Why not champion ‘Finishing the Job’ of optimising the ‘Western (Coopetitionism) Model’?
Note from the Editor, Gay Alcorn, The Age (April 22, 2022)
‘In 2022, The Age is attempting something risky in Australian media, as polarisation and partisanship increase. We are far from perfect – and you let me know if you’re not happy with our coverage – but our journalists aim to seek the truth, without an imposed ideological agenda. That is rare and is what The Age at its best has done for decades.
It means that we will run opinion articles during this campaign that present different views, for the reason that the challenges the country faces aren’t simple, and rely on a contest of ideas to solve. Few other media organisations do that these days. Our job in an election campaign is to fairly scrutinise all sides of politics, including independent candidates, who may hold the balance of power in the next parliament.’
While the symptoms facing Australia ‘aren’t simple’,
the source is simple – i.e. Survival-Income-Slavery (SIS).
2022 Senate (Victoria) Candidate Paul Ross’ ‘Finish the Job’ Platform
‘Choice: We can blame individual-citizens (and punish them) or we can blame our societal-systems (and optimise them).’
Coopetition: ‘mutual good-faith Cooperation first & foremost and Competition the treasured second’.
Examples already include sport, democracy and civil-debate and may be imagined as a non-exploitative (i.e. Survival-Income-Slavery (SIS) Abolitionist) efficient free-market economy.
Coopetition encompasses the full-spectrum of human-rights because it is mutually exclusive of snobbery such as racism, sexism, slavery etc.
Coopetition-ism: ‘minimal government systems (necessarily Infrastructure not Band-Aids) that maximise citizens’ Coopetition-contributive self-actualisation’.
Accordingly, regarding Human-Organisation, Science & Technology (HOST), our main focus should be optimising government-level Human-Organisation via implementing nature-consistent Coopetitionism.
Specifically, as a post-Industrial Revolution inheritance, the 5 guaranteed and unconditional Citizens’ Empowerment Infrastructure (CEI) cornerstones – i.e.:
- Universal Rule of Coopetition-maximising Law
- Universal Liberal Democracy
- Universal Education
- Universal Healthcare
- The Universal Survival Income (USI), which is Survival-Income-Slavery (SIS) abolitionist.
Already possessing robust versions of the first 4, we simply need to ‘Finish the Job’, which, thus far, no country has ever done.
[Like a python, Survival-Income-Slavery (SIS) curls back and around the first 4 cornerstones (including Democracy) constricting their effectiveness. This is particularly noticeable in the U.S. where their cornerstones are comparatively weak including no Universal Healthcare.]
The solution to our evolved version of SIS is ‘The USI-Reform’ – i.e.:
- Increase GST to 20% full-breadth
- Pay every in-country non-incarcerated adult citizen The USI of $20,000 per year (irrespective of whether or not they are in paid-work), which means a paid-worker currently earning $40,000 gross will receive around $60,000 gross [$5,000 for children to their guardian/s.]
- Eradicate Universal Minimum Hourly Wages (UMHoW), which eradicates Unemployment/Underemployment and unleashes business (both small & large) [i.e. trade-in UMHoW for The USI trade-up]
- Abolish the dead-weight-loss of Centrelink, Job Service Provider (JSP) contracts and Jobseeker payments.
The USI-Reform is a PUSHE-eradicator – i.e. it eradicates Poverty, Unemployment (and Underemployment), Stigma (‘the dole-bludger’ narrative including its racist and disablist variants), Harassment (‘mutual obligations’) & paid-worker-Exploitation (PUSHE).
Such a Survival-Income-Slavery (SIS) Abolitionist ‘Western (Coopetitionism) Model’ will achieve the vision of ‘optimised Socio-Econo-Enviro[international/natural] (SEE-in) sustainable stability-prosperity’.
Paul Ross
Founder, The Citizen’s Dividend Organisation (CDO)
2022 Independent-‘Independent’ Senate (Victoria) Candidate.
May 5, 2022
Dear Gay
Presumptive as it may seem, for the sake of Victorians, Australians and humanity per se, this is a formal public invitation to you and The Age’s other journalists to investigate ‘Coopetitionism’ and, in particular, ‘The USI-Reform’. [Reference: The Coopetitionist 3.8 – The Australian Government’s Official USI Response.]
Survival-Income-Slavery (SIS)
As mentioned privately, the CDO respectfully disagrees with the statement:
‘the challenges the country faces aren’t simple’.
That is, differentiating between source and symptoms – i.e. between cause and effect – while the CDO agrees we are facing a culminating perfect storm of exponentiating Socio-Econo-Enviro[international/natural] (SEE-in) catastrophes, which, superficially, may appear complex, we believe the solution is singular, definitive and simple – i.e. our challenges are due to Survival-Income-Slavery (SIS), which, requiring abolition, is best achieved via ‘The USI-Reform’.
Regarding Survival-Income-Slavery (SIS), it is akin to infesting society (including family homes) with landmines.
