Nominate Australia’s only ‘USI-Reform’ Candidate
In order for ‘Paul Ross’ to appear on the 2022 Australian Federal Election’s Senate (Victoria) ballot, 100 Victorian registered voters are required as nominators.
If you are a registered Victorian voter and wish to nominate him, please download and print the Federal Election Nomination form above, fill-in your details, sign it and send it to:
Paul Ross
PO Box 9
Other registered Victorian voters are also welcome to fill-in and sign the same form.
[Please note:
- The short timeline – we need to receive it from you by Monday April 18.
- The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) does not accept electronic/digitalised signatures, which means it must be hand-signed and mailed to the address above.]
‘The USI-Reform’
‘The Universal Survival Income (USI) Reform’ consists of:
- $20,000 per year to every in-country non-jailed adult citizen (irrespective of whether or not they’re in paid-work and/or have other sources of income), which means someone currently earning $40,000 gross wage will receive around $60,000 gross income, and $5,000 per child to their guardian/s
- Increasing the GST to 20% full-breadth
- Vanquishing our current income-Welfare system – including abolishing Centrelink, Job Service Provider (JSP) contracts and Jobseeker payments
- Eliminating Universal Minimum Hourly Wages (UMHoW) – currently, $20.33 per hour – which permanently eradicates Unemployment/Underemployment and unleashes small/big business.
April 11, 2022
This letter is particularly for those Australians who are registered to vote in Victoria at the forthcoming Federal Election.
I, Paul Ross, humbly ask for your nomination so as to represent:
- In general, Coopetitionism – ‘the government infrastructuralisation of Cooperation first & foremost and Competition as the treasured second’
[Coopetition exists as rules-based sport, civil-debate & democracy and may be imagined as an efficient non-exploitative free-market economy.]
- Specifically, ‘The Universal Survival Income (USI) Reform’.
This is an explicit definitive difference to all other parties and candidates because it solves all our perfect storm of culminating exponentiating Socio-Econo-Enviro-[international/natural] (SEE-in) catastrophes.
That is, ‘The USI-Reform’ will abolish Survival Income Slavery (SIS), which will reharmonise society’s Socio-Econo-Enviro- (SEE) components including both the natural– and international– environments.
[Please note: Survival-Income-Slavery (SIS) arose out of the Industrial Revolution when subsistence-farmers transitioned away from self-sufficiency to become income-earning factory-machinists, which, in turn, meant they lost direct control over their survival needs. Thus, The USI should have been an Industrial Revolution inheritance.]
That is, with ‘The USI-Reform’ a PUSHE-eradicator – i.e. it eradicates Poverty, Unemployment, Stigma (the ‘dole-bludger’ narrative including its racist and disablist variants), Harassment (‘mutual obligations’) & paid-work-Exploitation (PUSHE) – there is no longer any need to distort the Econo- via the current unofficial national mission of Jobs, Jobs, Jobs (Triple-J) politics.
This means the Econo- returns to being for, ‘exclusively efficiently producing and distributing the goods & services we need/desire’ and this efficiency, together with PUSHE-eradication benefits, makes our society manifoldly wealthier.
Regarding business, it enjoys both increased demand (because people have more to spend) and lower costs – i.e. business isn’t directly paying The USI plus there’s less regulation (including no Universal Minimum Hourly Wages (UMHoW)), which, in particular, increases international competitiveness.
Regarding the macro-societal implications:
- The Econo- will return to being a subset of the Socio-
- With the Socio- (including the Econo-) automatically – i.e. infrastructurally – prioritised, the natural & international Enviro- can now be manually prioritised without fear the Socio- will be harmed – for instance, with Poverty and Unemployment permanently eradicated, determinations such as where our defence equipment is manufactured and how we use nature need no longer be distorted by Socio-Econo- considerations such as Jobs, Jobs, Jobs (Triple-J).
As mentioned, the timing to receive nomination forms is short – we need it in the post within a couple of days so we can receive it by April 18.
Thank you.
Best regards
Paul Ross
Founder, The Citizen’s Dividend Organisation (CDO)
Prospective 2022 Independent Senate Candidate (Victoria)
Paul Ross [2022 Prospective Candidate for the Australian Senate (Victoria)]
‘Be Coopetitionist’
The Coopetition Principle
The nature-consistent fusion of Cooperation (first & foremost) and Competition (the treasured second)
– such as in rules-based sport, democracy and a non-exploitative & efficient free-market economy.
Rather than Band-Aiding, use Coopetition systems to ‘clear the decks’ so any remaining issues are evident.
Mission: “Governance that maximises Australians’ Coopetition-contributive self-actualisation”.
Unique Heralded Triumphs
Infrastructurally solve our culminating perfect storm of Socio-Econo-Enviro- (SEE) catastrophes – i.e.:
- The Social – eradicate Poverty, optimise mental-health, minimize crime and maximise unity
- The Economic – return to efficiently & non-exploitatively producing that which we need/desire
- The natural Environment – perpetual sustainability yet with a booming unrivalled economy
- The international Environment – assured sovereignty of both Australia & its Antarctic territory.
Minimalist policy : Minimalist legislation : Minimalist government.
Signature Policy
Complete Citizen Empowerment Infrastructure’s (CEI) 5 ‘guaranteed and unconditional’ cornerstones:
- Universal Rule of Coopetition-maximising Law
- Universal Liberal Democracy
- Universal Education
- Universal Healthcare
- The Universal Survival Income (USI), which is ‘Survival Income Slavery’ (SIS) abolitionist.
With Australia already possessing robust versions of the first 4, we require only The USI – i.e.:
- $20,000 per year for every non-jailed in-country adult citizen
- $5,000 per year for each child (to their guardian/s)
- Pensioners over 661/2 years old and the disabled receive a no-disadvantage ‘top-up’.
The USI-reform consists of substituting The USI for both:
- Our current income-Welfare system (inc-Wel) – including abolishing Centrelink, Job Service Provider (JSP) contracts and Jobseeker payments
- The Universal Minimum Hourly Wage (UMHoW) – currently, $20.33 – which will permanently eradicate Unemployment/Underemployment and unleash small/big business.
The USI transfer is financed via:
- Eradicating the income-Welfare system, which means no gain-paid-work-lose-Welfare distortion
- Abolishing the tax-free threshold
- Extending the GST to 20% full-breadth
- The resultant massive ‘trim, taut and terrific’ efficiencies, which, akin to Universal Education, will more than double our effective-economy including via lowering non-GST taxes, minimising environmental destruction and maximising both Coopetition and citizens’ self-actualisation.
This is a PUSH-eradicator – i.e. it eradicates Poverty, Unemployment (and Underemployment), Stigma (‘the dole-bludger’ narrative including its racist and disablist variants) & Harassment (‘mutual obligations’) – which will end ‘jobs, jobs, jobs’ politics such that the Enviro- can, at last, be whole-of-society prioritised. Meanwhile, budget surpluses will arise from bureaucratic, Band-Aid, law-enforcement, mental-health & charity savings.
Also, it will revitalise rural & regional Australia and depressurise its cities because, regionally:
- The USI will go further and will increase demand for local business’ produce
- With a Survival Income & zero Unemployment, moving to the city for paid-work won’t be requisite
- With low-cost land and our employees transitioning into being the world’s most self-motivated, productive and (therefore) valuable, rural & regional manufacturing will thrive.