Neo-Coopetism: Optimally Civilisational Government
Vision: The perpetual ‘Fun-Fair’ of ‘universal sustainable Socio-Econo-Enviro-[international/natural] (SEE-in) stability-prosperity optimisation’.
[Note: Nature’s default ‘vision’ for a society is ‘survival-reproduction maximisation’; however, this may produce vision-self-damaging plagues. In the case of humanity, this is a particular danger because we are increasingly Science, Human-Organisation & Technology (SHOT) super-empowered. Nevertheless, potentially, via adopting the vision of ‘universal sustainable SEE-in stability-prosperity optimisation’, nature’s default vision can be transcended.]
In order for a human society to achieve the ‘universal sustainable stability-prosperity optimisation’ vision, it must do so across 4 broad ‘SEE-in’ domains:
- The Socio- – i.e. the citizen-specific such as mental-health
- The Econo- – a subset of the Socio- as, notwithstanding international trade, it is by citizens for citizens
- The Enviro-
- International
- Natural.
[Socio-Econo-Enviro-[international/natural] (SEE-in)]
And, in order to achieve its SEE-in outcomes, a society has just 3 tools (i.e. SHOT):
- Science – generalised understandings of nature
- Human-Organisation – i.e. including everything from governance to democracy to the economy to our health-system, schools & universities and from businesses to communities to families
- Technology.
Mission: Governance that optimises SHOT use & improvement so as to achieve vision-consistent SEE-in outcomes.
[Note: currently, our pseudo-national-mission is full-employment or, failing that, ‘jobs, jobs, jobs’.]
Core Values
Core Values: Minimise unnecessary suffering amongst citizens, foreigners and sentient-animals.
Strategy: Coopetition-maximising governance – i.e. implement Coopetition-maximising legislation and administer that legislation in a Coopetition-maximising manner.
Coopetition is defined as ‘Cooperation first & foremost and Competition the treasured second’ – such as in:
- Sport – i.e. Cooperation in the form of agreement on the rules, playing-field, umpires and, broader, ‘spirit of the game’ understandings then, within that context, all-out Competition;
- Civil-debate
- Democracy
- A non-exploitative & efficient free-market economy.
In nature – from bacteria to sentient-animals – Coopetition’s supreme formation is what we term a ‘society’.
In human affairs, Coopetition particularly relates to SHOT’s Human-Organisation – i.e. the optimal use & improvement of Human-Organisation.
Goals: Governance that maximises citizens’ ‘Coopetition-contributive self-actualisation’.
‘Coopetition-contributive self-actualisation maximisation’ (CoCoSAM) is achieved via governance that inspires and empowers:
- Citizens (and foreigners) to find and pursue their own Coopetition-contributive self-actualising path
- Citizens to inspire and empower other citizens (and foreigners) to find and pursue their Coopetition-contributive self-actualising path.
This projection of natural-morality encompasses the full-spectrum and full-magnitude of ‘human-rights’ – i.e. it systematises universal empowerment (including minority rights and women’s rights) in a manner infinitely more effective than any stand-alone law or set of laws including a ‘Bill of Rights’.
Objective: Government infrastructure – i.e. universal or societal-wide systems – that efficiently (i.e. minimally) non-invasively (i.e. without coercion or manipulation) maximises citizens’ desire and capacity to Coopetition-contributively self-actualise.
Action Plans
Action Plans: Government infrastructure that optimises inter-citizen Coopetition via optimising Human-Organisation so as to convert Science, Human-Organisation & Technology (SHOT) into optimal Socio-Econo-Enviro-[international/natural] (SEE-in) outcomes.
Government revenue – i.e. Taxation Infrastructure.
Government expenditure on SHOT to achieve optimised SEE-in outcomes:
- Physical Infrastructure such as roads, buildings, the internet etc.
- Metaphysical Infrastructure – i.e. Rule of Coopetition-maximising Law:
- Socio- Infrastructure – i.e. 5 citizen ‘Coopetition-Contributive Self-Actualisation Maximisation’ (CoCoSAM) RIDEH infrastructure’s ‘universal, unconditional and guaranteed’ cornerstones:
- Universal Rule of Personal & Property Security Law [R]
- Universal Subsistence Income (The USI) [I]
- Universal Liberal Democracy [D]
- Universal Education [E]
- Universal Healthcare [H]. [RIDEH]
- Econo- Infrastructure – i.e. competition law, company law etc.
- International-Enviro- Infrastructure – i.e. international interrelations including diplomatic and armed-force deployment.
- Natural-Enviro- Infrastructure – i.e. laws relating to waste disposal, chemical treatment and resource use etc.
- Socio- Infrastructure – i.e. 5 citizen ‘Coopetition-Contributive Self-Actualisation Maximisation’ (CoCoSAM) RIDEH infrastructure’s ‘universal, unconditional and guaranteed’ cornerstones:
Of these, Universal RIDEH infrastructure is the heart of Coopetition-maximisation because it directly empowers, engages and energizes every citizen to pursue ‘Coopetitively-contributive self-actualisation maximisation’ (CoCoSAM).