As you may be aware, landmines are often designed to maim rather than kill because, while the victim is unlikely ever to fight again (if they ever fought), it takes manifoldly more resources to care for them than bury them – i.e. transport, medical-care and life-long-support (including by their families) – which, therefore, saps society’s strength. SIS is similar except it is self-laid.
[Anecdote: while working in Kurdish northern Iraq, I ‘toured’ hospitals meeting scores of amputees – one young boy (perhaps 6) had particularly ‘neat’ wounds. Perhaps, thinking he had found a toy, he’d squatted with left-hand on left-knee, right-hand outreaching because, as though sharp-shears had snip-snip-sniped, he was amputated at precisely just above both ankles and his right-wrist. Imagine the lifelong effect on the boy, his family and his society. Someone made and someone transported and someone laid that land-mine so, a question is, ‘Would each of those people (especially those working in the land-mine factory) have done that if they had been receiving The USI? And, contemporarily, if Russia had The USI, would Putin have been able to invade Ukraine? Regarding Afghanistan, if The USI had been implemented, could the Taliban have regained control? In any case, in Australia, the ubiquitous Survival-Income-Slavery (SIS) ‘land-mine’ afflicts (if not directly then indirectly) every citizen.]
Similarly, SIS has led to the Band-Aids of our Unemployment/Underemployment-causing Universal Minimum Hourly Wage (UMHoW) and Stigma-and-Harassment-causing income-Welfare systems, which jointly (let alone singularly) fail to eliminate Poverty yet ferment everything from mental-illness, which the Productivity Commission states costs $200 billion per year, to domestic violence to escapist substance abuse to theft and drug-crime.
As you may be aware, Survival-Income-Slavery (SIS) arose out of the Industrial Revolution when subsistence-farmers transitioned away from self-sufficiency to become income-earning factory-machinists, which meant they lost direct control over their survival needs. Thus, far from The USI being ‘something-for-nothing’, it should have been an Industrial Revolution inheritance, which, over the past 260 years, due to its absence, has exacted ever more ‘pounds of (our) flesh’ such as to be culminating in our SEE-in catastrophes.
And, regarding inheritance, if not for that from family, illicit-gain and the societal-all-in-this-together watershed known as the Industrial Revolution, where would, for example, any billionaire be? Indeed, where would any of us be? [Answer: Mostly, subsistence-farming.]
Via implementing ‘The USI-Reform’, within a decade, our SEE-in challenges will all but be stabilised and, within a generation, reversed.
Socio-Econo-Enviro[international/natural] (SEE-in) Reharmonisation
With the implementation of Citizen Empowerment Infrastructure’s (CEI) 5 guaranteed and unconditional cornerstones including via ‘The USI-Reform’, the Socio- is optimised and, with no Poverty and no Unemployment, the Econo-, rather than suffering the Jobs, Jobs, Jobs (Triple-J) politics distortion, returns to ‘exclusively efficiently producing and distributing the goods & services humans need/desire’. Among other things, the regions will boom – manufacturing will boom.
With the Socio- and Econo- automatically reharmonised, the manual prioritisation shifts exclusively to the Enviro- i.e.:
- The International-Enviro-
- The Natural-Enviro-.
First, the efficient Econo- will immediately, dramatically and automatically improve both.
Second, with the model’s success ensuring it self-exports:
- The developing world’s population will fall (a key natural-Enviro- saver) as people will no longer need large families for captive cheap labour and old-age pensions
- With Put/Xi no longer able to point at our Socio- problems, they will be permanently off-balance as their citizens pull-the-rug-out-from-under-them demanding, “We want that model too.”
Thus, returning to the natural-Enviro- – specifically Climate Change – out of Human-Organisation, Science & Technology (HOST), S&T such as solar panels and electric cars, though important, are comparatively less important than Human-Organisation’s Coopetitionism, particularly, ‘The USI-Reform’. This explains why nations are failing to achieve their Climate Change commitments – i.e. effectively, they are trying to swim against the current of their own suboptimal government-level systems.
And, should this be correct, the media organisation (and editor) that first champions ‘The USI-Reform’ will draw significant global historical kudos, which, for instance, may eclipse the Washington Post’s for its ‘Watergate’.
So, while this letter and these ideas may seem like a bit of a joke, isn’t it worth investigating?
Meanwhile, currently, most of those who want Universal Empowerment continue doubling-down on begging for nature-inconsistent Band-Aids.
Band-Aid Begging
Our Band-Aid begging includes:
- ‘Raise the Rate for Eternity’ – the resources wasted on this could have reforested the Amazon
- Raise Universal Minimum Hourly Wages (UMHoW) – our yearly circus where the main winner is the Orwellian Fair Work Commission
- Implement job-creation’s final solution of the transition-to-Communism-Mark-II Job Guarantee (JG).
