:
- Universal Rule of Coopetition-maximising Law
- Universal Liberal Democracy
- Universal Education
- Universal Healthcare
- Universal Subsistence Income (USI), which is Subsistence-Income-Servitude (SIS) abolitionist.
While, in the West, the first 4 have predominantly evolved, after 260 years (13 generations), The USI is the notable exception.
Thus, because the full-compliment of Citizen-CoCoSAMI cornerstones (particularly The USI) haven’t been implemented, our nations are splintering.
This splintering is taking the form of Identity-warfare – for example, ‘cancel culture’, which is a violation of Cooperation.
Nevertheless, minds – all minds – are primitive and strange places – composed of primordial motivations and imaginings.
Accordingly, so long as we agree on the Coopetition principle, which is infrastructuralised via implementing the 5 Citizen-CoCoSAMI cornerstones, at any given time, it’s not necessary we agree on every particular issue including prioritizations.
It is our infrastructure that matters because, when that’s correct, it will clear the decks on all our other national matters.
For instance, with the 5 Citizen-CoCoSAMI cornerstones fully implemented, within a generation, we will ‘Close the Gap’. And, if we adopt neo-Coopetism – the embodiment of national human-rights – then any non-Cooperation will be obvious such that virtue-signalling will not only be pointless, it will be perceived as anti-Coopetism and, therefore, counterproductive.
In this way, with inclusion infrastructuralised, there will be nothing to fight over.
In short, the solution is The USI-Reform of trading-in Universal Minimum Hourly Wages (UMHoW) for The USI.
[Updated July 31, 2022]