The RIDEH 5 cornerstone model is minimalist because each impacts the other such that if one is suboptimal (let alone absent), it detracts from the others – for example, absolute Poverty correlates with lower educational outcomes.
In Australia, while we already have robust versions of the first 4, The USI is absent.
To optimally rectify this, ‘The USI-Reform’ is required.
The USI-Reform
The economy should be a ‘Coopetonomy’, which ‘exclusively efficiently produces and distributes the goods & services citizens need/desire’; however, it is increasingly a ‘Squandonomy’, which exponentially squanders our potential Science, Human-Organisation & Technology (SHOT) productivity improvements via its increasing components of:
- Jobs-for-jobs’-sake paid-work
- Manage-the-Manufactured-Mess (Triple-M) paid-work.
Regarding the economy’s inefficiency, despite, since 1760, SHOT potential productivity improvements being perhaps 10,000-fold, Australia’s per person income is only 216 times more than Burundi, which is poorer than 1760 Britain.
Fortunately, without sacrifice, The USI-Reform pleasantly recalibrates our Squandonomy back into a Coopetonomy.
The USI-Reform consists of trading-in our Universal Minimum Hourly Wages (UMHoW) and income-Welfare systems for The Universal Subsistence Income (USI).
That is, The USI-reform consists of substituting The USI for both:
- Our current income-Welfare system – including abolishing Centrelink, Job Service Provider (JSP) contracts and Jobseeker payments
- The Universal Minimum Hourly Wage (UMHoW) system – currently, $21.38 – which will permanently eradicate Unemployment/Underemployment and unleash small/big business.
The suggested USI is:
- $20,000 per year for every non-jailed in-country adult citizen
- $5,000 per year for each child (to their guardian/s)
- Pensioners over 661/2 years old and the disabled receive a no-disadvantage ‘top-up’.
[Note: The disabled also receive a ‘top-up’ from the Health budget as per their health needs, which, because it’s minus The USI amount, has far less onerous application requirements – for example, instead of it being say $25,000 per year, it would be only $5,000.]
The resultant efficiencies include:
- The Socio-Econo-:
- Poverty, Unemployment (and Underemployment), Stigma (‘the dole-bludger’ narrative including its racist and disablist variants), Corruption (particularly, Developing World relevant), Harassment (‘mutual obligations’), paid-worker-Exploitation & excessive-business-Regulation (PUSCHER).
- Returning the economy to ‘exclusively efficiently producing and distributing the goods & services citizens need/desire’
- No obtain-paid-work-lose-income-Welfare distortion, which is beneficial to all citizens including business-owners – for instance, it means farmers will more easily find their seasonal-workers
- Booming business
- Motivated workforce, which, no longer subject to Subsistence-Income-Servitude (SIS), by definition, wants to be there
- Significant labour market deregulation, which increases their international competitiveness
- Increased demand (because incomes are up especially amongst the previously poor)
- Their personal USI, which is likely to be particularly important for small-business
- Lower taxes
- The Enviro-[international/natural]: With the Socio- (including the Econo-) optimally automated, this means the Enviro- (both international & natural) can be manually prioritised.
Regarding the government’s bottom-line, with The USI-Reform achieving an efficient economy, there are perpetual budget surpluses (and/or tax decreases) as:
- Tax revenues surge including due to business being regulation-unleashed and an end to the obtain-paid-work-lose-income-Welfare distortion, which means, among other things, farmers will get their seasonal workers
- Government expenditure plummets because, in addition to replacing most of our present inefficient income-Welfare system (already about 45% of The USI transfer), there are vast savings in charity (there’s no Poverty and no alienation), law-enforcement (there’s universal empowerment), health (including mental-health – the Productivity Commission says it costs us over $200 billion per year), bureaucracy (Centrelink will be closed), natural-environment rehabilitation (the Squandonomy is no more) and the end to jobs-for-jobs’-sake paid-work.
Solving Our Perfect-Storm of SEE-in Catastrophes
Currently, humanity is facing a culminating perfect storm of exponentiating Socio-Econo-Enviro[international/natural] (SEE-in) catastrophes.
This is because we haven’t transitioned from nature’s ‘vision’ of ‘survival-reproduction maximisation’ to the neo-Coopetism vision of, ‘societal sustainable stability-prosperity optimisation’.
With ‘society’ representing nature’s supreme form of Coopetition, when a society’s Coopetition status is structurally contradicted, this anti-Coopetism will either be transcended (i.e. solved) or, eventually, the society will split.
Currently, humanity is in the second-phase, which is evidenced via both increasing:
- Left/Right polarisation
- Identity-warfare fragmentation – currently, in Australia, an example is an attempt to constitutionally enshrine a race-based advisory body.
The predominant source of our Coopetism contradiction is The Universal Subsistence Income (USI) absence.
Email: civilisationism.org @ gmail.com
Twitter: @paulross2