[Notably, all of these entrench rather than solve Survival-Income-Slavery (SIS).]
Regarding the JG, in order to pay for it (and its bureaucracy) Government must tax the private-sector, which makes business less competitive, which means it employs less people, which means there is a requirement for more JG jobs, which means more taxation and so on. Hence, private enterprise is progressively all but taxed-out of existence such that the economy transitions toward Communism.
We note, though the ACTU, ACOSS, GetUp, the Greens & Anglicare advocate for it, still no journalist has asked Labor, “Do you intend to implement the JG?”
We also note, in The Australian (April 27), Geoff Chambers reported: ‘Opposition finance spokeswoman Katy Gallagher said Labor would abolish the government’s arbitrary Australian Public Service staffing cap and spend almost $500m under a first-phase “strategic reinvestment” to hire more frontline bureaucrats.’
So, is this the ‘first-phase’ of the JG?
Given we are still dealing with Communism Mark I’s dire remnants of Put/Xi, isn’t this concern relevant?
Regarding all 3 Band-Aids, they are as unnatural as Frankenstein. [We rightly glorify nature and seek to protect it yet our governing societal-systems are unnatural.]
In comparison, ‘survival’ and ‘inheritance’ represent nature’s core – i.e. by definition, there’s no life without survival and even our DNA-configuration is an inheritance.
So, as we plummet into the SEE-in abyss with millions in Australia and billions globally already Unnecessarily Suffering, we inhabit a short era in which we possess control enough to turn from the brink; however, we require at least one tenacious imaginative mainstream-news-media truth-seeker.
The Fourth Estate: The Mainstream-News-Media
The Socio-Econo-Enviro[international/natural] (SEE-in) catastrophe solution requires Fourth Estate leadership.
With democracy’s politicians usually (and rightly), more follower-than-leader, notwithstanding voters indicating their Big Picture desires, Fourth Estate leadership is vital.
Regarding the Australian mainstream-news-media, possibly, it’s the world’s best.
Nevertheless, unfortunately, its leadership-capacity is hobbled because:
- It doesn’t have a definitive Big Picture narrative, which means it’s flailing about confusing symptoms for causes while adding to the clutter rather cutting through and helping clear the decks
- Like society per se, journalism is intellectually-corrupted by Survival-Income-Slavery (SIS) – i.e. it mentally skews journalists, media companies and readers including such that they are preoccupied with Band-Aids and other distractions.
And yet, humanity’s mortal salvation requires a media-led societal-renaissance via a baton-change from the Fifth Estate to the Fourth.
Coopetitionism’s Baton-Change: From The Fifth Estate to the Fourth
The Fifth Estate: ‘groupings of outlier viewpoints such as non-mainstream media journalists, bloggers and social media contributors.’
In comparison to the Fifth Estate, the Fourth often has more credibility, trust, expertise and reach.
‘The Western (Coopetitionism) Model’ (including ‘The USI-Reform’) requires a baton change from the Fifth Estate’s CDO to the Fourth Estate such as The Age.
And, if our ideas are a ‘crock’ then it should be easy to intellectually dismantle – we invite your newspaper’s journalists and editorial to, in good-faith, let loose.
Certainly, while any flaws should be readily identifiable, after 4 years of exposing tens-of-thousands of economists, lawyers, bureaucrats, NGO-leaders, think-tankists, politicians and journalists (currently, 84 from The Age) etc. to the ideas, we’ve received zero-critical-analytical feedback as to any flaws – yes, the ultimate infinitesimal.
Yet, if there’s no flaw then there should be advocating for the policies; however, that hasn’t happened either.
This is curious because there’s nothing to fear from The USI and its abolition of Survival-Income-Slavery (SIS); on the contrary, like Universal Education, it will make us manifoldly more prosperous.
In order to achieve the vision of ‘optimised sustainable stability-prosperity’ such that humanity is saved from its culminating perfect storm of exponentiating Socio-Econo-Enviro[international/natural] (SEE-in) catastrophes, we need to optimise our societal-governance model.
The CDO proposes, ‘The Western (Coopetitionism) Model’, which, Survival Income Slavery (SIS) abolitionist, requires implementation of ‘The USI-Reform’.
This theory needs critical analysis, debate and, if it stands-up, advocacy, which, in our opinion, is best achieved via Fourth Estate leadership of which there’s no better example than The Age, particularly, The Age editorial.
Gay, in the interest of new ideas, debate and, given Paul Ross’ Senate candidature, Australian democracy, we hope these thoughts will be included in The Age’s ‘contest of ideas’. Perhaps the portion above titled ‘2022 Senate (Victoria) Candidate Paul Ross’ ‘Finish the Job’ Platform’ could be one of your ‘opinion articles’.
Thank you.
Best regards
Paul Ross
Founder, The Citizen’s Dividend Organisation (CDO)
2022 Independent-‘Independent’ Senate (Victoria) Candidate (‘vote 1 to 12 below the line’).